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International Recruitment Specialist

International Recruitment  Specialist

Work Experience

ARAMCO OVERSEAS COMPANY B.V., Leiden 2005 – 9/2006
Position: Senior Expatriate Recruitment Processor
Tasks: Responsible for expanding, supporting and improving the search & selection services and the recruitment of new expatriates for the oil company Saudi Aramco based in Saudi Arabia. Also responsible for contacting selected candidates, preparing the employment contracts, selling the employment contracts, answering any question the candidate might have had regarding the position and move to Saudi Arabia and finally all the necessary paperwork that was involved in getting the candidate and his family down to Saudi Arabia. Example of additional paperwork was: arranging medical tests, supporting candidate with degree authentication, preparing and giving orientations about Saudi Aramco and Saudi Arabia. Arranging entry visa’s, arranging personal shipments and eventually arranging airline tickets to Saudi Arabia. Also supported the company by arranging video conferencing interviews and supported the company in sales & recruitment by participating at important trade fairs like Offshore Europe 2005 and Intelligent Energy 2006.

FREELANCE Haarlem, 2003 – 2005
Position: Creative Coordinator
Tasks: Responsible for network marketing, sales, contracts, mailings, administration, accounting, visiting of new prospects and eventually coordinating and personally implementing and executing the work involved in many different internal and external human resources projects.

Position: Projectmanager Specialties
Tasks: Responsible for creating, expanding and improving the International search & selection service throughout Holland so that existing clients and new Contact Centers could be supplied with international candidates. Many candidates were recruited from abroad for certain positions. Responsible for sales throughout Holland and all administrative duties that are involved in contracts and the import of staff. (Existing clients were: Fujitsu Services BV, Hertz, Convergys UK & NL, Sony, Cisco, Sitel, Dell Computers).

Position: Senior Consultant International Recruitment
Tasks: Creator and provider of a new export service specialised in search & selection of Dutch nationalists for various companies and contact centers throughout Europe. Responsible for setting up the new office, creating documents and a work process, recruiting personal staff and coaching new colleagues abroad that were to open a similar office. Furthermore responsible (100%) for all the necessary information and documentation that a candidates would want or need before going/working abroad. During International meetings helped create an international network and recruitment structure which was eventually used throughout all 22 countries involved. Also supplied written support in regards to new international and global contracts/tenders. (Existing clients were: The Document Company Xerox, Gateway Computers, RCI, Ryder, Compaq Computers).

SERVIAT PROJECTEN B.V., Haarlem (known as Adecco)1997 - 1998
Position: Project Manager
Tasks: Responsible for new accounts nationally and on an international basis. The search & selection of new candidates and all tasks involved during such a process. Coaching new project managers. Translating contracts and other important documents into the English language. As a communication manager together with two colleagues responsible for integrating Serviat Projecten BV and Adecco Detachering BV. (Existing clients were: IBM, Ryder, VNU and different advertising companies within Holland).

ADIA PROJECTEN B.V., Haarlem (known as Adecco)1996 - 1997
Position: Account Manager, Division Communication & Human Resources
Tasks: As head of the department Communication and Human Resources responsible for managing existing staff, fixed contracting, search & selection, acquisition, visiting new prospects and existing clients, administration, sales, intake interviews, contacts/tenders and promoting the new service throughout Holland. (Existing clients were: Advertising Companies within Holland).


Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.)
European University, Antwerp, Belgium 1985 – 1989
Degree earned in 1989

International Baccalaureate (I.B.)
International School Beverweerd, Werkhoven, Holland 1983 – 1985
Certificates earned in 1985

High School
International school Beverweerd, Werkhoven, Holland 1983 -1985
Degree earned in 1985

Oxford Ordinary Levels
International School Eerde, Ommen, Holland 1978 – 1983
Degree earned in 1983


Am success driven, team- and detail-oriented and have extensive knowledge in dealing with people with different backgrounds. Can work well under pressure and am able to deal with management on a senior level. Willing to make and take the responsibilities of my actions/decisions and have excellent communication skills and computer skills.


English Verbal - Excellent, Written - Excellent
Dutch Verbal - Good, written- Poor


Grew up overseas and have no problem in dealing with people from other countries and cultures.


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