Flex Manager
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Interim Manager

Interim Manager

Work Experience

Interim Management Assignments
December 2002 – Present
Have worked as an interim manager and advisor working with companies on a range of projects including:
• Advising an SMS infrastructure services company on expanding in to eastern Europe. Using our help and contact network they are able to double their SMS capacity in Europe.

• Developing a business model as well as a high-level technical and operational design for a company layering IP over fixed wireless access as a competitive product to DSL in southern Europe. Launching later they year, they will be able to compete with the incumbent telecommunications operator with a lower cost alternative offering the same quality and speed as DSL. In addition they will be able to deliver high quality customer service as well as the ability to turn-up new customers in a few hours (as opposed to the incumbent’s 60 days).

• Working with a manufacturer in Holland to move their high-quality production and production processes to Romania. With our help they have found the right facilities, management and supporting infrastructure to move their production while maintaining the high-quality, just-in-time production that they demand. They expect achieve a 75% reduction in production costs.

WorldCom International
March, 1994 – December 2002

WorldCom Operations & Technology EMEA
November, 2001 – January, 2003
Director, Business Planning
Manage group responsible for developing and maintaining operational business plan for EMEA. Function is also responsible for driving quality and process improvements in order to streamline the business and drive down cost while maintaining high degree of quality.

Selected key group achievements:
• Built first-ever EMEA operational business plan showing a detailed view of requirements, plans, financials and headcount requirements. This has already had a significant impact in allowing us to reallocate resources to maximize efficiency and optimize costs.
• Developed and refined with functional directors the year 2002 objectives and goals for network engineering. Continue to track and drive departments to meet financial and development objectives.
• Documented entire operational process workflow as it exists today. Developed strategic plan for process improvement effort and began implementation.

UUNET Technologies EMEA division of WorldCom
October, 1999 – November, 2001
Senior Manager, Planning and Program Management
Managed overall planning and program management department on an EMEA-wide basis.

Responsibilities of function and selected team accomplishments:
• expanding network in to 11 new countries
o Successfully launched Finland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Greece, Portugal and Israel.
o Prepared and finalized operational plans for Russia, Poland, United Arab Emirates, Kenya and Egypt.
• deploying new products
o Successfully launched complete IP based VPN, Internet access and web hosting product ranges.
• migrating customers and products
o Migrated over 3500 customers from 3 legacy billing & statistics collection systems to new EMEA standard platform.
• implementing new back-end systems
o Implemented major new billing & statistics collection system for all of EMEA to replace local legacy systems.
• managing large-scale network deployments
o Managed the implementation of additional network sections in the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and Spain.
o Managed the fourfold expansion of transatlantic network capacity
• analysis and development of processes and standards related to customer service.

In addition, a center of excellence in project and program management was maintained.

MCI WorldCom Advanced Networks division of WorldCom
(Acquired ANS Communications from America Online)
March, 1998 – October, 1999
Manager, Network Research and Analysis
Part of the international data networks group. Responsible for the global market research and competitive analysis function providing intelligence to product, sales, marketing and technical groups within the company.

ANS Communications division of America Online
June, 1996 - March, 1998
Product Manager, International
Charged with expanding domestic dial, data VPN and web hosting products globally. Duties included product planning, P&L ownership, marketing, customer support and project planning.

February, 1996 – June, 1996
Implementation Manager, AOLnet France
Charged with developing and building the network in support of AOL France. Worked and lived in Paris while building the function.

March, 1994 - February, 1996
Project Manager, Dial
Managed the rollout of the IP based dial-up networks throughout North America and Western Europe. Personally managed the installation of over 40,000 modems. Directed the rollout of networks in France, the UK and Ireland. Trained and supported German partner for central European rollout.

BMG Entertainment division of Bertelsmann A.G.
1989 – 1994
Network Manager (Voice and LAN/WAN)
Responsible for North American voice, video and data networks. Liaised with other regions globally to coordinate global infrastructure.

CSAM Marketing
1987 – 1989
LAN/WAN Group Manager
Responsible for LAN/WAN related activities of this small business based in Somerville, NJ. Managed group that evaluated network operating systems, proposed software solutions, consulted business customers and wrote specialty applications.

Kids "R" Us division of Toys "R" Us
1983 – 1987
P.O.S. Coordinator
Responsible for the management of all Point Of Sale systems within the division. Paramount to this role was the accuracy of P.O.S. data while maintaining high customer satisfaction levels.


University degree in Computer Science and Business


Internet, telecom, Telecommunicaitons, International product management, business development, business planning, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Strategic thinking, ogranization, Organisation, strategy, objectives, Operational management, IP, MPLS, IT, Systems, Global networks, European networks, VOIP, DSL, LMDS, Wifi, 801.11, 802.16, 802.20, production, Hungary, Romania, Cisco, Juniper, Movaz, SMS, UMTS, GSM, Dutch, Spanish, Hungarian, OSS, BOSS, CS, Customer Service, provisioning, service delivery, WISP, Project Managment, Program Management, Programme Management, Security, CEM


English, Hungarian, Dutch, Spanish


Director level Manager with 18 years expereience managing Operational Product Development, Business Process and Project Management groups in the Internet/Telecommunications sector with specialized expertise in central and eastern Europe.

Operational expansions in to new geographical and/or product markets. Development of business processes, systems, strategies and organizations for maximum effectiveness.


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