Flex Manager
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Senior Operations Executive and General Manager

Senior Operations Executive and General Manager

Work Experience

2.5 years with CHEP UK as Operations Director for UK and Ireland.reduced unit costs byb 10% ,increased output by 9.5%,reduced customer complaints by 50% and reduced lost time accidents by 32%.
3 Years with Invensys as Group Manufacturinf Director and Managing Director taking business through MBO.Group Kaizen and 6 sigma champion.
2 Years with FIAT as factory manager taking business through reorganisation for Lean Manufacture.


Charterd Engineer and Member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers.
Fellow in Manufacturing Management (Cranfield)
BSc Mechanical Engineering ,Sheffield
HNC and ONC Mechanical and Production Engineering, York


Multi site business manager.Design and manufacturing expert on most processes.Change Agent,BPR experience,Supply chain experience incorporating all facets from manufacture to point of sale and customer service.


I have working knowledge of Italian and could quickly get up to speed.


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