Flex Manager
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Work Experience

Strategy and Focus Assessment

Carl MBA-UCLA (56 yrs) P&L responsible; operationally involved a.o. in the HRM; the Finance; the Production and the Marketing / Sales in:
(a) General Manager east-European Countries, based in Vienna, for the American company Gould (industrial equipment);
(b) Managing Director PR-China based in Peking-Shanghai, for Gould (industrial equipment);
(c) General Manager Latin America based in Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo, for the Dutch company Oldelft (military electronics).
(d) Managing Director Spain, based in Barcelona, for Alcoa Inc. (aluminium extrusion)
(e) Director Business Development West-Europe, based in Amsterdam for the Dutch company Claessens (HRM).

My focus is to continuously maximise the production of profitable revenues.
With the actual organisation's resources, I generate profitable revenues by my method of coaching Leadership and by my Focus-assessment, pursuing on changing attitude and behaviour of management and employees, making the company more adaptive to market changes and turning market volatility to the advantage of the Organisation.

To achieve the results promised by the business Strategy I do bring the various departments and levels of the company into alignment behind that strategy.
I do implement the mechanisms to cascade and instill the strategy down through the Organisation, so that the business plan keeps its momentum, overcoming the friction and inertia that sets in as employees are forced to leave their existing level of comfort.

More important, I am defining the way to institutionalise business value creation.
I do recognize that it is no longer possible to predict change or future, and instead I am focussing on strategies and operational tactics for building the capacity to respond.
Change is not new, but the rapid pace of change is. Likewise the trend is shifting from accelerating cycle-time to accelerating response-time; from structural efficiency to structural flexibility; and from owning assets to influencing assets across the extended value-chain.
This represents a fundamental change in mind-set.

The final and most important element is not to plan, budget, forecast, report, or reward, but to act; to manufacture products; perform services, or serve customers; to create income; and to earn profits. All other functions and processes should exist to ensure that employees are carrying out the right activities and have the resources they need to succeed.
In short, management must establish clear strategic goals and must translate these goals into specific actions.

My approach covers both core (fundamental) and advanced techniques, broken up into separate modules. I do combine the top-down process with a bottom-up approach that enables employee’s to bring their local knowledge into the process. Such a flexible approach helps to build employee's ownership and motivation. This unique approach to human resources: rather than cutting people, retain them. Incent them. Help them like their jobs, and they'll increase the productivity, product and service quality, and customer satisfaction, all of which drive long-term shareholder value.

Ultimately, everyone knows his or her goals and is accountable for achieving them. The growing motivation and increasing involvement of the employees is the best guarantee for the success.

Providing operational leadership and structural changes, I am available for a new national / international assignment, ready to relocate. I have a highly developed capability to pick up the essentials rapidly due to my broad international experience, geographically as well as product wise.


1970 - University of California Los Angeles- MBA Business Development;
1967 - Vrije University of Amsterdam – BA Physics & Mathematics;
1964 - Barlaeus Gymnasium Amsterdam – bèta.

Assessments and psychological tests were undertaken :
1997 – Ministry of Economic Affairs (European Stock Exchange on Internet);
1992 – LTP Psychological tests;
1985 – Alcoa Test Institute Pittsburgh / Penn.

Test results : Each time I was selected for the relevant assignment.


Courses Rotterdam School of Management – Interim management;
Cap Gemini – advanced Project management / Prince2;Origin – Erp automation: ISAH 7 and PSA; Ernst & Young – Activity Based Costing ; KUB University Tilburg – Business valuation / CashFlow Management;AEX Amsterdam Exchange – IPO preparation and requirements.


Dutch, Spanish, English, German, French


I do assign my results and success to my ability to coach and lead my personnel and the serious interest I have in the development of the individual.

