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senior programme manager/director (change management)

senior programme manager/director (change management)

Work Experience

January 2002 - August 2002 National Grid, Wokingham
Member of the IS Leadership Team responsible to NGC for the provision of IS services to the Group.
This level 1 role included the development maintenance and communication of an IS Strategy focused on value delivery to NGC. The role included advising the Director of IS, IS Delivery Managers and Business Units IS Steering Groups on IS Strategy, Business Planning Co-ordination for the whole of IS and specific line and budgetary responsibility for the Strategy and Architecture Groups, the development and implementation of IS control systems (including investment appraisal and approval, project management and control and the development and implementation of an Operating Model), and responsibility for solutions design architecture, methods and standards. A key aspect of the role was the ability to broker agreements on solutions, influencing the business units and other IS managers in order to ensure that the IS strategy was implemented to the benefit of IS in a way which ensured NGC wide coherence and compliance with the strategy.
Specific responsibilities included:-
IS Strategy guidance, and the strategic direction of the IS organisation
IS Business Plans
The identification of cost reduction opportunities
Management of Strategic vendor relationships
Reconciliation of the needs of different business areas and guidance on resolution of any conflicting requirements
Specific accountabilities included
Leading the development of the IS Strategy
Developed a target operating model to achieve Op.Ex. savings of 37%
Defining and running the IS Investment and approval process ¡V challenging non-compliant investments and those which did not have the requisite elements for business benefits delivery
Assuring strategic compliance of solutions designed by Delivery teams
Brokering IS Solution decisions between Delivery teams in different business units
April 2001 ¡V December 2001 Centrica IS
Reporting to the Strategy Director, Jeffrey managed the Centrica Information Systems (Centrica IS) Improvement Programme. Centrica has acquired a number of organisations in recent years, which have brought to the Group various systems, approaches and cultures. The IS Improvement Programme¡¦s objectives were to build a common approach to client company IS requirements and to improve the quality of service delivery whilst reducing the cost of IS services.
The programme identified 100+ change initiatives which were captured on a Benefits Delivery Plan. The Programme involved establishing a Programme Office, implementing programme processes based on the CCTA Programme Best Practice, the development of a Benefits Strategy, processes for Benefits Profiling and Benefits Prioritisation, programme planning and management, and project implementation. The Benefits Delivery Plan was an important aspect of the programme. It provided continuous reporting on how and when benefits were being delivered by the Programme.
Central to Centrica¡¦s wider strategy is the alignment of its current disparate systems to provide customer focus through a Customer Relationship Management System.
In addition Jeffrey is part of the Front Door Team that assesses prospective projects on a technical and commercial basis for inclusion in the programme. Assessed Proposals have included development in-house, in-sourcing and outsourcing work.
September 2000- January 2001 VIA NETWORKS UK LTD
Reporting to the UK Managing Director, this assignment involved the post-acquisition integration of four ISPs, U-Net, Net link, I-Way, and WWS, into a single legal and trading entity. Highlights include: -
Management of external consultants
Migration of material contracts into the new entity
Liaison between US and UK senior management group,
Development of and management of integration plans,
Support of the HR function,
Mentoring the European Integration manager, and
The migration of Group properties into the new entity.
September 1999 ¡V September 2000 TELEWEST COMMUNICATIONS PLC.
Jeffrey lead two programmes on behalf of Telewest:
Reporting to the Operations Director the first programme involved the integration of seven regional customer care and fault organisations into a single virtual organisation located in the North of England. Individual work streams included:
The development of the Business Plan, financial profile and Human Resource plan for the programme and the ongoing business. This activity included consideration of outsourcing options.
Human resources, including the management of the redundancy/relocation and retention programme, recruitment and training for the new National Centre. As more than 100 people were at risk the assignment included the management of the statutory consultation period.
Process re-engineering of business functions to improve customer care and to affect the move into the national centre.
The management of the delivery of the information technology systems required by the call centre, some of which are mandated by the regulatory authority (OFTEL),
Development and rollout of an Expert System and knowledge base to assist customer relations and fault management.
The provision of telephony systems and their associated management reporting systems.
The procurement and fit out of premises as a call centre and their connection into the Telewest voice and data wide area network (WAN)
Provision of a Broadband Link & e-commerce services
Management of key internal stakeholders relationships
Reporting to the Director responsible for New Business Initiatives, the initial management of a programme to create a new organisation to provide Broadband access to the Internet for business clients and a variety of value-added e-commerce services, including ASP services. This new business venture consisted of 20 workstreams organised into 3 projects: product development, service wrap and marketing and sales. Highlights included: -
The management of the interdepartmental interfaces to ensure that delivery was achievable within the planned time frames.
Management of the development of a HSD platform (an ISP platform). The prime contract for this work was let to an external supplier (Hewlett Packard). The internal project was concerned with the management of the supplier relationship, and the maintenance of technical standards,
Product development of the platforms associated portals and the e-commerce services to be used with the portals. Development work was sublet to external suppliers
Procurement of third party applications for the offer.
The development of the organisation required to bring the offer into the market and to maintain it in service. This work includes integration of processes with other areas of the business.
Billing systems and their integration into the ISP platform.
Co-ordinating Marketing and Sales, including the planning and implementation of the rollout schedule.
