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Change Management, Operations Mgmt, Business Development Mgm

Change Management, Operations Mgmt, Business Development Mgm

Work Experience

2004-2005 Interim Project, New Business development & Marketing strategy, Gard Group.
Chemical-, Automotive (After market) Industry

Analysis of market potential of an advanced paint protection seal for aeroplanes, cars, yachts and trains. Defining a market and sales strategy.

a) Defining project, scope, objectives and critical path
b) Identification of (end)users, stakeholders, markets and regulations
c) Assessment & analysis of Users-, Market-, (EC)regulatory aspects
d) In depth analysis of intermediate users operational variables (product setting)
e) Analysis of competitive landscape
f) Identification / Networking Technical expertise / testing institutes
g) Managing Screening / Testing / Analysis of technical product capabilities
h) Screening legal (warrantee, safety, etc.) implications
i) Market Segmentation, definition of product/market strategy and launch strategy
j) Defining and organising operational process
k) Defining and negotiating third party services and contracts
l) Re-defining customer attributes (requirements), house of quality
m) Defining re-development project plan, milestones, deliverables and responsibilities.

Over 50 Companies were visited. Several Operational analysis, at several potential customers executed. The technical tests, showed several quality deficiencies that were not in line with market requirements. After a risk assessment, a re-development strategy has been defined, which is currently implemented. The new target specs include few new functionalities that should result in a significant improvement.

2003-2004 Interim project, (Study) Operational Strategy, Wood Industry, ICC Plc.
Wood-, Chemical Industry

The design of an operational strategy (manufacturing) for a (new) business based on a new method for the preservation of wood.

1) Analysis of the competitive (industrial) landscape (wood processing industry)
2) Analysis of market and market trends of wood products
3) Analysis of the individual processing stages, within the wood industry (supply chain), i.e. the operational, costs and quality factors.
4) Investigation of available technical solutions, research outcomes and suppliers.
5) Definition of an (ideal) integrated manufacturing concept for the production of timber, based on proven yet latest available technology.
6) Assessing feasibility (suppliers) and suitability (market) of concept
7) Action plan

The study resulted in newly suggested lay out for an integrated wood processing facility. In contradiction to the initial thoughts, the new lay out resulted in significant lower technical and operational complexity, and allowed a significant efficiency improvement. Expected savings around €9 Mln/yr.

2002-2003 Interim Project, New Product Development Strategy, Vita Zirno, Russia.
Capital Goods-, Energy Industry.

The design of product development strategy for the development of an Advanced Combined Heat-Power Energy Conversion system.

a) Project definition and scoping
b) Initial assessment of energy market and CHP industry
c) Defining basic system requirements
d) Defining development stages, planning and deliverables.

The project halted due to regulatory restrictions of the Russian government.

2000-2002 Global Account Manager: Xerox (Nederland) B.V.
Dedicated liaison between Xerox and the European Patent Office (EPO).

a) Building understanding of operational activities at the EPO
b) Building understanding of political landscape at EPO
c) Improving and extending business relations network within the EPO
d) Identifying and analysing potential business opportunities
e) Managing sales teams for defining business proposals and responses to tenders
f) (Re-)negotiating and managing business contracts (software and services)
g) Managing operational managers of on-site business service operations (25 fte)
h) (Re-) calculating cost structure of on-site business operations, and re-definition of service pricing (document scanning activities).
i) Advice on development (New) software products, Palo Alto Research Centre
j) Coaching R&D team in proper customer relationship management
k) Executing functional analysis for software design
l) Redesigning escalation procedure for software products
m) Reporting to Global Account General Manager
a) Revenue $ 10.000 K.
b) Largest business proposal: $ 25.000K
c) Management of 25 tenders (multi disciplinary teams)
d) Significant efficiency increase in Software re-design in 50% of the time at 50% of the
initial estimated costs.
e) Advising of CTO on development and market launch of new compression tool(software)
f) “Acknowledgement of Achievements” by CTO and VP of Xerox Global Services

1999 Secretary (A.I.) of Contingency Department, Millennium Platform the Netherlands

General manager, defining, supporting and promoting continuity preparations for the industry and governments. (4 fte)

a) Defining project objective, activities, planning and deliverables.
b) Negotiating and managing third party service contracts
c) Selection & hiring of support personnel
d) Development of practical (and understandable) business continuity tool in collaboration
with AEA technology
e) Definition and execution of promotional plan for business continuity tool.
f) Adjustment of business continuity tool for 20 business sectors.
g) Managing National Continuity Test (Industry plus Government), in collaboration with COT (Dutch Crisis Research Institute)
h) Arranging and managing continuity board (industry and government) meetings
i) Monitoring progress of continuity activities
j) Reporting to chairman of the continuity board

a) All activities executed successfully within 12 months time.
b) Continuity tool implemented by 2000 companies (estimate)
c) Serious deficiencies have been traced at both the industry and government
d) No incidents have been reported during millennium change.

