Flex Manager
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Project manager

Project manager

Werkervaring interimmanager

04/2001 - 2005: Director of Sweat BV, responsible for the financial control and project management of the technical development of a chemical heat pump. Shareholders are NUON, De Beijer RTB en ECN.

04/2001 - today: CEO of EnerSearch AB, responsible for the daily management of the company. Organising and executing various (international) research projects in the area of IT&Energy. EnerSearch has a number of large utilities and producers as shareholders: IBM, Sydkraft, ABB, E.on, EDP, Iberdrola, ECN and Eneco. EnerSearch is registered in Sweden and has a small number of employees.

04/2001 - 12/2001: Interim Manager Shared Service Centre (SSC), responsible for the implementation of an SSC at ECN, responsible for central execution and control of all financial transactions. This included a number of departments: purchasing, sales, invoice administration, project control, banking, bookkeeping and financial reporting. Specific contribution was to develop and introduce new ways of working and set up new ICT-aids, as well as managing the 25 employees.

04/2001-today: Assistance of AWS BV, active on development of a Wave Energy Converter, on a number of tasks:
- Coordinating the development and execution of off-shore installation of a pilot plant, in close cooperation with the director and the Portuguese client
- Organising the engineering process for development of a prototype.
- Reporting and finalising a research programme for a number of subsidies, setting up new national and international subsidy proposals in the area of wave power.

10/2002-3/2004: Project manager for ECN, coordination of a large international European research project (FP6) in the area of new ICT-solutions for controlling distributed energy resources, with a number of international partners in The Netherlands, Sweden and France. Size 3 M€.

04/2000-today: With a number of – mainly small – companies or organisations, preparing national and international subsidy applications for R&D projects. Project management, financial control and reporting.

01/2005-today: Technical project management micro turbine technology BV (MTT). Successfull subsidiy application and technical coordination between R&D partners

Opleiding interimmanager

OVWO (1981)

Werktuigbouwkunde Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (1987)
Diverse cursussen o.a. project/algemeen management, veiligheid.

Consultancy interimmanagement a.i. kerncompetenties

Coordinatie samenwerkingsprojecten met meerdere partners; onderlinge communicatie en technische afstemming;
Opstellen en coordineren R&D subsidies nationaal/internationaal;
Management/directie technische R&D bedrijven

Talenkennis interimmanager

Engels (spreken: goed, schrijven: goed)
Duits (spreken: goed, schrijven: matig)


(Project) manager met ervaring in organiseren en uitvoeren van (technische) ontwikkelingsprojecten en opstart van nieuwe activeiten of structuren om de business processen te ondersteunen.
Eigenschapen: resultaatgericht, flexibel, analytisch, practisch, go-getter, teamspeler.


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