March 1999 ¡V August 1999 MERRILL LYNCH, LONDON
Reporting to the Head of Merrill Lynch¡¦s Europe and Middle East Project Office, this change project involved the mentoring and development of the 40+ Project and Planning managers in the organisation in relation to project planning, resource management and project reporting. The driver for this project was the rollout of the ABT Repository in conjunction with MS Project 98. An objective of the project was to enable better resource planning (ERP). Advice in relation to project management issues within Merrill Lynch.
February 1998 - March 1999 BANQUE PARIBAS, LONDON
Jeffrey has carried out two assignments for Banque Paribas
Euro2000 & EMU Commercial & Communications Manager Deputy Programme Manager & Programme Risk Manager, Reporting to the euro2000 programme manager and the Programme Board. Member of the London Production Executive Committee. Jeffrey was invited to be a member of the London Territories Steering Committee and a member of the Global Capital Markets Steering Committee. The project scope for euro2000/Y2K was London and worldwide capital markets. Worldwide capital markets involved production centres in 16 countries.
Established EMU/euro2000 project office.
Developed programme strategy for EMU/euro2000.
Recruited 65+ contractors for the implementation of the programme.
Developed and managed recruitment process and human resource policies.
Defined need for project control processes and specified solution
Procured and implemented ABT Repository with PMW and MS Project 98.
Implemented Lotus Notes solutions for Team Tracking and resource planning (ERP).
Established risk and issue process.
Development of contingency plans.
Responsible for vendor/supplier management; budgetary controls and planning; process control and programme knowledge management.
Responsible for programme management of individual projects.
Specified and negotiated Year2K Awareness Program and undertook in-house presentations to all levels of management.
Responsible for and nominated contact for liaison with head office in Paris and the Global Co-ordination team for Y2K
Established programme procurement procedures
Project Consultant & Senior Technical Project Manager. Reporting to the Head of Project Services London Production the assignment was to assess existing project management processes, make recommendations for change and the formulation and implementation of new processes. Activities included
Assessed existing project management procedures.
Defined documentary standards.
Defined and implemented new procedures. The procedures extended beyond Project Services and included the process by which project initiation approvals should be obtained.
Established project office.
Change managed the new procedures and provided formal project management training.
Provided guidance on techniques for estimating and assessing risk management.
Provided mentoring to managers to distribute knowledge and expertise of project delivery and assorted services.
Reviewed London Production procurement processes and made recommendations in respect thereto.
June 1997 - January 1998 BRAID SYSTEMS LIMITED
Project Consultant & Senior Technical Project Manager Reporting to the Director responsible for Consultancy Services the role involved: -
The project audit of a number of internal and Customer projects.
Assessing existing project management processes, proposing recommendations for change and the formulation and implementation of new processes.
The assessment of the Company¡¦s compliance with its ISO9000 registration, and the development of a project accounting system to interface with the Company¡¦s main accounts system.
In addition to these internal projects a number of key customer projects were managed. These included:
The Programme Management for SWIFT 97 updates to Messenger Software and installation of 50+ customer sites. The role included the project management of changes to Braid Messenger to accommodate the SWIFT 97 update and the planning and co-ordination of client site updates, all of which had to be in place over a single weekend. SWIFT is an inter-bank money transfer system.
Project consultant in relation ANZ¡¦s integrated messenger system. The role included acting as an interface between Braid and ANZ to ensure that full product functionality was achieved whilst ensuring the commercial success of the project.
Developed the strategy paper on three tier architecture systems to incorporate the legacy systems in real time processing to be presented by Braid at the Information Technology Euromoney Conference entitled ¡¥Developing an IT Strategy for the Banking Industry¡¦.
Reporting to the Director of Finance. Engaged to manage a team from an external consultancy employed to develop and provide expertise to define, specify and implement quality programmes (ISO 9001 to TickiT requirements) and a change management programme. The project required that processes and procedures be identified, established or amended where needed, documented and implemented to ISO standards. The project involved extensive training and facilitation for middle and senior management and the implementation of changed processes throughout the organisation. Certification was obtained on first application. In addition to the primary role described above a project audit was carried out on ongoing project to provide a configuration management system.
Reporting to the Partner in Charge of Litigation. Jeffrey undertook as an interim manager the role of the firm¡¦s Head of Construction. The period coincided with a number of developments by blue chip clients of this well-known firm of solicitors. Projects included the development of a high-tech laboratory complex for a US computer company, various development works and the resolution of technical and construction disputes. An important aspect of the work for Lewis Silkin was advising their clients in the Housing Association sector
Reporting to an executive Committee of the Racal Group Finance Director, Group Company Secretary and the MD of Racal Datacom, with regular direct presentations to the Group Chairman.
Consultant and Senior Project Manager to the Channel Tunnel Project - data communications, signalling, clock systems and telephony. Evaluation of a team concerned with the preparation of financial reports and to establish why its performance fell below expectation. The team consisted of engineers, accountants, quantity surveyors and a lawyer, drawn from various professional firms and the contractor market. Issues identified included poor, and defused, leadership, lack of objectives, failures in communications and low morale. Recommendations included clarification of objectives and team development. In addition it was recommended that the support services to the team be improved. Following the initial report Jeffrey was retained to implement the recommendations and manage the team to the conclusion of the project.

