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Work Experience

Manufacturing Process Methods Development
Work Measurement
Health & Safety Support
Continuous Improvement (Kaizen)
Set-Up-Reduction (SMED)
Total Productive Maintenance
Name of Company: John Conroy Partnership Ltd/John Conroy Partnership
Job Title: Director/Principal Consultant
Period: 1996- To-date
Key Achievements: Implementation of World Class methodology to UK companies and support of Health and Safety systems
Whilst in this capacity also acted as: Acting Production Executive - Power Panels Ltd. Walsall, West Midlands. Achievements in Client companies include increasing productivity by 45%, decreasing lead times by 50%, implementing change programmes, establishing teamwork, kanbans, SMED systems etc

Name of Company: Various UK Consultancy Groups
Job Title: Senior Consultant - World Class Manufacturing
Period: 1994- 1996
Key Achievements: Implementation of Teamworking, Kanbans, Kaizen, SMED and Cellular
Development at Royce Thompson, Harris Brush, Spillshire Ltd., and Appor Ltd.
Development and presentation of Workshop series on behalf of U.K. Business Links, Training and Enterprise Councils and Business Groups.

Name of Company: Barclay-Roche/Working with other UK Consultancy Groups
Job Title: Senior Consultant/Industrial Engineer
Period: 1990- 1994
Key Achievements: Cellular Manufacture and JIT implementation - Melfin UK and Newby Foundry
Acting Production Exec - Melfin UK - Senior Liaison with Automotive Sector Companies for scheduling, deliveries, quality, technical specifications and new product launches.

Name of Company: Daks-Simpson Womenswear Job Title: Production Executive
Period: 1984- 1989
Key Achievements: Implementation of Teamworking, expansion of production facilities to include new shirt unit, increasing production capacity by 45%, increasing productivity by 25%. Specification, testing and implementation of computer system (Order processing, tracking and capacity planning modules).

Name of Company: Various
Job Titles: Production Executive, General Manager, Senior Industrial Engineer, Work Study Engineer
Period: 1969- 1983
Key Achievements: Full range of managerial responsibilities including costing, production, outsourcing, procurement, training and development, factory expansion, setting up new production units, introduction of measurement systems, liaison with customers, technical specification production, machinery installation and development, staffing levels etc. Manufacturing Units of between 60 and 300 employees

Motivation & Incentives
ISO 9002 Auditing


NEBOSH Certificate in Health & Safety- with Credit
Adams Basic Six Sigma Certificate
Institute of Administrative Management - Business Studies
British Accreditation Bureau Registered Consultant
Member of Barleythorpe Safety Group


John Conroy provides assistance to organizations in the implementation of World Class culture and techniques to improve profitability and productivity.
His “hands on” method of tuition and his short Workshops, together with follow-through implementation, ensures speedy results for the client and enables real development of employees in a teamwork environment.
Implementation and support of Health & Safety requirements, Risk Assessment formulation, site inspections and relevant tuition is also provided.




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