1998 Consultant/Analyst Change Management, Institute of Management Resources(IMR), Frankfurt.

Reorganising & Restructuring of the Manufacturing environment of Draftex GmbH (Automotive rubber and plastics parts).

a) Defining project objective, activities, planning and deliverables
b) Defining manufacturing and (operational) management processes
c) Defining key performance indicators (KPI’s)
d) Analysing processes
d) Creating involvement, and awareness of problem areas
e) Coaching high, middle and lower management levels in TQM principles and tools.
(“do it right the first time”, “quality at the source”, prevention vs cure, zero defects, etc.)
e) Coaching problem solving procedures, and execution of these procedures
f) Coaching quality at the workfloor (source)
g) Implementing Total Quality Management Tools, Data Recording, Pareto analysis, Cause &
Effect diagrammes, Quality Lay Out, TPM, etc.
h) Monitoring progress, reporting to President of Draftex GmbH.

Productivity increase up to 100% (VW) and savings up to 30 Mln. due to improved raw materials QC, reductions machine down time, etc.
Company was reward: "Best Supplier of the Year-Award" by Ferdinand Piech.

1997 Consultant Change Management, Peter Chadwick Ltd., London.

Reorganising & Restructuring of the Manufacturing environment at various companies
i.e. Companies: Atlas Copco (Capital Goods), Rexam Plastic Ltd (Packaging) , Berkhof BV (Automotive). Focus on analysis.

Similar as previously mentioned, yet focus on analysis.

Potential Savings up to €50 Mln. due to re-routing material flow and changing specific processing stages (Taguchi). In addition, reduced manufacturing lead times (30%), reduced machine downtime (TPM), improved communication/management structures.

1994-1997 MBA, TSM Business School (See Education)

1990-1994 Researcher: Wageningen Agriculture University.

Horticulture Technology: Development of a Tree Propagation System with which root(ing) defects can be avoided.

a) Life cycle analysis of planted trees
b) Identifying problems and relationships
c) Determining physiological factors driving root development
d) Determining causal relationship between physiological factors and identified problems
(Cause & effect)
e) Defining conditions & requirements to control desired physiological factors.
d) Re-design propagation system (clean sheet)
f) Execution of various growth tests.

A basic design of an improved propagations system was established. Based on the results, a PhD was offered by both the University (Dep: Chemical Technology) of Delft and University of Utrecht (Dep: Eco-physiology).

1985-1992 MSc. Forestry and Management Studies (See Education)

1982-1985 Free lance Reporter Automotive: Limburgs Dagblad. (Local daily newspaper)



MBA, TSM Business School, Enschede, The Netherlands.
Management of Technology and Business Development.

MSc., Agricultural University Wageningen, The Netherlands
Forestry Technology, Management Studies.


Enterprise Selling Process (ESP) – Siebel
Structuring account management activities, defining account strategy and monitoring progress.

Contingency Management – AEA technology
Analysis and risk evaluation of factors threatening business continuity

Chang management – Peter Chadwick Ltd.
Analysing operations and management processes, Total Quality Management, and how to implement change.


Core Competence are lying in the combined expertise of:
1) Operations management and Total Quality Management
2) Marketing and Business Development (Industrial Marketing)
3) Technology- and Innovation Management
4) Change management

Potential problems:
- Manufacturing costs are too high, and/or drain away at unknown places,
- the quality of the end-product is not good enough or unclear, to much scrap is produced, quality perception at the workfloor is low
- adjustment between production stages are poor, downtime is high, inventory is to high, lack of space, to high stock levels.
- overhead costs are to high, or a proper overview of who is doing what, when and how, is lost. Poor collaboration between individual departments
- planning and in time delivery
- a new process needs to be installed
- a misfit between operations and market
- improving market focus or customer service
- a new strategical direction or products are needed
- management of product development (Quality Function Deployment, functional design, industrial design, design to manufacture)
- management of market introduction

Project approach
a) Defining situation, project objective(s), scoop, and priorities
b) Defining project approach and change team
c) Process descriptions, and installation key performance indicators
d) Process analysis and problem identification
e) Solution generation and implementation
f) Monitoring progress and evaluation

Project Characteristics
- Its not the change manager who searches for the problems and solves them. Its about the people at the company, helping them how to structurise problems, and helping them to solve them.
- Its not about solving problems today, but also about by bringing the people at a higher level so improvements will happen tomorrow as well.
- Change Management is expensive. By using key performance indicators, proper project targets can be set, and added value properly assessed.

Management skills
- manufacturing operations
- multi disciplinary teams
- multi cultural teams
- project management (ISO 9004/6)
- manufacturing, sales, product development, strategy


Basic Frensh
Basic Malayan


Active, empowering and motivating mentality
Strong communication skills, on both high level and work floor, peoples manager.

Type of projects:
Interim manager fullfills both regular line functions (operations and marketing) and specific projects in business development and change management.

Non conventional, creative, persistent, and strong sense for innovation/improvements.


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