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Project & Change Manager (PMP) - General Management - CFO

Project & Change Manager (PMP) - General Management - CFO

Work Experience

General Management
Merger & Acquistion
Greenfields and startups
Focus today is to deliver a sustainable business implementations and project management performances for international companies.

Examples can be :
• Set & Follow up of Project (Program) Management task forces
• Greenfield project or start ups (from scratch)
• Corporate Governance guidance or a function as a CEO,CFO, CP(roject)O(fficer), CT(ransition)O(fficer,…)
• Change management programs
• Business Unit leadership Financial Services or Services divisions
• Innovation, Implementation and improvement of annual plans of different subsidiaries
• Implementation of KPI’s & Balanced Scored Cards
• Solve FAQ about Business Intelligence
• Integration of newly acquired companies into the group
• Coaching for Management Information Systems (implementation, upgrade, facilitator,..)
• Recover a loss making subsidiaries + establishment of recovery plans with different scenarios
• Advice and Financial planning for the start-up’s or e.g. M&A circumstances
• Financial analyses for new capital investments
• Business Controllers support in increasing their performance and productivity
• Mentoring of Cash flow problems & forecast
• Implementing new financial systems and procedures
• Corporate Governance issues and SOX compliance tasks
• Risk management challenges and internal audit assignments
• Total set-up of change management procedures


With 45 years, Herman can rely on 25 years “best practises” in Finance and Business Economics . He completed successfully several management roles as a “Senior Business Executive”. Project management assignments are his trademark throughout varied business segments and functional domains.

After obtaining Master Degrees in Business Economics (‘84), Finance (‘87), Tax(‘89) ,Transport Management(’00) and Export Management(‘01), he achieved an MBA of the Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School (‘05). On top, Herman strengthen his knowledge by focusing on project management methodologies and challenges as a real professional. Finally, he was certified as a member of the Project Management Institute (PMI,US) and the Institute of the Independent Business Consultant (IIBC).

With his superior interpersonal and communication skills, his languages (E,D,F,G) and his networking attitude is Herman also able to work international and across diverse cultures. As in the past , he is used to work in Pan-European - and US task forces. He is able to manage and control his leadership competences which benefits all parties involved.

During his career, Herman, was often select for start ups and green field projects. His program management track, educational background, and finally his strong belief in positive energy with people gave him a lot of credentials and competencies to qualify for this opportunities. Booming businesses were always a challenge.

About trust, Herman represented several times, as Administrator, a lot of legal entities. He was Board Member, Business Leader in professional communities, and during six years was he the Chairman of the Belgian Workers Council of the BMW group.

Explored Business Segments and Served Companies

Herman’s experience was mainly acquired via several business segments and companies. As business leader can he rely on (project-)experiences in the automotive business, the financial services sector, the telecom industry, the food industry, transport & logistic services, wholesale & retail business, or more in general the global services sector.

Over the last five years of his career, he worked for two well-known US professional services companies (Ernst & Young and Resources Global Professionals). Due to these jobs, he benefits from a unique set of project management methodologies or a tool-box which he can use for business partnerships and implementations across different sectors and functional domains.

Herman and his team succeed in the past to accomplish several missions e.g. Automotive (BMW, Athlon Car Lease, EU Toyota, ), Transport & Warehousing (Food Logistics, Barry Callebaut , Sabena, DHL, Virgin, Fedex , ..), Telecom (Siemens, Nokia, Synerco ,The Vision Web, Hostbasket , ....), Food (Delhaize, Inbev..) Agriculture (Dairy Int’l, Corman, VRV.), Chemical (LBC,..), Banking (Fortis, Alliance Bernstein,..), Financial Services (BMW Fin Services, Komatsu,…), Insurance (Metlife, Top Cover,…), Holdings (Terbeke, In’tl Post Coporation, Spector, …),Non-for-Profit (Goca,..), Pharma (Pfizer,..) Textile (Tommy Hilfiger).

Business Expertise

Reading through the curriculum vitae will you probably remark that several years of Line Management experience as CFO (incl. HR& ICT) & CEO formed his personality and decision capabilities.

