Flex Manager
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Trilingual Interim MD or FD

Trilingual Interim MD or FD

Work Experience

Financial Director of French manufacturer of industrial goods (1000+ employees in France and several hundreds in foreign subsidiaries) for 20 years during which time company went from 250 to 1150 employees in France. I set up or purchased subsidiary companies in many European countries. I also led negotiations in complex contracts in Russia, China, Canada etc. Interim Manager since 1997. Assignments include turnround of a chemicals manufacturer in Paris (80 employees) closure of a food manufacturer in Madrid (70 employees) General Manager of a clothing distributor in Madrid, Finance Director of a food manufacturer in France and Finance Controlloer of a Construction company in Gibraltar.


Member of the English Institute of Chartered Accountants


Strong on analysis, resolving problems,in general management or in accounts. Very strong on costing and financial control in manufacturing. Leader and motivator.


English mother tongue. Perfect French. Excellent Spanish.


Based in Madrid but working in France, Spain, Gibraltar or elsewhere if necessary.


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