Short term assignments have included
Client: Patient Access.com
The development of a business plan for a health related dot.com.
Client: Bucknall Austin plc, Birmingham
Reporting to the Chief Executive. Review of project management techniques in claims preparation and report.
Client: Todd Associates, Management Consultants
Facilitation of strategy workshops for a public sector client.
Client: Birmingham City Council, Legal Department
Reporting to the City Solicitor and the Practice Manager the assignment was to prepare an IT strategy for the Legal Department of Birmingham City Council.
Client: Lyons Davidson, Solicitors, Bristol
Reporting to the Partner responsible for IT Jeffrey prepared an IT strategy for this firm of solicitors based in Bristol with offices in other parts of the country.

Client: MaCreiff Heely Limited, Management Consultants,
Assignments include introduction of quality management system to both BS EN ISO 9001 and BS EN ISO 9002. Assist management to prepare business and marketing plans for company expansion.
Author of ¡§marketing¡¨ articles on change management and quality for publication in trade press
Client: Bucknall Austin plc, Birmingham
Reporting to the Chief Executive. Review of project management techniques in claims preparation and report.

Client: Elliott Sloane Limited, Consultants.
Marketing support in legal market for document imaging and information management and communications.
Preparation and presentation of a lecture in knowledge management

Client: Legal 100
Preparation and presentation of a public access course in gaining competitive advantage through the use of information technology
Client: CCL Property Development, subsidiary of P&O Shipping, London
„« Jeffrey was invited by CCL¡¦s Board to evaluate their project management functions. The assignment was to evaluate the project management capability of CCL¡¦s internal project managers and the Company¡¦s procurement methods. The objective of the exercise was to evaluate whether the best value for money was derived from the existing service delivery. Recommendations for change included the provision of certain services through outsourcing.
Client: Peripheral Support Services Limited, Hampshire
The introduction of ISO 9000 standards. Mentoring and support to the Directors.

1995 - to date Associate Lecturer/Tutor/Mentor
Associate Lecturers are encouraged to use a process of facilitation to develop the work of the students assigned to them. The OUBS MBA programme is heavily orientated towards strategy and emphasises the application of the theory learnt on the course in the student¡¦s workplace. Jeffrey has held appointments as an Associate Lecturer on the following MBA courses:
Knowledge Management
Change Management
Marketing Strategy: The Challenge of the External Environment
Performance Measurement and Evaluation
In addition to the above posts Jeffrey has held a number of consultancy assignments with the Business School. Those assignments include:
Facilitating the initial roll out of a wide area email/conferencing system, First Class,
Tutor and student training on the First Class,
Desktop design in relation to First Class usage by students,
Work on computer mediated conferencing,
Support of student work on the internet, and
The pilot of the Business School¡¦s new Knowledge Management Course.
Jeffrey has also held numerous residential school tutor appointments.
August 1988¡V November 1994
Managing Partner/ Consultant
Saunders Sobell was a medium size (26 partners) legal firm based in Holborn, London. It had 180 employees about half of who were legally qualified. The role of Managing Partner involved commercial and professional responsibility for the firm. In addition to that internal role Jeffrey managed projects on behalf of clients. Much of this work was concerned with project recovery. Some of Jeffrey¡¦s internal roles have included:
Managing Partner (Chief Executive)
Consultant retained to advise on IT implications on Saunders Sobell¡¦s merger with Forsyth, Saunders, Kerman
Head of Construction and Engineering Group
IT Partner (Director of IT)
Jeffrey implemented Lotus Notes within this organisation. The implementation included workflow, practice management, document and file management systems.
Jeffrey gave numerous public lectures whilst with Saunders Sobell both in relation to his own specialisation of Construction and Engineering law, and also in relation to practice management.
1982 ¡V1988
Partner BATES & PARTNERS, Solicitors
1977 ¡V 1982

