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Manager / projectleader / coach

Manager / projectleader / coach

Work Experience


Firm : Advies b.v. Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
Time : since january 1995
Function: Managing director / Senior management consultant
Tasks :
- to co-ordinate implementation of TQM in various types of organisations such as: Construction companies, Electrical engineering companies, Sales organisations, Local government, etcetera
- to co-ordinate a management consultancy
- to (re)structure departments / organisations

In 1999 in co-operation with the University of Wales I have got the contract to set up a QUEST package (QUality, Environment and Safety Training package). The end product should consist of a multi-lingual training package on CD-rom to benefit all SME organisations (Small and Medium sized Enterprises) in Europe. This was a program with financial aid from the Leonardo d’Avinci nureau of the European Community.

In 2000 - together with some Dutch partners - I was intensively involved in obtaining a European tender in the field of a survey of the Electro technical market in Tsjechië. Penvoerder in dit traject was het Nederlands Economisch Instituut (NEI) in Rotterdam.


Firm : Branch organisation, Houten, The Netherlands
Time : from September 2003 (part time)
Function: Head Audit en Certificering department
Task :
- to redesign and professionalise the department
- to improve customer focus of all departmental staff
Results :
- realised sales target for whole 2003 in Q4 2003
- a contract for further professionalisation of the staff

Firm : Local government, Gelderland, The Netherlands
Time : April 2002 - September 2003 (part time)
Function: Business Management Advisor
Task :
- to structure / improve internal sector processes
- to implement new processes

Firm : Service society, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Time : November 2001 - December 2001 (part time)
Functie : Bureau manager
Task :
- to structure Secretariat Service society (crisis management)
- to improve service level towards members

Firm : Logistic service provider, Venray, The Netherlands
Time : September 2001 - December 2001 (part time)
Function: Quality Manager
Tasks :
- to structure the Quality Management System
Results :
- ISO 9001 certification in November 2001

Firm : Dredging project, Port Saïd, Egypt
Time : July 1999 - August 1999 (full time)
Function: Quality, Health & Safety Manager
Tasks :
- liaison with main contractor

Firm : Certifying Body, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Time : May 1995 – January 2001
Function: Lead Auditor ISO-9000
Tasks :
- to perform Initial and Periodical audits on management systems
- to co-ordinate audit teams
- Many organisations in several branches


Firm : Raab Karcher Bouwstoffen (Group of wholesalers in construction materials)Dordrecht, The Netherlands
Time : 1994
Function: Co-ordinator Total Quality Management
Tasks :
- to co-ordinate implementation of TQM
- to develop a concept Quality Manual

Firm : De Delta BV (Construction company)Middelburg, The Netherlands
Time : may 1992 - december 1993
Function: Co-ordinator Total Quality Management
Tasks :
- to co-ordinate implementation of TQM
- to compose a concept Quality Manual

Firm : Bester B.V. (Wholesaler lab. suppl.) Amstelveen, The Netherlands
Time : approx. 1.5 month
Function: Didactical Employee
Tasks :
- to co-ordinate courses on coulometry
- to write product information sheets

Firm : Chrompack International BV (Manufacturor of laboratory equipment) Middelburg, The Netherlands
Function: Teacher Practicals / Course Leader
Time : approx. 3.5 years
Tasks :
- co-ordination of (practical) courses on chromatography, mainly at the European and American subs.
- to instruct and accompany course delegates
- to survey international literature
- to write new lectures and course information
Member of the committee for Safety, Health and Well-being

Firm : Quest International Nederland BV (Producer of flavours and fragrances) Bussum, The Netherlands
Function: Instrumental Chemical Analyst
Time : approx. 12 years
Tasks :
- to carry out analyses using GC- and HPLC-techniques, as well on a routine basis as with method development
- to implement quality assurance
- to accompany apprentices and students


MSc = Master of Science in Total Quality Management

CMC (Certified Management Consultant) is an international certificate awarded by The Order of Organisation Experts and Advisors (De Orde van Organisatiekundigen en -adviseurs) in The Netherlands and acknowledges the highest standards in management consulting and adherence to its professional code of ethics. Less than 1% of all consultants have achieved this level of performance.

2003 Course on Interim management, FunktieMediair, Amsterdam (NL)
2001 How to motivate people, Ability Creation Experts, Beek en Donk (NL)
2000 Standard NEN-EN-ISO 9001:2000, Det Norske Veritas Cert. BV, Rotterdam (NL)
2000 NLP Master Coach & Practitioner, AVN Ac. Vitaliteitskunde Ned., Nijmegen (NL)
1999 Hogere BedrijfsKunde (HBK) (equal to Higher Education in Business Administration), Institute of Business Administration Education and Courses (IBO), Zeist (NL)
1995 Lead Assessor ISO-9000, KPMG/Lloyds, Eindhoven (NL)
1995 Master of Science in Total Quality Management, Humberside University, Hull (UK)
1992 Training Total Quality Management Kock Projecten BV, Tilburg (NL)
1989 Course on Didactics (cont.ed), NCATB, Vlaardingen (NL)
1988 Course on Didactics, NCATB, Vlaardingen (NL)
Several Courses on GLC & HPLC, VOVOL and Chrompack (NL)
1980 Course Participative Management, In-Company training Quest Int. (NL)
1977 HBO Chemisch-Analytisch (equal to PGD), Analistenschool Amsterdam (NL)
1971 MULO-B, Chr. MULO, Buitenpost (NL)


- Experienced in dealing with people from different nationalities, both European and non-European
- Knowledge of several PC software programs
- Full clean driving licence.


Besides the Dutch and the Frisian language I also feel confident with the English, German and (in a lesser state) the French language. By staying in both Sweden and Italy I have an elementary knowledge of the Swedish and the Italian language


Douwe Meetsma has been selected as an honoured member of The Ultimate Professional Directory of the WHO'S WHO Historical Society since September 2002. Selection for inclusion in this organization and membership is a testament to the professional, academic and civic achievement of the member.


1999 - Ecclesiastical work in Apeldoorn
Functions : Elder in the Presbyterian Church of Apeldoorn
Chairman of the Federation Council of the Presbyterian Church in Apeldoorn
Chaiman of the governing body of the Federation Council of the Presbyterian Church in Apeldoorn

1999 - Orde van Organisatiekundigen en -adviseurs (Ooa) (Ooa = Council or branche organisation for Management Consultants)
Functions : Chairman of the Activities Committee of the Ooa
Member of the governing body of the Ooa (from 2000)

1999 - 2001 Society of Licensed Consultants of MKB Groeicertificaat™
Function : Chairman

1998 - Central Body of Experts MKB Groeicertificaat™
Function : Member on behalf of Vereniging Kwaliteitskunde Nederland (VKN)
Task : - to represent interests of quality experts

1998 - 2002 Medezeggenschapsraad (MR or co-management) primary school PCBS "Het Anker" in Apeldoorn
Function : Chairman

2003 - Medezeggenschapsraad (MR or co-management) secondary school CSG "Sprengeloo" in Apeldoorn
Function : Member

- Auditor Nederlandse KwaliteitsPrijs (equal to EFQM-Award) for Instituut Nederlandse Kwaliteit (Dutch equivalent of EOQ)
- Lead Auditor ISO-9000
- CMC-member of de Orde van Organisatiekundigen en -adviseurs (Ooa) (Ooa = Council or branche organisation for Management Consultants)
- CMC = Certified Management Consultant
- Member of the Vereniging voor Kwaliteitskunde Nederland (VKN or Dutch Society for Quality)
- Member of the Historical Society International Who's Who Professionals


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