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jr business developer/marketeer

jr business developer/marketeer

Work Experience

Sept 2000- Currently

CMG Telecom- Leading Anglo-Dutch ICT consultancy firm
The Netherlands

Position: Consultant - In my role as consultant I performed in several different positions and areas. Most activities took place in the field of business development or consultancy projects; among the most recent and relevant are:

CMG Marketing & Business Development
-Philips Mobility Services Strategy: To answer the question on what to do with mobile services, we are currently developing a Mobility Services Strategy for Philips Corporate IT. This services strategy forms the outcome of the strategic fit between their global user- requirements, their global business drivers and their global Corporate IT strategy. The results of these mobility services will be documented and recorded in a Portfolio Roadmap.

-Proposal Coordinator Mobility Services Strategy for Philips: Coordinated a project team responsible for the production of a proposal to Philips. The proposal aims to develop a Mobility Service Strategy for which the end-deliverable is a Portfolio Roadmap.
-Project Coordinator Market Entry Strategy Billing & CRM Market for CMG: Coordinated a project team responsible for developing a Market Entry Strategy for a Billing Service (solution CMG Telecom). Result is a proposition presented to the management on how CMG should act in the Customer Care Market.
-Project Coordinator Market Analysis Billing & CRM Market for CMG: Responsible for the daily project management and co-ordination of a market research team, contact with market research bureaus, and all communication to management.
-Business Case for REMU: Wrote a business case proposition for REMU (energy provider) on how to become an Application Service Provider (ASP) in the future liberalized energy market.
-Business development for KPN: Worked out various pre-sales solutions and proposals for KPN in the field of Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence and Business Process Improvement, which have all been input for new consultancy projects.

CMG Consultancy Projects
-KPN MxStream Change and Release Management: After implementation of a new ERP system, I acted as Interim team manager Change and Release Management for KPN MxStream. During the project, I coordinated a team of people and was responsible for the registration, processing and implementation of changes on the new system, conducting impact analysis of changes in the organization and the planning and content of new releases.
-KPN MxStream, Implementation ERP: Participated in the coordination of the migration and implementation of a BaaN ERP information system for KPN Telecom. In this project, I have been responsible for analyzing and solving the differences between the user environment before and after the migration from Baan VI to Baan ERP.
-KPN BU Local Loop Services: Developed a forecasting process for the marketing distribution department of KPN Local Loop Services
-KPN BU Fixed Telephony ISDN: As a process analyst I worked on several projects for KPN, helping to streamline KPN business processes and to implement performance management in the KPN organization. Activities included reviewing, structuring and modelling new business processes for various different KPN supply chains with the aim to achieve operational excellence.

1999-2000 Alcatel- Worldwide Telecom Equipment Manufacturer Paris, France

Position: Junior Market Analyst, Market Intelligence, department business development and strategy (Industrial placement)-In this position I have been responsible for the following activities:

-Market Analysis & Quantification: Took part in the analysis and quantification of the professional worldwide voice telecom market in terms of volumes, market shares, competition and positions. This included collection of data, analysis of data and correction of internal and external data publications (such as; Gartner Group, Ovum, Forrester Research, IDC).
-Trend Watching: Within the department of business development and strategy we were concerned with the analysis of the developments and trends in telecom business in order to be able to recognize possible opportunities and threats.
-Market Forecasts: Contributed in various market forecasts, developed predictions of growth in the European telecom market and economy, for marketing and production purposes.
-Mergers & Acquisition: Responsible for the analysis of mergers & acquisitions in the worldwide voice telecom market as well as the update and publishing of this analysis on the Alcatel Intranet.


2000-2002 CMG Consultancy Training

In my role as consultant within CMG, I attended several professional consultancy trainings, seminars and telecom workshops.

2000-2001 Telecom Business Training, CMG The Netherlands
Intensive professional 6 weeks CMG training on Telecommunications (technology, markets, Internet and mobile networks), Project Management, Social and Communicational skills and Process Management (ARIS, BPI) to prepare trainees for their role as consultant in Telecom Business.

1996-2000 The Haagse Hogeschool University of Professional Education

BSc (Hons) International Business Studies, major in International Marketing Strategy

1998 University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Exchange Programme, subjects: Economic Analysis, International Trade & Industries, International Marketing Management


English (near native), French (articulate), Spanish (basic), Dutch (mother tongue).


Interest in: world matters and actualities such as world leadership and globalisation and their impact on local economies and businesses.

Leisure time: dinner parties & cooking, photography, travelling.


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