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HR Manager, Finance Manager, Project Manager

HR Manager, Finance Manager, Project Manager

Work Experience

Actual Employer : BIAC

Job Title : HR Project Manager (Consultancy assignment)

Duration : From 2000 to present

General Areas of responsibilities and major key tasks


To assist the HR Executive Vice-President in his total executive function, especially in the daily management of the Department, in the treatment and follow-up of dossiers and in the co-ordination with other departments.

To be the Project Leader in a series of HR related projects from Analysis to Implementation:
Implementation of PeopleSoft Version 8 (web based) to support the overall HR Strategy and to associate line management and Personnel in the daily HR operations through self-services.
Implementation of SP-Expert to support the operational departments in the planning and follow-up of the regular and irregular working schedules
Implementation of a PC-Privé project : finalized in MAR 2001 with a subscription rate of 48%

To support the HR EVP in the fields of Compensation & Benefits and Salary Administration: HAY Analysis, Collective Agreement negotiations, development of Balanced Scorecards, Analysis of Overtime and Sickness, development of standard HR policies, execute HR benchmarks, Euro conversion, definition and calculation of an early retirement program, preparation of the privatization of the Company…

To be the responsible for the HR and Personnel Budget and act as the liaison between HR and Finance

Main Achievements:

Assistance General Management

This concerns the daily support of the HR EVP in all aspects: from taking the lead in specific Workgroups, creation of Group HR Policies, hands-on problem solving to prepare and give presentations to the Management Team and the Executive Team about new projects and issues


PC-Privé: finalised in MAR 2001 with a subscription rate of 48%

Collective Agreement: signed in APR and in MAY 2001 where my role was to analyse and work out the different scenarios and to create different optimised packages in conjunction with the HR EVP

HRIM: Choice of the HR Package (PeopleSoft) finalised in DEC 2000, Implementation process actually ongoing with a pilot phase in Q4 2001 and a life version in Q1 2002

Rostering: Choice of the package (SP-Expert) in MAR 2001, Implementation process to be started in JUN 2001

Creation of HR Info, HR Scorecard and HR processes tools


HR and Personnel Budget created in NOV 2001, with ongoing support to Finance in regard with all financial matters.
Previous Employer Nr 1: Belgacom

Job Title : HR Vice President, Staff Group

Duration : From 1997 to 2000

General Areas of responsibilities and major key tasks


To assist the General Manager in his total executive function, especially in the daily management of the Division, in the treatment and follow-up of dossiers, in the co-ordination with other divisions, in the preparation of internal and external communication events, speeches and presentations.

To be the Project Leader in a series of HR related projects from Analysis to Implementation.

To be the HR responsible for HR in charge of the coordination and follow-up of all HR related matters between HR Personnel, HR Directors and the related Regional Service Center and the related Divisional Coordination Unit.

To be responsible for The Divisional Coordination Unit for CAR, MKI, RTI, MTM and COM (1000 FTE) with the support of 2 DIVCO Managers and their Team (6 people)

Member of the Steering Committees of the New Comp & Ben package for the 2500 Management functions, the new incentive package for the 2500 Sales people and the Activity Based Costing project.

To be the Financial Manager for HR with the support of a Budget & Reporting Manager (Budget of 372 Million €)

To be,as the Strategy Integration Group Manager for HR, the strategy expert of the division and co-ordinate the strategic planning process of the division in close relationship with the other members of the Strategy Integration Group (SIG)

To be the Management Cockpit Officer for HR and the Divisional HR

To be responsible for the HR Scorecard linked to the ExCo Reporting

To be responsible for the Ideabox Project with the support of the Idea Box Team (5 people)

To be the Coordinator of the Belgacom Awards.

Main Achievements :

Assistance General Management

This concerns the daily support of the General Manager – group Human Resources in all aspects : from taking the lead in specific Workgroups, creation of Group HR Policies, hands-on problem solving together with the other Directors, preparing and performing presentations for the GLC and the ExCo, advising the GM on HR Strategies and organisational issues, …

Project Management

Ideabox :

Creation of a Group-wide Suggestion system for the Personnel. Conceptualization, creation of the support Team, implementation of the project and further coaching of the Team realized during 1998. A benchmarking performed with KPN and Deutsche Telekom.

Substantial Return on investment realized in 1998, the 1st operational year: Net Annual Result of 421 MBEF with a team of avge 3.5 FTE (return which is 70% higher with proportionally 6 times less staff as benchmark champion KPN). This good result is mainly due to the commercial approach in this Project (use of standard marketing techniques).

