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Senior Bioeconomy Project Manager

Senior Bioeconomy Project Manager

Work Experience

Jan 2010 - Present
Port of Rotterdam Authority - Project leader for the development of a Business Case for the start of a Biomass Commodities Exchange.
Objective: facilitation of international biomass trade, product standardization, increase of physical biomass throughput in port of Rotterdam.
Primary tasks: project management, market intelligence and research, creation of strategic partnerships with third parties.

Jul – Sep 2010
PetroAlgae LLC, FL. - Project leader EU market survey on sustainability and off take.
Objective: assessment of relevant EU regulatory framework and inventory of possible market parties.
Primary tasks: delivery of market report.

Jan 2009 – Present
Rotterdam Climate Initiative - Initiator and Project leader for the foundation and implementation of Rotterdam Biomass Commodities Network (RBCN). RBCN is a business-to-business platform of traders and other commercial parties active in the biomass supply chain. Main tasks: secretariat of the RBCN Foundation.

Sep 2010 - Present
Niaba - initiator and secretary of the Green Biotechnology Platform. Chair: former Dutch environment minister Mr van Geel.
Objective: development of constructive stakeholder dialogue on the use of genetic modification (GM) in agriculture.
Primary tasks: project management, building stakeholder involvement, agenda setting, connect with political developments.

Sep 2008 – Apr 2009
Solidaridad - Project secretary of the ‘GM-Soy Debate’ project.
Objective: establish a multistakeholder dialogue with farmers, agribusiness and scientists from Latin-America and EU on the impact of GM-Soy/Biotechnology on the sustainability of farming in Latin-America.
Main Tasks: coordination of project activities, establishment and maintenance of contacts with participants and other interested stakeholdes from the respective countries.

Apr 2009 – Feb 2010
Ministry of Agriculture - Project leader for the organization of International Conference on GMOs in European Agriculture and Food Production (250+ attendance).
Objective: conclude on policy recommendations for the use of biotechnology in sustainable agriculture and food production.
Tasks: Responsibility for the programme and organisation of the conference and an EU ministerial high level meeting, under direct supervision of the minister of Agriculture, Ms Gerda Verburg. Activities included: inventory of relevant stakeholders in EU-countries, selection of speakers worldwide, in particular Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Africa, US, SE Asia, head of delegation for lobby in EU-countries for the conference and ministerial participation.


2006 – 2008
Product Board for Oils and Fats - Head of Unit Sustainable Production and Market Research
Job specification:
- Management Team member and Head of Unit
- Policy strategy and coordination
- Spokesperson, representative and mediator for the industry in international multi-stakeholder events and government policy development processes
- Establishment of an industry strategic sustainability working group
- Chief editor of the MVO market research report ‘Oils and Fats for Fuel’
- Launch of an internal strategic analysis on the policy impacts of biofuels
- Re-organization of administrative procedures of levying system and statistical data collection
- Political agreement in Netherlands-Malaysia-Indonesia public-private partnership on food safety standards for crude palm oil
- Commanded involvement of MVO in government policy development processes and private Round Table initiatives for sustainable commodity production

2001 – 2006
Ministry of Environment (VROM) - Policy coordinator
Job Specification:
- EU-lead negotiator international environmental agreement meetings (UNEP Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety)
- Head of delegation for The Netherlands in international environmental agreement meetings.
- Chair of the Task Group ‘definitions’ of the UN-ECE Aarhus Convention Working Group on GMOs

- Program Manager Netherlands EU-Presidency on the Cartagena Protocol
- Co-chair EU-coordination meetings Cartagena Protocol
- Head of Delegation and spokesperson for the Netherlands in EU Council Working Groups

- Chair inter-ministerial Biotechnology working group
- Chair of the general meeting on GMO-authorization
- Secretary and coordinator of national position papers for international and EU negotiations
- Project Manager Strategic Policy Development
- Project Manager research- and implementation projects
- Chair evaluation national biotechnology policy

- Political agreements under the UNEP Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
- Very successful EU Presidency for The Netherlands on the Cartagena Protocol
- Political agreement on the GMO paragraph of the Aarhus Convention
- Establishment of a united stance of the inter-ministerial working group on biotechnology issues
- Publication of the evaluation report national biotechnology policy
- Production of a Safe Microbiology Handling instruction video


A sharp analytical approach focused on factual knowledge. Strong planning and organizing skills and clear writing. Awareness of the existing interests in society and fluency to mediate herein.


Dutch: mother tongue
English: fluent
German, French, Italian: average


FOSFA Special Merit Award winner (Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Associations Ltd, 2009).

• More than 10 years of professional experience in public government and the private sector on international environmental and sustainability questions, in particular:
o Renewable energy (biofuels production and sustainability of biofuel crops jatropha, algae and other; solid biomass production, sustainability and international trade),
o Sustainable agriculture (production of palm oil, soy),
o Biotechnology in agriculture (genetic modification).
• Extensive institutional knowledge at both national, the European Union and international level and the skills to function effectively in international multidisciplinary and multistakeholder settings.
o Round Table Initiatives for sustainable agri-commodity production (palm oil-RSPO, soy-RTRS, biofuels-RSB)
o Public-private partnerships (Indonesia-Malaysia-Netherlands on palm oil)
o UN/UNEP institutions (Convention on Biological Diversity)
o UNECE institutions (Aarhus Convention)
o EU institutions
o Multistakeholder dialogue
o Public Government institutions

2010 Wood Pellets MArkets and International Trade.
2010 Market Analysis for the start of a biomass commodities exchange.
2007 MVO market research report ‘Oils and Fats for Fuel’ (chief editor).

Other qualifications
2009 Oils and Fats Trade Education Course (FOSFA, London).
2008 Oils and Fats Processing Technology Course (Unilever/Sime Darby, Malaysia).
2006 Course for team coaching and supervision (School for Coaching).
2004 Inter-ministerial EU-Presidency course (EIPA and Clingendael Netherlands Institute of International Relations).
2004 Course Introduction into the European Union (Clingendael Netherlands Institute of International Relations).
2003 Certificate French - level 3 (Eurolinguist).
1998 Diploma ‘The Oxford examination in English as a foreign language – Higher level’ (University of Oxford).
1992 Certificate ‘Researcher ex Article 9 Animal Experiments Act’ (Utrecht University).
1990 Certificate ‘Radiological worker’ (Technical University Delft).


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