Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
21218 professionals


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Work Experience

Assistant Manager Amro Capital Markets Group
Manager Public Switching AT&T Indonesia
General Manager Philips Medical Systems Zuid Africa
Managing Director Medical Applications Australia
In this period: Chairman of The Philips Asia/Pcific IT Committee, installed SAP R3 throughout ASIA in '98-'99.
CEO DVI Inc South Africa


Gymnasium B
Drs Algemene en bedrijfseconomie VU Amsterdam
Chase Manhattan Credit course (1 year)
EBIC Course, 1 year, banking principles, courses in A'dam, London,Paris,Frankfurt,Milan and Brussels


Change management, cash-flow management, general mangement
IT management in combination with Business Process Reengeneering. Very strong financial background.


Dutch, English both fluent, written and spoken
German, French reasonable


Very competent self-starter with a truly international background and experience in project acquisition (Telecom and Medical) both private and government, broad general manegement experience in various companies in South America, Africa and ASIA/Pacific


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