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Project Director

Project Director

Work Experience

2003-TO DATE
• 2008: Isle of Wight Council. Interim Project Director for Highways PFI Project. Deliverables:
• Delivery and approval of project initiation document which included revised governance arrangements;
• Preparation and management of detailed programme for Outline Business Case delivery and Competitive Dialogue procurement with resourcing implications and project budget;
• Setting up project procurement for advisors;
• Stakeholder management including initial meetings with unions and staff;
• Set up risk log and initial risk workshop.
• 2008: Wigan Borough Council. Project Management Advisor for Wigan’s Waste Project. Deliverables:
• Delivery and approval of project initiation document; preparation and management of detailed programme;
• Managing delivery of waste management strategy and of strategic environmental assessment;
• Delivery of assessment for partnering and procurement options in preparation for delivery of Outline Business Case and management of delivery of technical options appraisal;
• Negotiation with Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority and assessment of partner option between Wigan and Manchester authorities;
• Delivery of OBC for PFI credits and assessment of alternative partnership arrangements with Greater Manchester WDA;
• Reports to Wigan Council cabinet and boards.
• 2008: Private waste development company, commercial advisor.
• Advising on site identification and commercial terms, including sale of sites with planning permission.
• 2007 – 2008: VT Group plc. Commercial advisor for waste PFI and merchant projects. Deliverables:
• Development of a strategy for VT to enter the waste sector, identification of locations for potential merchant waste facilities;
• Leading negotiation on a merchant waste project for VT, as a first step for this strategy, culminating in completion of a Heads of Terms between VT, ANZ Bank and VC organisation;
• Providing commercial review of the Wakefield waste PFI proposal addressing key financial, risk and commercial terms. VT is now the Preferred Bidder;
• Provided commercial review of VT’s Hereford & Worcester PFI waste project proposal, led discussions with Authority and challenged VT and Authority pricing;
• Provided commercial advice for VT’s Mersey Waste Disposal Authority waste PFI bid. This included a commentary on all contracts, payment mechanism and financials.
• 2007 – 2008: Skanska/Innisfree/Shepherd. Bid Director for consortium bidding £220m Barnsley Building Schools for the Future project. Deliverables:
• As consortium representative managed the delivery of the second stage PFI bid via Competitive Dialogue which included management of supply chain designing 4 schools, providing managed IT services and full FM services;
• Management of advisors providing legal and financial advice, including financing terms from debt funders and financial modelling;
• Led discussions with Authority on partnering and commercial aspects;
• Set up and reported to consortium investment board on progress, budget and bid deliverables.
• 2006 – 2007: Waste Recycling Group. Project Director for £340m Wrexham waste PFI project. The project had been in procurement for 7 years, I achieved financial close in 9 months. Deliverables:
• As project director led WRG’s team negotiating this waste PFI project with the Authority;
• Delivered options report and recommendations on how WRG could procure capital works. Delivered this for the Wrexham waste project;
• Responsible to WRG CEO and Board for achieving financial close, providing board reports, financial and risk position, technical solution and anticipated returns;
• Managed technical, commercial, financial and legal resources and led all the negotiations with the Council team and funder Nord LB (reached financial close May 2007).
• 2006: NewSchools Ltd (Innisfree). Strategic Advisor. Deliverables:
• Report delivered set out requirements for NewSchools when bidding Building Schools for the Future PFI projects as part of a consortium. This covered commercial issues, financial requirements and returns and resource requirements.
• 2005: £740m Wembley National Stadium. Strategic Programme Advisor. Deliverables:
• Initial assessment report. Interviewed WNSL directors and provided a realistic position statement for the project. Identified key management and programme issues.
• Final report with detailed programme for completion of project for May 2006 FA Cup Final. Held director workshops to get buy-in from parties and allow teams to understand issues being managed by other parties.
• 2005 – 2006: Her Majesty’s Courts Service. Interim Head of Financial Strategy & Planning for £1.5bn turnover Agency. Deliverables:
• Set up and implemented a strategic financial planning framework;
• Set out the principles and implemented a new funding allocation methodology for the funding for the seven regions;
• Managed the design and implementation of a new process for the payment of 27,000 Magistrates travel and subsistence allowances;
• Prepared a business case to reduce the resource expenditure required to run the HMCS business by up to 10% for negotiation with the DCA.
• 2003 – 2005: Partnerships for Schools, body responsible for delivering the Government’s £45bn Building Schools for the Future programme. Project Director. Deliverables:
• Liaised with Education Authorities (Local and Central Government), finance and legal advisors and providers.
• Worked with Lancashire County Council, Leicester City Council and Stoke City Council delivering options appraisals and outline business cases for submission to HM treasury for PFI funding. Lancashire & Leicester were awarded £260m and £230 PFI credits respectively; Stoke followed a traditional procurement route. Advised on commencement of procurement process and market testing.
• Developed the standard output specification for the BSF programme PFI contracts.
• Led the evaluation panel for PfS in the selection of Programme Management firms.
• 2003: Programme Manager – Grundon. Programme managing a complex energy from waste £200m PPP deal. This included managing the preparation and delivery of the EPC and O&M contracts, the financial terms and the power purchase agreement.
• February 2005 to date: Gateway Review Team Leader – OGC. Selected by OGC to be part of their panel of Strategic Advisory Consultants Services panel and on their Gateway Review Team Leaders Panel. Reviews carried out:
• M25 widening programme,
• the DCA investment & banking programme,
• Belmarsh East new prison and
• DFID St Helena Access programme (plans for an airport on this island in the middle of the Atlantic).
• Programme managing the delivery of financial advice to Transport for London with the objective of unlocking value from fixed assets. Managing tax and corporate finance advice to the client to achieve capital release within tight timelines.
