Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
21218 professionals


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(interim) manager

(interim) manager

Work Experience


Nov 2005 present Domestic Violence Project Officer
South Eastern Sydney Area Health

2003 - Oct 2004 Case Manager
Community Options
Hope Healthcare

Jan 03 - June 03 Interim manager
Home Care Kennemerland

Jan 02 - June 02 Interim Case Manager
Office for Youth Care

April 00 – Jan 02 Manager Refuge
HVO-Querido, Amsterdam

Aug 98 – April 00 Selection Officer
Department of Individual Decisions
Ministry of Justice, The Hagae

May 97 – Aug 98 Social Worker
Daycentre for Forensic Youth
Paedologisch Instituut, Amsterdam

May 90 - May 97 Social Worker
Mental Health Centre Amsterdam
Inpatient unit and memory clinic



M.A. Social Sciences: Policy, Communication & Organisation
B.A. Social Work


June 2002 LEADR registration Mediation Course
ADR Sydney

Sept 95 – Aug 99 Policy, Communication and Organis.
Faculty of Social & Cult. Sciences
Free University, Amsterdam

July 98 – Aug 98 Financial Accountancy
University of California, San Diego

Sept 92 - July 93 Advanced Management for Non-profit
Institute for Social & Cultural
Sciences, Leiden

Sept 84 - July 88 Social Work
Hogeschool Oost Nederland, Hengelo

Short courses

Extended course psychopathology
Network therapy
Directive therapy
Support groups
Treating depression Dealing with aggression
Computer courses


· Managing a Refuge & Home Care Organisation

· Advising social workers about family crisis situations (child abuse, violent husbands, immigration issues)

· Supervising social workers, child workers, group workers, managers

· Advising about residential treatment centres for youth

· Working in a daycentre for youth

· Working with systems: youth and their parents, people over 65 and their children

· Writing reports (for treatment, counselling, court, organizations)

· Giving information about psychiatry, Alzheimer’s disease, treatment for youth, difficult behavior & detention centres.Working with psychiatric people in a detention treatment centre

· Working with family support groups (clients with alzheimer’s disease)

· Educating future psychiatrists and psychologists to work with family support groups


Dutch, English, French, German


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