Objective for the Year 2000 : to reach an Annual Net Result of 1 Bio BEF.

HR Management Cockpit :

Creation of a 100 % HR “War Room” based on the concept of Prof. Patrick Georges from K.U.L.

This action driven tool being physically present in the office of the General Manager and linked through the network to the Divisional Strategic Indicators is giving an effective leverage to the GM.

The basic principle of the Cockpit is related to the Balanced Scorecard approach.

Social Network Analysis :

SNA is a study and methodology aimed at bringing the informal networks within companies into focus. Informal networks can speed the course of change processes greatly, activate problem-solving, aid team-work and influence decision-making. They can, however, also block information or hinder co-operation, make teamwork impossible and make change processes come to a dead end. Central people in an organization can act as information broker or as a bottleneck.

SNA delivers the opportunity to get to know the informal networks so that they can be used to intensify the strategic efforts within an organisation.

In May ‘97 a total group of 140 Level 1 personnel within the HR Community filled in a Survey wherethey defined their regular contacts according to eight different networks :
Strategy, Decision Making, Work, Social, Expertise, Change, Problem solving, Customer oriented.
An in depth analysis was done to analyze the communication structure in a horizontal/vertical way.

HR Vice President Staff Group

Massive data cleaning operation performed in DEC ‘98- FEB ’99.

Start of a more open and individual communication towards personnel to reduce the reluctance from personnel towards HR

Excellent results from internal Satisfaction Survey performed in MAR ’99 after 6 months of operation.

Finance Manager HR

Creation of a Monthly Financial Reporting Tool, 130 MBEF costs removed from HR Budget in 1998.

Increased cost awareness at HR Director’s level (reduction of operational HR Budget with 20%)

Clear and complete financial and strategic presentations to the Executive Committee in the overall process of the Strategy Integration Group.

Member of Resource Allocation Council and Member of Steering Committee of Tabasco (Towards Activity Based Costing)

Former Employer Nr 2 : Lic - Cebelor (Market leader in Orthopaedic Products, staff of 200 people)

Job Title : Finance & Administration Manager, HR Manager

Duration : From 1992 to 1996

General Areas of responsibilities and major key tasks


Definition and implementing of all procedures for Accounting, Administration, IT and Personnel

Responsible for the evaluation of staff of the above mentioned Departments (16 People)

Accounting and Finance

Responsible for general and analytical Accounting with final responsibility regarding the reporting package

Management of Finance and liquidities : follow-up of international cash-traffic, Accounts Receivable, all contacts with Banks and all internal and external reporting

Responsible for budgeting, forecasting, three-year plans

Responsible for the accounting follow-up of the Purchase department (Supplier Accounting)

Responsible for the implementation of Cost Accounting Routines in preparation of a fully integrated Activity Based Costing approach.

Sales Administration

Manage and follow-up of the Sales and General Administration (5 regional Offices)

Responsible for a commercial and effective support to the Sales Team

Information Technology

Manage the overall IT Environment of the Company

Responsible for the definition of an IT Policy

Organization and co-ordination of IT projects

Responsible for the identification and analysis of IT needs in the Company and to propose adequate solutions

Supervision of Maintenance and implementation of transactions by external Consultants

Responsible for Data Access Security measures

Responsible for the training of Users with the assistance of external firms

Responsible for follow-up of the effective use of IT tools

Personnel (since 01/12/1994)

Manage the daily operations in the Personnel department

Supervision of Personnel Administration and the Salary calculation (through a Social secretariat)

Analysis and follow-up of the Salary-mass

Responsible together with the General Manager for optimising the Human Resources Strategy and to create effective internal communication Channels

Responsible to define internal organisational needs, to analyse recruiting needs and to give assistance with career planning, raises, promotions

Responsible for all contacts with the Trade Union representatives in case of structural changes, conflicts or particular demands.

Responsible for all Training and Motivational schemes in the Company

Responsible to execute recruiting procedures

Responsible for follow-up and implementation of the Evaluation procedure and to give the necessary assistance.

