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sales & marketing director

sales & marketing director

Work Experience

• Senior sales and marketing professional with 20 years experience in the software industry, having held Director and VP positions in Europe and the USA.
• Proven commercial success with subsidiary start-up operations in UK, USA, Far East and mainland Europe.
• Raised $68 Million on the London Stock Exchange during 2000 & 2001as part of the management team of two companies.
• Founding Director of Informix Software Europe in 1986. USA, Director International Development ’89 to ’92.
• $45 Million revenue achievement - Corporate/ Government direct sales and third party channels; OEM, distributors, Systems Integrators.
• Broad market sector experience: Central Government in UK and Europe; Retail: Telco: Pharmaceutical: Television & Media: Motor Manufacturing: Finance Banking & Insurance: Defence: Dept of Education (OFSTED): Software Distribution: OEM: ASP Service Provision.
• Personally negotiated and managed individual contract values to $3.5 Million.
• In-depth knowledge of the IT industry; with established contacts in European distribution channels, Retail, Systems Integrators, VARs and OEMs.
• Multi platform experience: .Net / Windows/NT, Citrix, Unix;; MVS, predominantly in the areas of eCommerce / Internet technologies, RDBMS, Client Server & Object development tools, Networks; Data Warehousing; Software Re-engineering and Performance Management.
• Established industry figure and conference speaker, with long standing relationships with City and Industry analysts, and the press in UK, and Mainland Europe.

Career History:

Recently completed an 18 month project for the Rail Safety & Standards Board.
Current projects:
1. Functional requirements definition for two Home Office projects
2. SMS Airline Reservation project with WorldSpan Inc.
3. SDK Platform project with mBlox Ltd (SMS Aggregator)
4. Raising early stage funding for an SMS Development tools ‘start-up’.

February / September 2001 . iRevolution Plc, London based ASP.
V P Sales & Marketing
Restructuring, in preparation for IPO on the London Exchange.
IPO raised $10.4 Million

1999 – 2001. NetStore Plc. UK. VP Marketing and Business development

Achievements: Revenues: $5.68 Million in fiscal 2001.
IPO raised $56.8 Million on the London Stock Exchange

Business Planning in readiness for IPO in April 2000.
Developed and executed a channel based marketing strategy resulting in the recruitment of 70 channel partners in the UK, producing revenues of $5.6 Million
Developed OEM Relationships with TeleWest, NTL, and British Telecom.

1997 –1999
International Business Development
Primary business: Launching new technology companies in Europe, providing sales, marketing and new business development consultancy.
Clustra Systems Inc. Memory Resident RDBMS.
ANGARA Inc. Palo Alto. eCommerce. Set-up of European Operation.
NetStore UK Ltd. Application Services. Company re-launch and 2nd Round Financing (£3.2Million)
RJD Ltd. London eCommerce - Web Design
Ascent Ltd, UK Asset Management ‘mature start-up’. Funding & Acquisition
IT Verlag GmbH, Munich Dealer Portal. Germany, UK & USA
Press Data Ltd. London Sales & Marketing Plan for UK.
Newtech Inc. NJ. USA. VC Client. Company restructure and Trade sale
Syntonic GmbH (Austria): Y2K services in Germany, Austria, and Sweden
SEEC Inc. Year 2000 remediation tools for MVS IBM Mainframe
Achieved $1.2 Million in Licence & Services Revenue .
Major Accounts at SEEC
Avon Cosmetics $802,000. Dunn & Bradstreet $85,000
Unisys $100,000 Bedag AG (Switzerland) $70,000
Cybertech SA $60,000 CSC Europe $50,000

June ’96 –March ‘97 British Government (Dept for Trade & Industry)
Year 2000 TaskForce and Year 2000 Group Germany.
Invited by the DTI to build the Y2K Conference and PR Program, sponsored by the British Government. Designed and implemented a similar program in Germany sponsored by IT Verlag GmbH.

Sept ’94 - June ‘96: Bloor Research. IT Industry Analysts, Milton Keynes.
Managing Director.
Objective: To restructure the company and return it to profitability
Increased revenue by 340%. Established distribution channels in Europe and the USA.
Signed contracts with IBM, CA, Oracle, Informix, Microsoft, Novel, and SUN.

