Flex Manager
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David Pepper

David Pepper

Work Experience

10 years experience at aseniot level in telecoms and Manufacturing companies
Experienced in aquisitions, disposals, due dilligence, design and delivery of strategies, and all related people issues in countries including Sweden, Germany and Italy.
% years experience in the Middle East.
Trainer in performance management
6 months interim with Danone food group recruiting a new strategic marketing team
2.5 years with Van Lear Industrial containers designing and introducing a total HR strategy and ralionalising UK production
1 year with the German group Gehe managing the consequences of a major take over
Just completed 1 year with Invensys doing due dilligence in Germany and Italy and closing a Swedish operation


MA in European Industrial Relations
Business Studies degree


Strategy, negotiations, policy design, closures, due dilligence, aquisitions


some arabic. french and german


Kim Steele - MD Invensys Building Systsems Europe
Henk Schats - European Financial Controller - IBS
Paul Butler - MD Van Leer Industrial Containers
Avaiable now untill August and from September onwards. Anywhere in Europe.
Contract is with my new company.


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