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Consultant corporate real estate

Consultant corporate real estate

Work Experience

2004- independent corporate real estate
2000-2004 Large international consulting firm, corporate real estate
1999-2000 Deloitte, corporate real estate
1998-1999 Franken en Onstenk architects, designer

Assignment History

• Dutch Ministry: research on market rates for building design and tender related services, to be compared to internal costs, for the purpose of possible outsourcing of services;
• International manufacturer of sauces and soups: valuation of production location in Utrecht, The Netherlands for real estate transfer tax purposes;
• Large European airline: real estate related input for a decision model with regard to sale and lease back of buildings;
• University hospital in The Netherlands: valuation of its total site consisting of four sub-areas for the Dutch property tax (total value > 300 million EUR);
• International packaging company: detailed description of one of its production locations in The Netherlands as an annex to a lease contract;
• International manufacturer of consumer electronics: valuation of characteristic congress and exposition building for Dutch property tax (WOZ-value);
• International packaging company: valuation of three production sites in The Netherlands for Purchase Price Allocation (PPA) purposes;
• Animal park in The Netherlands: provision of real estate related input to an organisational audit of the Technical Services department;
• International manufacturer of paint and coatings: indicative valuation of two sales points in France for the purpose of negotiations with a possible buyer;
• Project development department of a Dutch housing association: calculation of cost price covering rent for a new building to be leased by a healthcare organisation;
• Dutch market research company: various corporate real estate related assignments, for example with regard to the choice between acquisition or lease of its new headquarters building.

• Regional Dutch real estate developer: valuation of an inner-city redevelopment site;
• International telecom operator: identification of suitable office buildings in Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
• International manufacturer of paint and coatings: real estate valuation of six sales points throughout France, for the purposes of insurance and (re)financing;
• Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs: study into the most important financial bottlenecks in the redevelopment of industrial zones and inner city industrial and business locations;
• Dutch university conference centre: calculation of a 'reasonable' rent for the conference centre facilities, operated by a separate entity;
• International packaging company: calculation of financial damage as a result of a possible forced relocation of its warehouse in Antwerp, Belgium, including the cost of acquisition of a new site and the construction of a new building;
• Dutch industrial company: real estate valuation of its production location in the port of Rotterdam for the purpose of a possible sale;
• Healthcare institution: indicative valuation of two of its locations, based on the redevelopment potential of both sites;
• Real estate developer: calculation of financial damage and claim as a result of partial expropriation of one of its sites, for which specific development plans already existed;
• Healthcare institution: real estate valuation of one of its locations, a monumental villa in a small town, as a result of the plans of the institution to centralise operations;
• International manufacturer of paint and coatings: valuation of a production and distribution site in the north of France, for the purpose of an internal sale and lease back.

• Various real estate valuations of schools, hospitals, healthcare institutions etc. for the Dutch property tax (WOZ-value);
• University in Belgium: study into possibilities for space optimisation and increased building user responsibility by means of investigating the situation at five other universities in The Netherlands and Germany;
• Public sector organisation in the UK: multiple office space optimisation projects for its main campus as well as its other office buildings located in Wales;
• International company in the ‘fast moving consumer goods’ sector: relocation of its EHQ from London tot Geneva involving site and building selection, office concept design, space planning and fit-out works preparation.

• International engineering and construction company: valuation of existing properties plus calculation of construction costs for new facilities to be created;
• Multiple industrial companies in Belgium: real estate valuations for various purposes;
• Luxemburg based insurance company: definition of functional requirements for the extension (2000 m²) of its main office building (6000 m²), as well as office concept design and space planning for the existing building after renovation;
• Belgian private bank: estimation of market value for 40 offices of another bank to be taken over (due diligence);
• Japanese car manufacturer: estimation of market rent for warehouse in Finland;
• University in Belgium: comparative analysis of six university real estate departments to support real estate projects prioritisation policy;

• International banking company : Luxemburg real estate market analysis;
• International beverages company : assistance on real estate strategy (functional and technical assessment of EHQ building in Brussels as well as local real estate market analysis).

1999 – 2000: Deloitte & Touche ICS Consultants, The Netherlands

• Community of Sandwort (NL): composition of the bill of quantities for a building in which three primary schools were to be located;
• Community of Almere (NL): general management during construction process of several buildings commissioned by the local authority (schools, social centres, sports accommodations);
• Community of De Bilt (NL): development of a strategic accommodation plan for 15 years for the 35 schools in the community.

1998 – 1999: Franken & Onstenk Architecten, The Netherlands

At Franken & Onstenk Architects, Dominique worked as an architect’s assistant on the design of domestic and industrial buildings and made 3D computer representations, presenting the designs of the architects to clients.


Construction engineer - architect (ir.) / Master of Science,
Eindhoven University of Technology (NL), 1998


Dominique competence areas are Corporate Real Estate Management (CREM) as well as real estate valuations for various purposes. His experience with regard to Corporate Real Estate Management includes building and location selection, office concept design, space planning and construction and fit-out cost calculation. From numerous real estate valuations of offices, warehouses and large scale distribution centres Dominique has in-depth knowledge of the Dutch, Belgian and French property market and access to data on many other European countries. For over four years, Dominique worked for a large international consulting firm as a real estate consultant in Belgium, The Netherlands and the UK. Before he joined this firm, he worked for another large international consulting firm: Deloitte. Dominique started his career as an assistant-architect at an architect’s firm in The Netherlands.


Dutch: native
English: fluent
French: good
German: fair
Norwegian: basics


International experience


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