Flex Manager
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Sourcing, logistics and facility manager

Sourcing, logistics and facility manager

Work Experience

2005 - Consult bvba Mortsel
Managing director
Projectmanagement in General Management, in Purchasing, Logistics and Facility Management.
-Construction and building: re-organisation purchasing department ASVB Dutch construction group
-Interim management: temporary replacement of the technical buyer Bolckmans nv. Hoogstraten

2002 - 2005 BGS nv Brussels
Purchasing and Facility Manager
Start-up new companie. Ensuring purchase and contracting all sourcing items, materials and services as well. Preparing the requests for quotations, selection of the most appropriate suppliers. Negociations of the contracts. Set up of a contract management. Team: 12 persons

2001 - 2002 Sabena nv. Brussels
Operational support Manager Groundhandling and Cargo

Responsible for purchasing, logistic service, re-engineering, safety en waste service, building facilities, equipment, ULD, purchase and Information Technologies. Team: 50 persons

1994 - 2001 AMP nv. Brussels
Facility Manager

Responsible for all facilities and properties of the AMP-group; about 25 buildings, 150.000 square metres. Responsible for technical services & maintenance. Responsible for purchase. Budget about 4 million Euro. Team 20 persons.

Project management, responsible for research and development

Project with McKensie. Re-organisation of operational department with downsizing human resources.
Project with KPMG. Industrial re-engineering of operational organisation
Development strategic operational perspectives
Project with Price Waterhouse & Coopers. Implementation of re-engineering operational activities

1993 - 1994 ASC- Benelux bv Den Haag
Business Development Manager
Development and implementation of a QSHE-integrated control system in different large organisations like ESSO and Statoil. The operational program was based on three pillars: auditing, specific products and supervision and coordination.
Implementation of ISO 9000 for different smaller organisations.
1982 – 1993 Umicore nv Hoboken
Safety-advisor – Project management
Development and implementation of several S&H-training programs, directed to various divisions such as production, maintenance as well as to different internal and external hierarchic levels.
Development and implementation of safety-packages; for the new employees integration and for working with contractors.
Implementation of Management Oversight and Risk Tree, International Safety Rating


-Master Political & Social Sciences, Company Policy, Distinction, 1987 – 1992, University of Antwerp (U.I.A.), Wilrijk, Belgium

- Bachelor Diploma University of Technology, Electro-Mechanics, Distinction, 1985- 1987, Don Bosco Institute (K.I.H.A.), Hoboken, Belgium

-Diploma Safety Ingeneer Level 2, 1990, University of Antwerp, (U.I.A.) Wilrijk, Belgium

- 2001 ABB consulting group Geneva
Technical contracting process and procurement

- 2000 VIK/Price Waterhouse & Coopers Antwerp Gent
Facility Management

- 1998 IRR Brussels
I.S.A. Obligations for Packaging responsabilities -

- 1997 Temafield/Baxter Brussels
Implementation of Quality

- 1996 Zelco Antwerpen
Logistics manager

- 1995 GIB-group Brussels
Policy and conflict in a labour organisation

-1993 CKZ Antwerp
Introduction to quality management

- 1994 Esher Gent
Introduction in Environmental Law


Purchasing Management
Logistics Management
Facility Management
Q,S,H and E management


Native Language : Dutch
French: Good knowledge spoken and written
English: Good knowledge spoken and written
German: Fairly good knowledge spoken, good notions written


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