Flex Manager
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Experienced Interim Manager

Experienced Interim Manager

Work Experience

Successful career as Finance Director in a range of industries.
Responsible for economic model for the development of an Aerospace Business Park for MOD in partnership with WDA.
Investigated investment model for the construction of £77m aircraft repair facility for DARA.
Developed business model and project managed construction of factory in jungle overseas for Wm Baird plc.
Project managed move of 550 employees into newly refurbished city centre premises for Railtrack.

Consulting Limited, consultant/interim manager - Aug 1997 to present
MOD/DLO (Defence Logistics Organisation) - Prepared successful £200m Investment Appraisal and Business Case involving WDA (Welsh Development Agency) to enable inward investment and the creation of at least 3,000 jobs.
DARA (Defence Aviation Repair Agency) - Developed business case for construction of £77m repair facility leading to cost savings of 20% with expanded production.
Railtrack - Carried out search for new HQ, prepared £3.5m business case, and managed transfer of 550 employees in Birmingham City Centre.
Railtrack - Interim Business Development Manager.
Railtrack - Developed Corporate Governance procedures.
Railtrack - Developed investment procedures course.
Continental Imports ¡V set up Accounts Department for newly acquired business with turnover £15m
Completed investigations for a German company disposing of UK assets.
Prepared prospectus for a mail order company to obtain venture capital £2m.
Developed business case for a timeshare holiday village in Eire £1m.
Facilitated management seminar on organisational change.
Prepared investment appraisals for acquisition of a transport venture and a brewery for private clients.
Formed and managed construction and development company for private client.
Prepared tax advice, management and statutory accounts for private clients

Wm Baird plc 1983 to 1997

Operations Director, Continental Imports Ltd, Blackpool ¡V turnover £25m
Prepared company for sale to two organisations. Sold all assets within agreed targets.

Finance Director, BMB Ltd, Leeds, Gothenburg and Breda - turnover £350m
Implemented new accounting systems in new Dutch subsidiary which grew to £20m turnover and 17% ROS.
Performed due diligence for acquisition of Swedish target (£70m turnover) reducing purchase price by £10m and subsequently developed successful business case for acquisition.
Developed alternative product sourcing (value £20m) from Belorussia and Russia ¡Vreducing costs by over 30%.

Finance Director, Bairdwear Group Ltd, Telford ¡V turnover £250m
Investigated and implemented new product sources in Philippines, Hong Kong and Sri Lanka.
Prepared business plan for new factories in Sri Lanka.
Project managed construction of new factory in Sri Lanka.
Introduced supply chain management working very closely with Marks & Spencer.
Managed integrated computer system upgrade.

Finance Director, William Pickles plc 1979 to 1983

Responsible for liquidation for fixed and floating charge holders ¡V group turnover £25m.

Philips Industries 1967 to 1979

General Manager, Philips & Pye Finance Services, Nottingham - Responsible for £200m consumer credit and industrial lease debt. Developed dynamic bad debt provision method.

Group Auditor, Mullard Ltd, London

Involved with audit and project work for Philips subsidiary in component manufacture and supply.

Consolidation analyst, Philips NV, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Early introduction to working in continental Europe which has stood me in good stead ever since.

Philips Management Trainee
Comprehensive commercial and manufacturing training with sandwich course release to City of London College which lead to success with CIMA exams.


Qualifications ACMA 1970, FCMA 1982


Skills and experience
„³ Tested and tried contract negotiator.
„³ Self starter and accomplished in ¡§change management¡¨.
„³ Hands on experience of investment appraisal, budget, business case and forecasting modelling.
„³ Proven treasurer and accountant.
„³ Successful project manager, trainer and facilitator.
„³ Experienced in both public and private sectors.


Publication ¡§Broadsword - The background to and birth of a joint venture to supply the European Retail Apparel Market¡¨ - with Dr Philip Harris - Academy of International Business, UMIST 1994


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