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Management Consultant, Interim Management

Management Consultant, Interim Management

Work Experience

October 2003: Adviser to Iteco, Morogoro, TANZANIA. Analysis and advise on approach to adaptation of Integrated Access Planning in the project;

June/July, Aug/Sep and Nov 2003: Planning Adviser to the National Emergency Employment Program (NEEP), Kabul, AFGHANISTAN. Development of project selection methodology and procedures for investments under the Worldbank funded NEEP-Rural Access; Client: Transitional Islamic Government of Afghanistan, contracted by UNOPS.

October 2002 and March/April 2003: Feasibility assessment and Training in planning and selection tools, Bluefields, NICARAGUA. Assessment of needs and appropriateness of tools and systems for transport infrastructure investments and training of the socio-economic implementation team of the Danida funded “Transport Sector Programme Support Component”.

March 2002-January 2004: Community Travel and Transport Project, Lira District, UGANDA; Intermittant inputs as
Team Leader and Process Manager for Cowi Consult in a pilot project to enhance rural travel and transport and improve access to basic facilities, to contribute to poverty reduction in the district. Donor: Danida

May 2002: Tripartite evaluation of IRAP III, PHILIPPINES
Consultant for the ILO (UN) in the final tripartite evaluation of the “Nationwide application of the Integrated Rural Accessibility Planning Project (phase3); a collaboration between the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), the ILO and the Dutch Government.

June 2001-January 2002:Second Rural Infrastructure Development Project, NEPAL
Assisting the Government of Nepal, with ADB funding, in the design of a national development project to enhance income generating opportunities and making essential socio-economic support services accessible to the rural poor. This includes a sector review, policy and institutional analysis, feasibility studies, definition, design and implementation arrangements in the rural infrastructure sector; selection and appraisal criteria for sub-projects, the design and conduct of feasibility studies, the review of construction and contracting approach, technical standards and (labour) norms, O&M requirements Leading consultant: SWK.

April-June 2001: Road Selection & Prioritisation system development (MIS), UGANDA; Assisting DANIDA, in 7 districts in the north of Uganda. Activities undertaken include setting up road inventory & condition surveys, design of a planning framework, sytem development (MIS) and sensitivity analysis for road prioritisation, and the conduct of training in these subjects.

Februari-April 2001: Preparation and formulation of a Rural Accessibility Planning Methodology and Work Plan for a Rural Access Program, YEMEN; Formulation of a methodology and work plan for the World Bank Rural Accessibility Improvement Program and the drafting of the Consultant ToR for the first phase. This will be the basis for a 10 year nation wide rural access road program; World Bank, Washington DC.

January 2001: Workshop on Integrated Rural Access Planning, MALAWI; Facilitation of a Workshop for District Directors of Planning in the application of IRAP in the prioritisation and selection of projects for development; ILO-ASIST Harare.

January 2001: Evaluation of the Pemba Small Scale Irrigation Project, Pemba Island, TANZANIAFinal Evaluation of the Consolidation phase of the PSSIP and drafting a framework for irrigation development on the island; ILO-ASIST Harare.

September - December 2000: Continuation of Field testing IRAP Methodology (see April 2000)August 2000: Evaluation of the Sidhmukh & Nohar Irrigation Project, HARYANA, INDIAEvaluation of the 84,000 ha irrigation project For DHV Consultants, Client: EC. The main canal system is to convey water through 3 States. The construction is close to completion. The evaluation of the project looked at the progress, performance and the planning of the construction and made recommendations to that effect. The report builds a case that justifies extension of the project by six months.

July 2000: Identification Workshop for Rural Infrastructure Assistance, VIETNAM; Preparation and Facilitation of a Workshop in Ha Tinh, to identify areas for intervention and to select and prioritise Communes. Client: Oxfam-GB.

May 2000: Preparation of CTTP in Lira District, UGANDAField surveys, compilation of a district profile and preparation of a component description for the Community Travel and Transport Programme, with IT Transport. Client: DANIDA.

April 2000:Fieldtesting Cost Benefit analysis for Rural Access Planning in MALAWI & VIETNAM; advising DFID and the ILO on optimising the Integrated Rural Access Planning methodology by applying cost-benefit indicators in Rural Access to enhance the applicability of IRAP at local level.

February 2000: Rural Access Study in Kalabo District, ZAMBIAHow to apply Access planning for basic services in the rural areas of Kalabo District. Advising the ILO and the Local Consultant in the application and integration of planning for services as Water Supply, Schools, etc, using secondary sources of information.