1./ manufacturing background:
a. I do have more than fifteen years of operations management experience dedicated to leading multi-site manufacturing operations for large corporations (Alcoa and Optical Industry Oldelft), utilizing progressive management philosophies and sophisticated systems and strategies;

b. I do have have developed and built manufacturing organizations, processes and procedures to support strategic direction; redesigning and establishinging work standards with direct responsibility for production and inventory control in various manufacturing environments (Argentina - Spain - Italy).

c. I do have successful manufacturing management experience, which encompasses directing quality, manufacturing engineering, machining, assembly, warehousing, and distribution; ISO certification and ERP.

d. I did have responsibility for materials management and production scheduling and an understanding of how information systems are used to support these activities.

e. I do have coordinated and managed start-up manufacturing location and green field sites (Argentina); completed cost analysis and justification process for site selection (Alcoa).

2./ General
a. I do have the ability to thrive in an autonomous role that requires high visibility, strong influencing skills and personal strength, as well as effective decision making, combined with a strong work ethic and a sense of urgency.

b. I do have a thorough knowledge and understanding of cost accounting and finance coupled with a good business sense.

Sideline, additional job
2002 –april / december
Supervisory board member / Non-executive (advisor) director of an international steel processing company, turnover €. 18,0 milj. – 116 employees.

2002 – since january / present
Independent Representative ACN.Inc.-Telecom, directly involved and responsable for the realisation of a representative network. The activity is based on the liberalisation of the Telecom Market and is preparing its network for the moment of liberalisation of the Energy (gas – electra) Market.

Business experience
2002 – october / present
Full-time contract as Operations Manager a.i. of the Intervect Group, P&L responsible for the production / sales activities in the Netherlands, Italy, Hungary and Asia (PR China – Korea - Japan).
Shareholders are venture capitalists 3-i (UK) and Ratos (Sweden).
Specialised in Hoists, Material Lifts and Transportplatforms for Industrial- and Constructions application.

2002 – august / 2002 – october
Full-time contract for three months, based in Nürnberg-Germany.
Non-executive Director a.i. german Dealerorganisation specialised in elevator-installations.
Situation: Rapid growth of sales, unreliable deliveries form the main supplier; and a high rate of personnel change. The profit turned into loss, Turnover €. 142,- milj. / headcount 481.
Task: To negotiate with the existing supplier; select and conclude supply-contracts with new suppliers; reengineering of the organisation; implement the adeqaute HRM management and make the organisation profitable.
Action: New potential suppliers are selected, and negotiations are started; Organisation is adapted to the new style of market approach.
Results: Negotiations with the existing supplier has led to better contracts. A number of key-personnel that earlier left the company expresed their interest to return under the new management style. It is justified to expect that the last quarter 2002 will bring back the profitability.

2000 - november / 2002 - june (extended contract period)
Director a.i. VDB-Holding, a full-time contractual assignment.
VDB-Holding is, since 1998, Holding of 3 companies focussed on the office- and project furniture market, production – distribution and sales. Shareholders are a.o the Venture Capital organisations as NIB Capital / NPM / ABN*Amro.
Situation : the merger between the 3 companies has not been realised.
Personnel: 573 – Turnover: $ 245 milj.
Task : To provide leadership to drive the sales force including participating in the sales meetings, planning sales approach, coaching, counseling and training sales management to profitably sell across a variety of market setting.
1. / As director a.i. of the Holding, with full P&L responsibility, to construct the merger and to realise the advantages of the synergy between the 3 companies.
2./ As director a.i. of one of the 3 companies to replace the former director and to improve the organisation structure and motivation of the employees and implement ERP automation.
Result : radical adjustment of the organisation structure; accelerated joining of the companies; implementation of ERP automation within 10 months; implementation of ISO certificate within 10 months.

2000 / march – 2000 / november
CCO / Interim Director Marketing & Sales Essent Kabelcom; full P&L responsibility (2nd large cable company in the Netherlands), full-time contractual assignment.
Project : Marketing & Sales is responsable for the introduction of telecom services, Internet/Intranet – Voice- Datacommunication.
Personnel: 380 – Turnover: $ 389 milj.
Task : Full responsibility for meeting or exceeding organisations sales revenue, consistent with profit objectives. Reformulate and implement the businessplan and update the productplans for 2000; presentation of budgets for the years 2001-2002-2003; business re-engineering; international expansion.