August. ‘92 - Sept. ‘94 - Magic Software UK Ltd. (Subsidiary of MSE Israel)
Managing Director; Established the UK subsidiary.
• $1.12 Million Revenues in 1993 with a team of 11 staff.
• $805k Revenues in 1994.
• Sales model: Corporate Direct, Third Party Distribution and Consulting Services
• Corporate accounts over $150k in value included:
Rolls Royce PLC; SKY TV; STAR TV Asia; News Data Corp; Crown Agents;
The Government Cabinet Office; Dept of Education (OFSTED), DeBeers Diamonds; ADIA Alfred Marks; UN Geneva, Trustee Savings Bank PLC; Audi Volkswagen and NETRHA.
• VAR and distribution business accounted for 30% of the revenue.

1986 - 1992 Informix Software Inc.
Founding Director of Informix Software Europe in 1986

October 1989 - August 1992 Informix Inc. Menlo Park, CA. USA.
Director of International Marketing based in Menlo Park, California.
(1) To develop the Asia Pacific & Latin American Markets.
(2) To achieve revenues equating to 34% of corporate total.
(3) To establish an international identity within corporate marketing strategy and product development.

• International Operations contributed 52% of corporate revenues in fiscal ’1990.
• Subsidiaries established in Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia
• $3.6 Million OEM Contracts with Fujitsu, ASCII, Japan.
• 26 Distribution agreements in six Asian Countries and eight Latin American Countries
• Localisation of products in eight languages.

February ‘89 – October ’89 - Informix European HQ Staff.
Promoted to Director of European Marketing and Business Development
Objective: To develop six European subsidiaries based on the business model originally developed for the UK.

• Revenues of $45 Million in fiscal ‘89. Exceeded targets, achieving 40% of corporate revenue.
• Developed six subsidiaries in Europe, each with a complete compliment of sales, marketing, technical support and finance staff.
• Established Informix as a major player in the European TeleComs market with Nokia, Ericsson, Siemens, France Telecom and DeutcheTelecom.
• Adapted the distribution model, and extended the third party strategy to include the leading systems integrators in Europe.(CAP Gemini; Debis SystemHouse GmbH; Garmhausen GmbH; Systems & Management SA, Italy; UNIWARE, Denmark)
• SmartWare Launch in France, Benelux, Spain, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Scandinavia.
• Launched Informix On-Line throughout Europe, finally establishing the company as a frontline player in the Unix OLTP market.

Jan ‘88 - Feb. ‘89, Informix Software UK Ltd
Marketing Director with $7 Million Revenue responsibility.
Major objective: To reposition the Unix Database products in the mid range market in order to compete with the market leaders, Oracle, Sybase and Ingres.

• $13 Million total revenue. Established Informix as a recognised contender in the OLTP market with early success against the major competitors at the Inland Revenue Ministry of Defence, Royal Navy, French Navy, BNP Paris, Renault, ABN Amro Bank, British Telecom, German Railways, German Armed Forces, DHL International, Q8 Oil and Zetters Pools.

June 1986 – January 1988 – Innovative Software Europe Ltd
Sales & Marketing Director
One of the founding directors of Innovative Software UK Ltd. (HQ Kansas City), which later merged with Informix Software Inc. in December 1987. Grew the company from a start-up situation to revenues of $4 Million in Europe with a staff of 24 at the time of merger with Informix.

1984 - 1986 Software Products International Inc. San Diego CA.
European Managing Director Revenues $5 Million

1982 - 1984 InterMedia Graphic Systems Ltd,
Founder and Managing Director. Revenues $3.5 Million

1978 - 1982 Linotype Merganthaler. Salesman


1. Robin Bloor, CEO Bloor Research, UK
2. Frank Sempert, former Gesheftsfuhrer of Gartner Group, Germany.
3. Ulrick Parthier, CEO, IT Verlag GmbH. Munich.
4. Dr Eric Ver Ploegh. CEO Angara Inc.Palo Alto. CA
5. Nick Brox. VP sales, Angara Inc, Palo Alto. CA.
6. Dr Klaus Webersinke, Former head of RDBMS Products, IBM EMEA
7. Tom Garrahan, CEO Vangarth Intl. AG, Geneva
8. Gary Smith, CEO, NetStore UK Ltd. Bracknell, UK.
9. Tom Debacco. Former VP International Informix software Inc.
10. Ken Coulter, former VP Sales Informix Software Inc.
11. Phil White, former CEO Informix Software Inc.
12. David Assia, Chairman of MSE Israel.
13. Dr Joseph Kisting, Debis Systemhouse GmbH, Stuttgart.


2.1 in Politics from UCD


Sales & marketing in the software sector in UK, Europe, and the Far East




Highly successful manager having been involved in six \'start-up\' companies in the UK, Austria, Germany and the USA


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