• Advising Railtrack Administrators on the key issues, risks and way forward for Railtrack’s £20bn Major Project programme including reviewing the structuring and procurement options. The team Nick led brought consistency and commercial awareness to the management of the existing and planned projects. Nick had primary responsibility for setting up a revised project structure (along PFI/PPP lines) for a £60m project being undertaken by the SRA, Railtrack and Franchisee. Nick also instigated and led (for the Administrators) the negotiation of the General Development Agreement between Railtrack and the SRA which set out the framework for small enhancement projects.
• Provided technical and industry specific knowledge for a major professional services firm as part of a corporate recovery assignment. Specific areas covered included the transportation, industry, utilities and education business units.
• Due diligence for international construction company take over. Assessment of material civil contracts and risk assessment of tendered projects included in the target companies risk register, specific contracts included the CTRL Section 1, two Rail/Road bridges and a large waste plant.
• Business planning for the new UK athletics stadium to be provided for the 2005 IAAF championships. The assignment included evaluating revenue and capital generators, project costs and establishing a management structure for the stadium development as well as for the legacy stadium.
• Project management of the process to provide private finance for a UK local government owned airport. The process involved assessment of the options with a recommendation for a long term concession with an airport operator.
• As strategic project director for the Kings College UMDS merger project providing independent advice to the combined College teams of these £160m PFI funded new and refurbished medical facilities in central London. Preparation of reports for the joint project board and monitoring the financial and quality aspects for the Colleges.
• Responsible for project managing the delivery of new airport facilities at the new Hong Kong International Airport: Negotiated with the airport authority on terms of the franchise; Tendered and employed consultants to act as owner’s Representative; Negotiated with and engaged a design and build contractor for a GMP contract; Orchestrated management of moving a 24 hour a day and seven day a week fully operational process from an existing to a new facility.
• Also responsible for: Similar projects in Bangkok and Saipan but on a slightly smaller scale; Joint venture negotiations with Philippine Airlines and the renovation of existing facilities at Manila Airport; Managing the design and construction of ten new airport outlets in the extended Guam Airport; Negotiating with Korean Air for new facilities at the new Inchon Airport in Seoul.
• Responsibility for setting, controlling and monitoring budgets and reporting to Boards and shareholders for all of the Asian projects.
• Client representative for one of the five major contracts which formed part of the Lantau Fixed Crossing. Instigated a major extension to this project (HK$290m) which benefited Government plans for a proposed new fixed link for Route 3 linking Hong Kong to the Chinese border. Took over responsibility for a second major contract which involved design management of master control building for the LFC and two other sections of the expressway from Kowloon.
• Instigated a detailed overview of the interfaces between the major contracts forming the LFC to ensure access and handover arrangements were on target for completion.
• Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners
Responsible for the design management of an industrial and residential park for Eurotunnel Developments Ltd and redevelopment of Ashford for the proposed new International rail station, controlled project team.
• Southern Projects Limited
Responsible as client representative for fast track design and build WWTP refurbishment to meet EEC standards, led design team and ensured design and construction interfaced. Certification of construction costs, variations and preparation of final account.
• Pentacon Projects Limited
Responsibility to development syndicate for a £35m infrastructure development project and tendering for fast track design and construction contracts. Project cost control including assessment of construction costs, assessment and production of consultants’ fees, negotiation of construction and consultants’ costs.
• Roughton and Partners
Management of World Bank and ODA funded transportation, institutional and infrastructure projects in Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan and the Middle East. This required reporting to and discussion with funding agencies and client governments. Preparation of financial plans showing loan repayment schedule, revenue generation, funding arrangements, cash flows and allocation of funds for individual projects.
• Resident Engineer for World Bank funded Urban Management and Development Project (new water and electrical supply, drainage, streets and markets). Training of local staff, material identification and testing, reporting and claims assessment.
• Adviser to the Lead Arrangers for the Channel Tunnel project after award of the franchise. Production of cost estimates for the UK terminal, assessment and reporting of proposed contractual, quality and programme risks associated with the project.
Involved in the following projects: Ahmed Hamdi Tunnel, Suez; Solid Waste Transfer Station, London; Crossways Land Development Project, London; M67 motorway, Manchester; Orwell Bridge, Ipswich; Afgoi to Baidoa Road, Somalia.


• Chartered Engineer (CEng), 1981
• Sheffield University, UK (1974-1977)
BEng (Hons) Civil and Structural Engineering


Nick is an independent Project Director providing commercial advice on infrastructure projects in both Private and Public sectors. Current and recent assignments include: working with Wigan BC setting up their waste project and submitting an OBC, setting up the Isle of Wight Highways PFI project, the negotiation of a JV between VT Group, ANZ Bank and a start-up venture for delivery of merchant waste facilities, providing strategy advice and reviews of waste PFI projects being bid by VT Group. Previously he has led the closing of a waste PFI project for WRG, a BSF bid for Skanska and Innisfree, was Head of Financial Strategy for Her Majesty’s Court Services and was a founding Project Director for Partnerships for Schools. Prior to being self employed he spent six years as a consultant with Ernst & Young growing and leading the Strategic Programme Management team within the Real Estate Group. Nick’s skills can be summarised as follows:
• Programme delivery of complex programmes and transactions;
• Corporate and financial planning, restructuring and financial advice;
• Technical advice on large scale development and engineering programmes.
• PFI and Major programmes;
• Infrastructure: waste, education & transport;


English, Some French


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