Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
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Sales Leader

Sales Leader

Work Experience

30-year career in IT. More than 20 years consistent over-goal Sales, Sales Manager & Director (incl. Wang, Informix); Growth and recovery (e.g. $7m to $30m p.a. ’96-2000; successive record sales quarters Q4 & Q1 ‘06); Team building and leading to success (all people to Club, all years); W/W sales and account director success; Complex, “outside the square” and door-opening sales; Start-up and early stage company experience; Created & implemented successful Partner and Direct sales strategies for wide variety of ICT companies in UK, US & Europe; created and delivered high-impact sales coaching programmes. Several successful Interim engagements.


TAS, Solution Selling/Customer Centric Selling (coach in this): Zenger Miller (qualified trainer), LDL: Leadership Skills. Developed & delivered my own “Sales Coaching” and “Sales Process Understanding for Senior Execs” courses. Academic: 3 ‘A’ levels; 6 ‘O’ levels: Accepted at Newcastle University for marketing degree but chose instead to go to work.


A well-experienced & successful hands-on Interim or Permanent Sales Director. Leader & Coach of Sales teams to over-goal performance. Great Sales Planning and Sales Process implementation skills




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