Flex Manager
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director business development

director business development

Werkervaring interimmanager

2001- Now Business Development Director
Mr. Ramakers is in this job responsible for a rapid growth of the business outside the normal growth the business makes by ordinary sales. The growth should be reached by take over activities, start-ups, and sale of parts of the company. Several projects are under his control, projects in the line of infrastructure, product and market development and due diligence. Market segments that currently are under development: Travel industry, Automotive and Media segment.
1999-2001 Director Marketing
In this job Mr. Ramakers was responsible for the management of the marketing department of Energis NV. A department with approx. 20 employees. Several voice data and internet products were launched under his control. He was responsible for the positioning of Energis in the Dutch market and the growth of the revenue of 70 %.
1999 Branch manager New operators en Service providers Intercai
During this job Mr. Ramakers was responsible for the positioning of the consultancy firm Intercai in the market of alternative telecom operators and service providers. During this period the revenue has grown with 20 % and consultants received challenging assignment.Furthermore during this period Mr. Ramakers was responsible for a research project to analyse the investment climate in the Dutch CATV-world.
1998 Eneco K&T Intercai
Mr. Ramakers was responsible for the launch of the ISDN 30 product in the market. Further more he developed the Strategy of Eneco K&T., implemented this strategy and was helped to give direction to commercial department of Eneco K&T.
1996-1997 Enertel Intercai
During this period Mr. Ramakers was responsible for the launch of the first Data and Voice product of EnerTel. Further more he supported the development of the sale and marketing department and he was responsible for the development of the strategy of EnerTel.During this period he also was involved in retrieving the Telecommunication Licence for EnerTel.
1996-1997 Pnem Teleservices Intercai
In this assignment Mr. Ramakers was responsible for the product development of the telecommunication services of PNEM Teleservices. He was also as a project manager responsible for the process to get the Telecommunication licences.
1991-1995 KLM Cargo Intercai
Mr. Ramakers was responsible to automate the commercial process of KLM Cargo. He was project manager of several IT projects and Interim manager of the IT department. He launched a for that time unique services that developed and implemented an ICT relationship between the customer of KLM Cargo and the carrier.
1994-1995 DETAM Intercai
This assignment made Mr. Ramakers responsible for the development and implementation of a strategy to build up a relationship between the social security company DETAM and their customers. The solution was based on EDI and Videotex.
1989-1991 Videotex Nederland Intercai
Mr. Ramakers was involved in the start up of the company Videotex Netherlands. He specified the required equipment and negotiated with several suppliers to build the product portfolio of the company. Further more he gave direction to the sales department of the company and was also as an account manager responsible to get the revenue in.
1986-1989 PTT Telecommunicatie PTT Telecommunicatie
During this job Mr. Ramakers was responsible for the technical product development of the Telepad product. This was a product that made it possible to communicate via the telephone network with the X.25 data network Datanet 1. Furthermore he was responsible for the design Travelnet and the connections of tour operators and travel agents to this network.

Opleiding interimmanager

Institution Direction Year
SG Groenewald Stein Atheneum - B 1981
HTS - Heerlen Electro technology and Telecommunication 1986
Post HTO - Den Haag Datacom & Telematica 1988
Post HTO - Den Haag Business management 1993
Open Universiteit Nederland International marketing In development

Management Development training inside Intercai 1998 - 1999
Several courses for commercial, project management and effective communication skills.

Consultancy interimmanagement a.i. kerncompetenties

· Mr. Ramakers is a specialist in development and implementing business activities in order to improve the revenue of a company.
· Mr. Ramakers is a specialist in supporting start up companies. Beside his general marketing, sales, technical, management and project management skills , he is specialized in the launch and the sales of new services.
· Years of experience in consultative selling, either of consultancy services or added value communication services. Achieved always the targets.
· Mr. Ramakers has years of experience in consulting companies on ICT issues (Information and Communication Technology) concerning the company’s business strategy, processes, such as marketing, sales and logistics. He has experience with several E-business projects.
· In his consulting jobs he undertook several roles as project manager, interim manager and product manager.
· Mr. Ramakers has an in-depth knowledge of the Internet and telecommunications market in the Netherlands and worldwide.

Talenkennis interimmanager

Netherlands, English, German


Other activities

ASP Forum Nederland
The ASP forum Nederland is an association of IT and non-IT companies with the goal to stimulate the development of the ASP market in the Netherlands. Based from an independent position, the ASP Forum starts activities and develops services to support all parties in the ASP-market.

Mr. Ramakers member of the executive committee of this association and is responsible for the secretariat. He is one of the founding members of this association.

Forum Innovatieve media
The Forum Innovatieve Media is an association of ICT-, Media-, and Content related companies with the goal to initiate commercial new media activities, which cannot be developed by each company individually.

Mr. Ramakers member of the executive committee of this association and is vice chairman of this association.

Three people with a long ICT-history found the foundation Jart. Mr. Ramakers is one of the three. At this moment Jart is doing a research to get insight in the actual status of in house networks.


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