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Strategy and Technology Management

Strategy and Technology Management

Work Experience

2000-2002 PII Ltd. Newcastle, U.K. & Karlsruhe, Germany
An engineering services business with annual turnover of £140m, growth of 20% and 750 staff. The dominant provider world-wide of oil and gas pipeline inspection, using intelligent ‘pigs’, and related pipeline integrity management services.
A private-equity backed management buy-in from British Gas in 1998 – very successful as sale to General Electric completed in March 2002 (per 1998 timetable).
Group Technical Director
Responsible for execution of a $50m legacy contract for ‘pig’ development and delivery to a Russian inspection services provider. A high-risk contract, with a correspondingly high margin sought – and achieved (completed November 2001).
Responsible for Technology – R & D and engineering – with 90 people in Newcastle and Karlsruhe and an £8m budget. Reporting to the CEO; (non-voting) Board member.
Rationalised the Technology function (from 130 staff) and reorganised to (very successfully) integrate the UK and German activities, following acquisition of PII’s principal competitor, in Germany.
Delivered key development programmes: ‘pigs’ enabling inspection of certain types of pipelines for the first time (driving growth) and analysis software halving report delivery time (reducing cost, and improving service quality, thus maintaining PII’s price premium).
Initiated new developments deliverable in 2002, 2003 and 2004, securing PII’s technological lead over the medium term, in data acquisition (e.g. new electronics, new sensor technologies) and data processing (e.g. artificial intelligence, web-based delivery).
Re-balanced portfolio of partnerships, adding commercial partners to academic institutions, cutting development times and improving adherence to budget.
Contributed to development of PII strategy, and developed and implemented Technology strategy aligned with it e.g. created successful programme for consolidation, broadening and deepening of know-how needed for integrity management service provision, as an enabler for extension of PII activities from inspection to integrity management.
Responsible for technical training, maintenance and procurement.
Established the technical training function (for operations staff) – a key factor in sharp improvements in service quality in 2001 despite rapid growth in staff numbers.
Implemented a preventative maintenance programme at the operational bases in the UK and US that was another key factor in 2001 service quality improvements.

1996-2000 Arthur D. Little Ltd. London, U.K.
A global management and technology consultancy.
Manager, Strategy Practice
Examples of assignments led include:
Raising the profitability of a Belgian engineering concern, through reorganisation of 4 country divisions, rationalisation of the product range, improvement of project management efficiency, reduction of purchasing costs and tightening of controlling.
Developing a strategy, successfully implemented, for an engineering group producing advanced material components, mining equipment and pumps, and distributing power transmission components, to grow the manufacturing businesses by acquisition and to exit distribution.

1990-95 Sulzer Chemtech Ltd. Winterthur, Switzerland
A leading supplier of chemical and refining plant world-wide.
-95 Marketing and Sales Engineer
Prepared catalytic process technology for commercialisation – technology applications, marketing strategy, sales policy – and sold 1st production plant employing technology.
-92 Design and Development Engineer


1995-96 INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France: MBA
1986-90 Imperial College, London, UK: Ph.D. (Computational Fluid Dynamics)
1982-86 University College Dublin, Ireland B. Eng. (Mechanical) (1st class honours)


Track record of providing clarity of purpose and direction, championing corporate and operational goals and building a single team from workforces from different companies and countries, building trust between them, sustaining performance through company sale

Analytical Skills
Systematic, fact-based approach to technical, commercial, financial and people issues

Team Working
Track record of valuing and respecting diversity of experience, national and corporate cultures and background, in building / managing teams and working with peers. Addresses and resolves conflict

Performance Orientation
Uses corporate performance indicators as criteria in determining courses of action. Pushes self and others, keeping focus on business objectives.

Change Management
Track record of effecting major change: building enthusiasm for integration of workforces with one another, and acceptance of culture change from quality alone to time, budget and quality

Developing Others
Track record of enabling others to grow by providing challenging assignments and frank feedback

Experienced in preparing and making board-level presentations, and in creating and sustaining formal and informal dialogue with workforce, peers and principals / owners


English - mother tongue), German – fluent (daily use); French – good working knowledge


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