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Director, Field Services (UK, Ireland & US)

Director, Field Services (UK, Ireland & US)

Work Experience


Global Telesystems (Europe) Ltd., United Kingdom Nov¡¦98 to Apr¡¦02

GTS is a dynamic telecommunication services operator in Europe providing a variety of IP and data services to liberalizing, deregulating markets from London to Budapest, Madrid to Moscow.

Regional Director, Field Services (UK, Ireland and US) Nov¡¦00 to Apr¡¦02

„h This entails managing a distributed organisation in UK, Ireland and US to manage, maintain and expand GTS network in UK, Ireland and US covering key activities like managing field operations, customer circuit provisioning, web hosting centre operations, carrier relation activities, network implementation and network development.
„h Manage customer-provisioning activities of all SDH/IP/web-hosting/co-location orders. The throughput of customer provisioning activities was improved by over 20% through process improvement, outsourcing of activities and modification of the existing provisioning processes
„h Manage and maintain the Ebone network in UK, Ireland and US. Several initiatives were taken to ensure better response time for FLM/SLM calls by using a combination of contractors and in-house staff, decentralizing spares management and establishing tighter SLA¡¦s with FLM providers for equipment, fibre and facilities.
„h Manage Carrier Relations in the region. The local access spend rate was reduced by 15% through contract re-negotiation and optimisation of local access portfolio.
„h Manage the implementation of SDH/DWDM/IP elements. SDH and IP network reach was expanded from UK to Ireland. New hosting centres were developed in Dublin and Bracknell. London metropolitan network was developed and brought into operation. Several initiatives were taken to optimise the detailed engineering process to reduce implementation time and reduce cost.
„h Manage acquisition and disposal of facilities and fibre. A number of facilities were acquired and fitted-out for installation of GTS telecommunication network. Dark fibre was acquired for both the long distance and metro network to expand network reach.

Director, CEN Network Design & Implementation Nov¡¦98 to Oct¡¦00

„h Report directly to Vice President, City Enterprise Network (CEN) Program providing project management, planning and construction expertise in the company¡¦s endeavour to build SDH based metropolitan telecommunication network in several cities across Western Europe. This entailed managing a staff of over 100 spread across 10 countries in Western Europe, multiple contractors and an annual budget of over US$ 100 million.
„h Metropolitan telecommunication network was simultaneously designed in 13 cities. Rapidly established teams in the cities. First phase of network build in the 3 initial cities - Paris, Berlin and Geneva - was completed in a short duration of 4 months. Made use of different alternatives like sewers, subway, leased duct, leased dark fiber etc. to rapidly rollout a cost effective fiber rich network.
„h Successfully initiated and implemented contracts with civil work contractors and suppliers of telecommunication equipment and associated hardware. Achieved cost savings of US$ 10 million
„h Contributed actively in strategic planning including forecasting and budgeting to implement the most cost effective network. Helped to re-define the city enterprise network strategy to optimise capital expenditure.
„h Negotiated with government agencies and utility companies to facilitate speedy construction of network.

General Manager, Access Planning & Construction Aug¡¦96 to Sept¡¦98
New T&T (Hong Kong) Ltd., Hong Kong

New T&T (Hong Kong) Ltd. is the telecommunication subsidiary of Wharf group of companies in Hong Kong. They received one of the three licenses awarded by Hong Kong government in mid 1995 to operate a Fixed Line Telephone Service system.

„h Reported directly to the Director, Engineering providing project management, customer provisioning, integrated construction planning and implementation expertise for expanding the telecommunication network. Increased output by 100%. Reduced reliance on leased T1 circuits by 20% resulting in significant cost savings.
„h Managed the planning and construction of telecommunication facilities inside commercial and residential buildings. It entailed leading, coaching and developing a team of 50 staff members, 15
contractors and managing an annual budget of over HK$ 75 million. Within 18 months of start-up phase, the network was extended to over 60% of major commercial buildings.
„h Developed and implemented customer provisioning process. 15% improvement in overall provisioning time was achieved.
„h Designed and developed an integrated process for implementation of telephony network. Based upon the process a computerised workflow application was developed resulting in 20% improvement in implementation schedule.
„h Guided the development of good working relationship with other Fixed Line Telephone Network System operators, major real estate owners and internal work groups to facilitate timely project completion.

Sr. Manager, Planning & Design Sept¡¦93 to July¡¦96
Wharf Cable Ltd., Hong Kong

Wharf Cable Ltd. is the start up CATV subsidiary of Wharf group of companies in Hong Kong. They received an exclusive license in late 1993 to build and operate a Cable TV system in Hong Kong.

„h Reported directly to the Executive Director - Engineering providing project management, field operations management, planning and construction expertise for building the Cable TV network to service 1.6 million homes. Achieved 81% completion of homes passed within 3 years of starting operation.
„h Led a team of 75 staff members and 20 independent contractors in the planning and design of Cable TV system for commercial and residential buildings. Completion targets for budgetary and milestone compliance were achieved successfully
„h Managed customer installation. Set up a system to manage department manpower and production schedules. Benchmarks were set to measure and improve efficiency.
„h Developed and maintained a Lotus Notes based project management system to monitor and control the workflow information. 15% improvement in project implementation schedule was achieved.
„h Managed project cost analysis and interacted with project cost accounting group to ensure capital expenditure was in line with the budget.
„h Implemented a computerised inventory system for controlling all material flow at the central warehouse and five district warehouses. 10% reduction in overall inventory was achieved.

Technical Services Manager Dec¡¦89 to Sep¡¦93
Project Planner
Time Warner Cable, New York, USA

„h Developed a project management system for the complex steps required in upgrading the cable television system in Upper Manhattan (approx. 350K homes). The project was completed on schedule within the allocated budget.
„h Designed and maintained a Project Information Management System for tracking project milestones and commitments to the city government agencies. Performed productivity and inventory analysis and generated reports for senior management and city government agencies.
„h Established a productivity tracking system for construction, engineering, survey, design and real estate access departments.
„h Used Linear programming and project management concepts to develop mathematical decision models to analyse allocation and scheduling of resources. Conducted risk and uncertainty analysis to help in decision-making process.

Visiting Part-time Lecturer Jan 88 to June¡¦ 89
Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey

Conducted Engineering Economics special tutorials and problem solving sessions for students in their 3rd year of the Bachelors degree program.

Marketing Engineer Aug¡¦84 to Aug¡¦87
Cimmco International, New Delhi

Assisted General Manager - Exports in developing market for Engineering products in Latin American countries.

REFERENCES Available on request



MS in Industrial & Systems Engineering Aug¡¦87 to Nov¡¦89
Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey, USA
BS in Mechanical Engineering Jul¡¦80 to Jun¡¦84
Punjab University, Chandigarh, India


Seasoned Senior Management Executive with proven track record of successfully managing global operations and implementation of telecommunication and Cable TV networks for start up and existing companies. Extensive experience in managing large-scale field operations, project management, planning, design, construction, contract negotiation, human resource development and administering of budgets. Thrive in a fast paced environment with focus on cost effectiveness, productivity and quality. Strongly believe in effective use of technology to gain competitive advantage.


MS Office (Word , Excel, PowerPoint), MS Project, MS Access, Lotus Notes


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