As business expertise he can certainly offer “pur sang” Entrepreneurship for Greenfield projects and start ups linked to business development guidelines. Commercial Management, Operations, Corporate Finance challenges, Treasury targets, (Inter)national Tax and Budget Practise are his basic roots helping him to succeed these strategic management mission.

His daily business was assessing strategic plans versus actual results and to guide companies how to optimise performance metrics. His focus was often CHANGE or re-positioning, re-structuring, re-engineering of business models, services, actions and processes (e.g. SOX, Balance Score Card, KPI’s, Business Intelligence,….). Transition-, Change and Restructuring management models are strong competences he can always rely on.

As facilitator to solve business intelligence questions was he successful by implementing ICT Projects (two times SAP implemented, ICT Back offices, Benelux Service Centre). Herman is analytical, he’s able to assess situations and data, and from these develop effective business solutions.

Beside these business skills, Herman focus and explore - more then you should expect - the commercial part of doing business. As a networking topper, Herman is extremely commercially driven to generate bottom-line profits, to stress cost effectiveness as well as sustainable customer satisfaction on all levels. Herman gained in this function an astute ability to seize a problem or issue and attack it until answers are provided and solutions are obtained. Education

1974-1980 Heilig Maagdcollege
Kerkstraat 60, 9200 Dendermonde
1980-1984 Vlaamse Economische Hogeschool (VLEKHO) Master’s Degree in Business and Finance Economics (of Licentiaat Handels- en Financiële wetenschappen optie "Accountancy") (Thesis : "De hervorming van het Bedrijfsrevisoraat”)
1987-1989 Economische Hogeschool St-Aloisius (EHSAL) Master’s Degree in Tax
(of Licentiaat in de Fiscale wetenschappen) (Thesis :"Fiscale en Financiële studie omtrent de mogelijkheden van Coördinatiecentra)

1995-1996 KUL Leuven
Post Graduate Financial Management
1999-2000 Solvay Post Graduate "International Transportmanagement" (“I.W.T.”)
2001 Universiteit Antwerpen Management School (UAMS) Laureaat in het Exportmanagement
2003-2005 Vlerick Management School Gent Master of Business Administration (MBA)
(Thesis ; “How to install “Financial Project Management Solutions”
to create added value for corporations in growth and distress”)

During Several Management Training Courses (e.g. :
Career path Project Management (PMBOK-“Project Management Body of Knowledge Guide”), Prince 2, Business Process Management Expertise,
Several Human Capital Courses, Competence Assessment, MBTI, HBDI, Teambuilding
Selling Business Consulting and Professional Services to Senior Executives,
Business Intelligence, Two times ERP Project Leader of SAP, Business Controllership,
Organizational Behaviour, Facilitator of several “Business Cases & Games”,…


Fluent in Dutch and strong communication & presentation skills in French, English and German

Personal skills

. Polyvalent & flexible . Profit, performance and target oriented
. Strong interpersonal and communication skills . Quality sensitive, punctual and accurate
. High power of resistance . Strategic and analytical professional
. Problem Solver - Solution Thinker . International experience
. Positive involvement in company KPI . People & Networker


Project Management
Change Management
Performance Management
Human Relations and Organization





Herman is dedicated even so is he trying to manage people as a motivating entrepreneur with positive stimuli and with an on-going sensibility for quality. He has the charisma of a solution thinker and people leader, who can demonstrate strong initiative, flexibility, professionalism and who is committed to strive for excellence.

Herman is an achievement-focused manager with demonstrated resilience to pressure and adaptability to changing client and work needs. He has proven experience of meeting strict deadlines efficiently and effectively, with excellent communication and presentation skills. People who worked with Herman always comment and characterize him for his high level of drive and energy appropriate to an entrepreneurial and performance driven business attitude.

Being quadri lingual Dutch-French- English and fluent in German Herman feels also at home with some Operating Systems: Windows, NT, SAP, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access. On top can he demonstrate several project management tools PM Bok, Prince 2, Waterfall, ..etc.

After all but for your information, due to the fact that he participated in several pan-European multi–country workshops he also corroborate his new employer a strong motivation of the international character of a job so that he has no objections against travelling.

References can be delivered on request

One goal his has always in mind
“ improve top and bottom line by guiding people into a win-win relationship with their employer”


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