Result :
- The presented customer relation plans and productplans with the relevant budgets are approved for implementation;
- The international expansion had to be postponed due to political implications;
- The productmanagement department was re-engineered and in total moved towards the city Zwolle, centrally located in the Essent working area.

1997 / january –2000 / march
Independant consultant / Project Manager P&L responsible - Chairman Steering Committee / Task Force European
StockExchange on Internet, based in Amsterdam NL.
Members: 18 – Budget: $ 3 milj.
Project : To prepare and to establish the StockExchange for SME's on Internet, as a marketplace on its own right.
Task : Providing direction to achieve established goals and objectives i.e. facilitating the acquisition of risk-capital for the SME's, Europe wide.
Action : Marketresearch – tuning in with the Ministry of Finance; the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the
Securities Board of the Netherlands / STE.
Result : On invitation of the Ministry of Finance I have submitted the concept application for StockExchange
recognition according the European Directives, focussed on SME’s and private investors.

Director Business Development Claessens Holding (HR-specialists)
Director business development and expansion; P&L responsible, based in Utrecht NL.
Situation : conservative product oriented approach of the market; leaning strongly on old sucesses; losing the direct link with the actual market developments.
Personnel: 256 – Turnover: $ 150 milj.
Task : to implement a more commercial attitude and customer oriented market approach.
Action : starting up a new subsidiary according new principles of market approach.
Result : the new office became rapidly the best profitable of the total of 10 offices; this was followed by the appointment of Director Business Development in the Holding.

Extrudal S.A. Spain Division Alcoa (aluminum extrusion)
General Manager Spain; full P&L responsibility, based in Barcelona (off.) / Tarragona (fact.) – SP
Personnel: 410 – Turnover: $ 380 milj
Situation : Alcoa wants strategical expansion in south-Europe.
Task : to establish a new Alcoa location in south-Europe via acquisition or greenfield.
Action : my mission presented to the government in Madrid; discussed in detail with the President of Cataluña, Jordi Pujol. Alcoa followed my advise to acquire an existing aluminum extrusion factory.
Result : Factory Extrudal SA was acquired as the base for the Alcoa expansion in Spain.

Optical Industry Oldelft Military division / General Manager Latin America; P&L responsible,
based in Buenos Aires – ARG.
Situation : Oldelft is searching for new markets for its medical- and military devices.
Personnel: 110 – Turnover: 185 milj.
Task : to elaborate the markets in Latin-America, from Argentina up to Mejico, for sales of the various products.
Action : after two market surveys decided to establish in Argentina (best facilities for local assembly).
Result : increasing turn-over particularly of the military devices.

Gould Statham Industrial-Medical Electronics / Managing Director PR-China; P&L responsible, based in Beijing - PR China. Participation on an international Trade-Fair was planned for 3 weeks. The sales opportunities I created caused the prolongation of my stay to two years.

Gould Statham Industrial-Medical Electronics / General Manager Eastern Europe; P&L responsible,
based in Vienna – AU.
I delivered a case-study about the market possibilities in the original east-European countries for the medical-
and industrial apparatus of Gould Statham; consequently it was decided that I should implement the outcomes
of my report. After two years it was justified to open a sales office in Vienna.

Special expertise
International business development and Finance, quality control and compensation and benefits management

Management style
Analytic and persistent; participative

- willingness to share information and ideas
- commitment to teamwork
- responsiveness to change
- ability to work under pressure
- willingness to take calculated risks without fear of consequences
- multicultural experience and ability to speak multiple languages
- ability to communicate clearly and honestly with peers, managers and customers
- understanding of business strategy and how you create shareholder value

Business environment experience
- Ability to work effectively in an unstructured environment, with both hands-on and strategic approach;
- Focussed on Customer Relation; Rapidly changing environments, high tech, energy; production environment;
- People manager / empowerment / results oriented; - Innovative / bottom line oriented.

Languages, in sequence of fluency :
Dutch (mother tongue); Spanish; English; German; French

Geographic preference
No preference; Ready to relocate, national or international


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