November 1999-January 2000: Rural Transport and Infrastructure Study in Zambezia, MOZAMBIQUE. Conducting Rural Survey of Access and Transport problems in Rural Mozambique for the British Development Agency DFID.

November 1998-October 1999: Rural Access Programme, VIETNAMRural Accessibility Specialist in Multi-disciplinary consultants team for IT-Transport/ DFID; Preparation phase of an Integrated Rural Access Programme and a National Strategy study and advising the government in the selection methodology for the World Bank Rural Transport Programme.

October 1998: Draft Integrated Rural Accessibility Planning Guidelines for MALAWIShort assignment for the ILO to prepare a draft Guideline for Integrated Rural Accessibility Planning in Malawi.

March-April 1998: Mid Term Review of IFADEP, BANGLADESHRural Infrastructure Specialist in Multi-disciplinary consultants team for the EC-DGI; Evaluation of the Growth Centre Connection Road project; one of the four components of the Integrated Food Assisted Development Programme (WFP)

1994-1997: Pilot Integrated Rural Transport Project (PIRTP), MALAWITechnical Adviser in Rural Access/Transport Planning for the ILO/UNDP: team leader in development of Guidelines for Integrated Rural Access Planning; member of the task force to draft the National Rural Transport Policy. Adviser to the national project team in implementation and execution of rural infrastructure. General project planning and -management, responsible for technical assistance budget

May 1995 UNDP Regional Water Development Programme, MALAWIShort term (2 weeks) consultancy for UNDP: Inventory of irrigation development activities nation wide, on “Access to Water for Food Security and Productivity”. The emphasis was on identification of water sources, harvesting techniques and storage capabilities. This included groundwater, earthen dams, river water, catchment’s development and conservation. Focus on small scale irrigation and ownership/management by farmer groups and water users.

March 1995: Irrigation Development Project, Pemba Island, TANZANIA Training Consultant for ILO/UNDP in planning, design and execution of Rapid Rural Appraisals by the Irrigation Field Staff. Technical Advise on earthen dams, intakes and distribution of water for irrigation and drinking water.

1992-1994: Dhaulagiri Irrigation Development Project (DIDP), NEPALTechnical Adviser in Irrigation Development for the ILO(-DANIDA) in engineering advisory activities and on the job training in identification, selection, surveying, designing and implementation of small scale, farmers managed irrigation projects, access paths, tracks and trails. One of the focal points of the project was the parallel capacity strengthening of Local Government (district offices), Water Users Associations and local NGOs.The project had strong training components in technical skill development, socio-economic aspects, labour based contracting development and income generating activities.

1993: Myagdi/Baglung Food For Work -Tracks and Trail programme, NEPALSupervision of the Tracks and Trails Project in Myagdi district for ILO/WFP. Responsible for the supervision of labour based contractors.

1991-1992: “Interprojekt” Consultants, THE NETHERLANDS
Project Leader/ Hydrological Adviser; Conducting (environmental impact) studies in soil & water: risk analyses, pollution rates, impact assessment, supervision. Managing implementation of civil engineering and environmental works: Supervision of project execution, responsible for the progress, planning, finance, execution and reporting of projects. Acquisition and preparation of bids and tender documents.

Sept ‘90-Jan ’91: Agriculture Research Institute, Staring Centre, THE NETHERLANDS
Technical Engineer/Consultant to the Department of Remote Sensing; Interpretation of satellite images, preparation of planning- and land classification maps, for infrastructure projects within the European Union.

Jan-July 1988: Irrigation Development Project Palopo, Sulawesi, INDONESIA: Design Engineer with DHV-Consultants and implementation of farmer managed irrigation schemes and access roads, contractors’ supervision.

June-Dec 1983: Euroconsult, Abu Ghraib Project, IRAQDesign Engineer in Drainage and Irrigation (of tertiary units), hydraulic calculations and structural design.


MSC Degree, 1990: Irrigation, Drainage, Rural Infrastructure; Silsoe College, UK.

BSC Degree, 1989: Land & Water Management/Hydrology; HBCS,Velp, Netherlands.


Strategic Planning
Management Information Systems
Operational Management
Leading and coaching in processes of change and innovations
Project- and Programme Management
People Management and Human Resource Management
Effective Presentations
Organisation and conduct of vocational training and
process management,
crisis management and conflict handling
Strategy development and policy formulation.
Computer: Office, visual basic, Statistical packages, MIS, GIS


Dutch (mother tongue)
English (fluent)
German and French (basic)


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