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Project Manager Interim Manager

Project Manager Interim Manager

Work Experience

Ik heb in het verleden als Interim Manager bij Versatel gewerkt op het Programma Managament Office.

Tevens ben ik interim programma manager geweest voor het security project \"migration ACF2 to RACF\" binnen de ING.

Verdere referenties zie Resume.


Education : 1992 – 1996 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México /
Faculty of administration.
Area: Administration (MBA)
Specialization: Informatics and HR

1988 – 1992 Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa
Area: Marine Biology (Bachelor Degree)
Specialization: Aquaculture
PlanView Suite
MS Visio MOUS Expert
MS Project 2002
MS Project Central
MS Project Server 2003
Share Point
Prince 2 practitioner
Business Objects
Crystal Reports
Mindmanager X5
SAP Xapp XRPM v 2
SAP Netweaver


Glenn is a very driven and motivated Project manager. Consultant capable of setting-up and realizing a wide variety of programs and projects within the IT world, specifically within the Telecommunications and Banking environment.
His result orientated work ethic enables him to lead a department, program or project and to motivate and push all elements in order to achieve the set goals.
Glenn has extensive experience in working within different environments so he’s very adaptable to a wide range of working cultures.
One of his better skills is the ability to translate the operational need of the users towards the technical department which makes him an excellent bridge between the client and the IT back office.
Considering his working experience within a number of countries he’s also capable of adjusting to the social and environmental needs of individuals or companies within a country.
His commercial expertise and experience enables him to understand the needs of the customer


Engels, Spaans, Nederlands, Duits, Frans,


Period 2004-2005
Client CITI Group asia (CATO)
Activity Responsible for setting up and giving training to 500 project managers. Project management in terms of configuration elements. Consultancy on follow-up activities in terms of change management and CRI. Knowledge transfer on PMO activities and processes. Servicing of up to 350 projects of which 20 where of strategic (corporate) level with budgets ranging from 5 US million ot 35 US million

Period 2004- to date
Client Dienst Landelijk Grondgebied (DLG)
Activity Trainer DLG for Project managers , Heads of departments and users with regards to proper project management using PlanView

Period 2004
Client Eurohypo GmBh
Activity Responsible for configuring, testing and rolling out the PlanView implementation within EUROHYPO
Project Manager for CRI elements from the business side and Steering from within the technical are of the project. Responsible for knowledge transfer to internal parties whom would take up the task of sys. Administration.
Acting PMO manager during knowledge transfer period

Period 2002-2004
Client Xpirit-Phidias
Activity In charge of transitional operations for Phidias during the transition period in which Phidias is incorporating Xpirit to its business processes.

Period 2001-2003
Client ING Bank
Project Cleanup RSO authorizations
Activity In charge of a group of 4 individuals committed to cleaning up all expired and unrightfully authorizations on the RS 6000 and Unix machines within the ING-bank Netherlands.
Also in charge of setting up a new security procedure for issuing security codes and authorizations for critical applications within the bank
Project Intranet Security Website
activity Design and implementation of an Intranet security website for employees of the ING-Group.
Project Business Continuity Management
activity research of existing business continuity plans (BCP), IN charge of setting up a crisis management organization which will reach cross all branches within the bank and will cover all incidents (IT, Personnel, and housing)
Delivery of a PID which will be used as a template for setting up business continuity plans (BCP’s) for all ING business units.
Analyze all workflows and procedures in order to streamline these so they can be integrated for the future BCP’s.
Program Migration ACF2 to RACF
activity PM for the preparation period prior to the migration of ACF2 (Access Control Facility) to RACF (resource access control facility)
Hereby a full analysis of all applications and interfaces will be mapped; this will be executed with help of the internal IT provider (ITC) and IBM.
These analyses lead to subprojects that needed to be started and finished prior to the migration.
Also Test coordinator for the entire acceptance phase of the migration for the business unit IBN
Project Operational Risk Management
activity Analysis of operational risk issues within IBN for IT, and buildings which lead to start of the ‘ Operational Risk Management’ (ORM) project by IBN/operations
Project logical access of the ING authorization network

activity Initiate and execution of a feasibility project about logical access for functional groups within the mainframe of the ING authorization network
Scope of this project was to investigate which actions were required to restore functional separation within the different environments of the bank (Development, Test and operational environments) in order to comply with Dutch Bank security requirements.

Realization of this project meant the reevaluation of the Dutch bank’s C-rating which then in turn released funds which previously were tied up in risk prevention.
Project PMO feasibility
activity In charge of setting up generic masters plan wherein an overview was given of which activities were being done at a certain point.
This master plan also mapped resources and it’s forecast on workload for the BPI & ITEC department of the IBN branch within the ING bank.
Scope of this master plan was the current internal program. based on the given projects and resources a streamlining process was initiated and a recommendation concerning workloads and feasibility of projects concerning resources was issued
As a derivative of this project the staff function of the Project service center was created and from time to time consultancy on projects is given. This kicked off the development of SAMBA

Period : 1999 –2000
Company : Versatel
Area : Relation manager between business and the IT-development department.
Responsible for setting up a Project management Organization (PMO) and setting up a project management methodology customized for Versatel (together with people from Accenture) based on the Prince 2 methodology and using MS Project and Project central as IT components for real-time reporting.
Also operational activities as a Staff member for the CIO in order to provide overall overview and status on 40+ projects within the IT department.
CO responsible for introducing and implementing the document and workflow management software Live link.
Responsible for reporting, monitoring and advice on releases, (big operational projects on short term within the IT department within Versatel).

Period : 1999–2000
Branch / Co. : Amis Services B.V.
Area : Consultant and second line account manager whereas the main task was to translate the customer’s needs and desires to technical specifications for the developers.
Project management based on the CASE methodology of Oracle was being used for numerous clients such as DENDA (publishing) and German postal services.


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