Assistant Group Company Secretary, Company Secretary and Solicitor


Education „« MBA (Open) 1994. Jeffrey¡¦s dissertation was concerned with issues relating to managing professionals.
„« LLM (Leicester) 1999 in European Management and Employment Law.
„« Diploma in Economics (Open)
„« Certificated PRINCE 2 practitioner
„« Investor in People (IIP (Henley)), Advisor.
„« Solicitor,
„« Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.
„« Associate of the Institute of Management Consultants
„« Member of the institute of systems managers


Jeffrey has experience in the following standards and methods and processes:
Change Management/
Business Transformation
Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)
Management Mentoring
Soft Systems Methodologies (SSM)
Hard systems methodologies
Structured problem solving
Systems Intervention Strategy (SIS)

Contract Procedures and Procurement
Competition compliance
Compulsory Competitive Tendering (CCT)
Contract management
Invitations to Tender (ITT)
Market testing
Service Level/Delivery Agreements (SLA¡¦s)
Vendor management

Business Processes
IT Infrastructure

Knowledge Management
Intangible Asset Monitor
Knowledge Audit
Knowledge Economics
Skandia Navigator
The Balanced scorecard
The IC Index
Work flow/GroupWare

Performance Measurement & Evaluation
Bench marking
British Quality Foundation (BQF) methodology
Deming and Juran
European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM)
Investors in People (IIP)
ISO9000: ISO 9000/2000
Quality circles
Quality Management and Quality Assurance Standards
The Balanced scorecard
Total Quality Management (TQM)

Programme Management & Direction

Project Audit
Project Management
Budget control & allocation
Contract Management
Risk and issues management
Vendor Management

Project Management Training and Mentoring
Project Recovery
Strategic Planning
Defining, Positioning, Corporate planning, Facilitation
Feasibility studies
Recovery strategies
Risk assessment
Scenario planning
Transactional Cost Analysis (TCA)

Call centres
Case-based reasoning systems (CBR)
Customer care processes
Voice over IP


Profile Jeffrey is an experienced interim manager with extensive experience at, or reporting to, Board level. His work has included strategic management and implementation. Jeffrey has delivered major change programmes in a variety of environments including Professional Services, Banking, Telecommunications and Utilities.
Most recently he has worked at NGC as the IS Strategy Manager, a level 1 appointment, where he formulated the ongoing IS Strategy and was the solution architect for the organisations target operating model. He has completed major assignments for clients including the Centrica (a £27m pound IS Improvement Programme), Telewest Communications (business restructuring and post-merger integration), Banque Paribas (programme management and process architect) and Merrill Lynch (change programme and mentoring) and Racal Datacom (programme management).
The focus of Jeffrey¡¦s work has been:
1) creation of shareholder value through restructuring, change management (business transformation) and organisational review and development.;
2) stakeholder management to ensure that appropriate levels of service delivery are maintained through transformation and that the stakeholders have confidence in the process and outcome of the transformation; and,
3) development of knowledge management / knowledge transfer processes within client organisations to build long term benefit from assignments.
Having spent his early career as a practicing Solicitor, working in technical disputes, Jeffrey is able to assimilate difficult problems quickly. That experience, coupled with his wider IS Programme and Project management experience has given him good technical literacy, and the ability to work comfortably with IS personnel and concepts.
Jeffrey¡¦s experience includes a Global/European dimension for NGC, Merrill Lynch, Banque Paribas and Via Networks.
Jeffrey currently lectures on the Knowledge Management and Business Strategy modules for the Open Universities MBA course. On many occasions he has shown himself to have excellent leadership qualities which manifest themselves in his man management, facilitation, coaching and mentoring skills. He has a track record of installing sound programme/project management practices and successfully developing teams that deliver projects on time and on budget.
He is a certified PRINCE2 practitioner and qualified Investors in People Advisor (Henley).
Available from 19th August 2002


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