Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
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Marketing and Sales Manager

Marketing and Sales Manager

Work Experience

25 years in the global marketplace before becoming an Interim Manager. Worked for 'blue chip' electronics, defence,utility,IT and security companies in Programme, Strategic Planning,General and Sales Management.

Examples: Programme Director for THORN EMI Electronics- responsible for the management of military projects globally. Typical value:> £50 million each.

Director Far East THORN Elctronics. Established a Far East office, based in Kuala Lumpur for 5 years to 1999.
Secured several major projects for the utilty,Security and defence sectors and grew the business to £100 million.

Considerable experience in acquistions, JVs, and change management.

Worked for: THORN EMI Electronics; Schlumberer; Rediffusion, GEC Marconi, NASA and ran my own software and simulation company from 1985 - 1990.

Howell started is own Interim Management Co. in Feb. 2001 and todate has held three assignments:

1 Stategic Planning Director for Applied Imaging Corp. a company that designs computer based systems for human chromosome analysis.
2. Managing Director for a Malaysian defence and utility company based in Kuala Lumpur.
3. Strategic Planning Director for a UK Security company bases in Sussex. Ongoing.


HNC Control Systems + endorsements
HND Mathematics
Company sponsored MBA

MIEEE; MIMC; Member New York Academy of Sciences; MIoD;AIIB


Major Programme Management, Stategic Planning; General Management, change managemnt and sales and Marketing.
Very familiar with the UK MoD and Utility sectors and equivalents in certain Middle and far East countries.


Malay -good


Have had experience of the acquisition process of high tech companies. 4 in toto.
Worked with the CEGB on the PWR programme and in London at the design centre.


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