Member and Deputy-Chairman of the Workers Council

Member of the Health and Safety Committee

Chairman of the International Economy Workgroup of the “Code of Practice” in preparation of the ISO 9002 Qualification

Main Achievements :

Implementation of a monthly Financial Blue Book with analytical data per Profit centre and per Product Line with detailed financial comments

Implementation of a monthly Monitoring Tool with performance data and evaluation graphs of the 30 Commercial Technicians

Creation of several Management Statistics where links are established between relevant data to give vital information about the evolution of the Company

Analysis, implementation and follow-up of an in depth EDP project with replacement of all hardware and software :

Fully centralised Client-Server architecture with decentralised access via leased lines for the regional branches

Reliability through RAID technology

Flexible and interlinked database-structure

Shop Floor Control and vital statistics which were used to bring down the lead-times per Product Line and to cut costs.

Analysis of the actual Carfleet (35 vehicles) and proposition of an alternative solution with similar comfort and safety at a significant lower cost

Former Employer Nr 3 : Hewlett- Packard Belgium

Job Title : PSO Administration Manager

Duration : From 1990 to 1992

General Areas of responsibilities and major key tasks

Manage the PSO Administration group

Participate in the Support Administration and PSO meetings

Manage PSO Administration activities

Manage registration, invoicing, cost distribution of Customer Training activities

Responsible for order Processing and Billing of Consulting and Projects activities

Develop and Implement HP Consultline and Bundle Products follow-up

Implement and develop Projects activities follow-up

Develop “Business Analysis” in relation with PSO needs

Responsible for WAR closing and generation of end of month Reports and Results

Be the focal point for revenues and cost follow-up of Agreements in the PSO Organisation

Responsible for Cost Location 6601/00

Participate to the bi-annual Pricing of PSO in collaboration with PSO Management and Pricing Specialists

From 01/01/1991 on permanent member of the European Support Process Owners in Geneva :

Main responsibility : during 6 international meetings a year represent the following countries :
Benelux, North Africa, Turkey and Greece and define and implement
European Process standards in preparation of the ISO 9000 qualification.
Main achievements :

Development of a monitoring tool for EDP hardware and Consulting Projects with a life-cycle going from 1 to 3 years : Excel Tool based upon the Percentage of Completion method to avoid cost deviations and to follow-up the overall profitability of a Project.

Development of a monthly MIS Tool to follow up the activities of the System Engineers, the Education Centre and the Project Centre.

Development of a Monthly Financial Blue Book with in depth financial analysis of the key figures of the above mentioned Departments.
Former Employer Nr 4 : F.M.S.B. (largest sick-fund of Belgium)

Job Title : Head of the Financial Administration

Duration : From 1987 to 1990

General Areas of responsibilities and major key tasks

manage the financial administration which consists of 9 departments and 67 employees :

General Administration



Insurance Administration Employees

Insurance Administration Workers

Insurance Administration Independents

Hospitalisation Administration

INAMI Inspection

Document Handling and Filing

Overall People management responsibility (hiring and firing) with timely evaluation rounds

Responsible for the overall turnover of these departments : 150 Million €

Manage the IT environment of the departments

Responsible for the definition and implementation of all transaction-analyses

Follow-up and manage the Programming Team working for these departments (3 programmers and 1 senior programmer)

Responsible for the central databases relevant for the departments (data regarding the 460.000 members of the sick-fund)

Responsible for the definition, follow-up and financial analysis of relevant key figures

Responsible for budgeting , forecasting and liquidity reports

Responsible for reporting to General Management

Responsible for all contacts with external control organisations (INAMI, Tax, Auditors)

Main achievements :

Definition and implementation of a Document Digitalisation Project which included the scanning of all documents at their arrival with immediate digital dispatching of these documents towards the authorised users for further handling. Gain for the departments : 5 days shorter lead-time in the handling of all incoming documents and a higher effectivity of the users through a fully digitised Customer File.

Definition and implementation of the new regulations to obtain the Social Security Magnetic Card through fully automated Program that checks the Assurance rights according to the different types of beneficiaries.

Less social disturbance through a new and more open communication with the staff.

Former Employer Nr 5 : I.B.M. Belgium

Job Title : Technical Translator (level Systems Engineer)

Duration : From 1984 to 1987

General Areas of responsibilities and major key tasks

Translation from English to French and Dutch of Technical Manuals, Maintenance Messages and Menus for Maintenance Engineers regarding System/36, System/38 and Telecommunication

Follow-up and checking of the Printing Process; contacts with the Printing Firm etc...

A full training at the level of Systems Engineer was given to be able to understand in full the technicalities of the above mentioned systems.

On several occasions we were asked to


Licentiate in Romance Philology (French litterature)


English, French, Dutch


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