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HRM Manager /Director

HRM Manager /Director

Work Experience

01/2011- 12/2011 LENOVO international B.V,
HR Partner Benelux & Switzerland
ICT Technology /PC company (legacy IBM)

01/2010 – 12/2010 HOMIJ (Civil Engineering, a Volker Wessel Company),
HRM Director Change
525 fixed employees, 175 independent workers. 06/2009 – 12/2010 Dental Discus Europe (dental industry)
7 mths International HR &O consultant (F, NL, UK)

03/2009- 06/2009 Graf Holland (Metal industry), subsidiary Graf, HQ Switzerland
2,5 mths Project leader HR & O restructuring assignment

04/2008 - 1/2009 Albron BV (Catering industry)
Project leader HR Harmonization Comp & Ben
4000 empl. Employer Brand: Good Food Happy People
Sparringpartner Direction and Management

10/2007 – 06/2008 Schuitema C1000 (retail industry), Dutch
Sr HR Consultant different projects i.e. Compensation & Benefits
40000 employees incl. personnel supermarkets

01/2007 – 04/2008 Group 2000 (IT industry), International company, HQ Switzerland
Sr HR Business Partner during period of change

10/2006 – 08.2008 Achmea (Insurances and Financial Services industry)
Project leader Harmonization Reward program Higher Management/Dir
25.000 empl, Employer brand : 1 Brand, 1 HR, 1 Reward program, 1 CAO.

10/2006 – 01/2007 Public Prosecution (Government)
Sr HR Consultant

06/2006 – 10/2006 Albron BV (Catering industry)
Sr HR consultant Harmonisation Compensation & Benefits04/2004 – 05/2006 Centre for Art and Music (local Government/non profit)
49 employees.

05/1998 – 04/2004 Software Spectrum (Insight Techn) (ICT industry, International Company)
HR Manager Benelux
Range 70 empl Benelux.


Educational level

2008/2009 MBA HRM strategy, NCOI Utrecht, assignment on ‘Sustainable Resource Planning”
Strategic Resource Planning versus Talent Management.
2006/2007 Practitioner and Coaching education with ITAN school of NLP and coaching.
2002/2003 Bachelor HBO Business Science, NCOI Utrecht, connected with University of Utrecht
1981/1986 Bachelor HBO Arts & Crafts (architectural design)
1979/1981 University History of Art, Groningen, NL)
1973/1979 VWO B, Geleen (Baccalaureate Scientific/Math program)


Management skills: leadership, convincing and inspiring, excellent communicator, result focused, organizational awareness and overview.
Personal skills: self starter, committed, strong analytical skills and technical competence, integrity. Organizational skills: process thinker and project management skills.
Social skills: communicator, team player and humor, interested in cultural differences.


Dutch mother tongue, academic level
English fluently, academic level
French fluently (lived and worked for more than 10 years in France), academic level
German fluently, business level


Workshops en trainings
2011 International Summit on Strategic HR at Sheraton Hotel Amsterdam
2010 International HR Directors summit Prague (Talent Management, Change Mgtment,
2010 Workshop European labour law ‘restructuring & reorganization across multiple
2010 Workshop Leadership, University of Nyenrode, Breukelen
2009 Certified Consultant Attitude Based Radar™ Interview, School For Recruitment Belgium
2009 European Training & Development & Talent Management Summit in Barcelona
2009 Latent Talent (Talent Management workshop), Greve & Koning (de Baak, Netherlands)
2009 Workshop EVC (Certificate for acquired experience) with NCOI, Utrecht
2008 Master class Comp & Ben International, with BME, Berlin
2008/2003 Workshop pensions, Law & regulations
2007/2002 Recruitment trainings (STAR Method)
2002/2003 Master class HRM, POP (PDP) Competence management
1999/2000 Labor Law and HRM management with MKB Nederland


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