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Finance Manager / CFO / Corporat controller

Finance Manager / CFO / Corporat controller

Work Experience

Work experience

Interim management assignments

Feb 2008 – July 2008 ELQ Hypotheken NV
ELQ Hypotheken NV is a Dutch mortgage lender, a subsidiary of Lehman Brothers
Function: Finance Manager
Assignment details:
• Finance manager of the finance department (supervising five staff members);
• Responsible for a project in cooperation with Lehman Brothers to resolve balance sheet issues;
• Responsible for the planning and coordination of the monthly management pack with a focus on timeliness and reliable information;
• Responsible for the planning and coordination of the annual accounts of the Company;
• Maintaining a network with Corporate, the internal and external auditors;

Jan 2007 - Jan 2008 Borrie & Co Accountants BV
Borrie & Co Accountants is an indepent audit firm and member of the international Alliot Group. The company provides a wide range of services in the area of accountancy and tax advice.
Function: Audit Partner
Assignment details:
• External auditor responsible for and serving a client portfolio of small and medium-sized trade companies;
• Sparring partner and advisor of clients;
• Member of the management team;
• Coordination and quality control of each engagement;
• Responsible for the invoicing and debtor management of the client portfolio;
• Member of local business network.

June 2006 – Dec 2007 Fortis Insurance International
Fortis Insurance International comprises Fortis’s insurance activities in UK, France, Luxembourg, Spain, Portugal, China, Malaysia and Thailand.
Function: Management Reporter
Assignment details:
Transfer of the administration of FII Holding from Fortis Group to Fortis Insurance International, Finance department including the implementation of systems and procedures to guarantee a correct and timely consolidation of FII Holding into the financial statements of Fortis Insurance International. Furthermore the development of a monthly cost management report to allow management of FII to perform cost control and to make reliable forecasts on quarterly and year-end results.

Sept 2005 – May 2006 Maternity leave

April 2005 – Aug. 2005 McCann division of IPG
IPG is an international media company. This company is listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
Function: Risk Area Lead Acquisitions
Assignment details:
Before the client will be ready for the audit of the 2004 financial statements they have planned a financial statement review to make sure no problems will arise. During the review process a risk area lead for acquisitions will make sure a consistent approach is rolled out for the agencies in the countries that Company X is located. As Risk Area Lead the following responsibilities were assigned:
• Leads, facilitates and executes Area methodology and execution;
• Leads and facilitates program activities for each risk area with local offices, Area Controllers and Floaters
• Owns area deliverables and work plan development
• Reviews area deliverables and executes testing in high risk territories
• Manages risk, issue and status reporting process across all territories

Nov 2004 – April 2005 ELQ Hypotheken NV
ELQ Hypotheken NV is a Dutch mortgage lender, a subsidiary of Lehman Brothers
Function: Finance Manager
Assignment details:
• Finance Manager of the finance department (treasury, internal control, management & financial accounting);
• Member of management team;
• Restructuring/improvement of the operations of the finance department;
• Recruitment of personnel of the finance department;
• Training of staff to improve their management accounting skills;
• Responsible for the planning, structuring and coordination of the monthly management pack with a focus on timeliness and reliable information;
• Responsible for the implementation of new financial accounting software;
• Responsible for the planning and coordination of the annual accounts of the Company;
• Maintaining a network with Corporate, the external auditor, bank and legal advisors;
• Supervising four staff members.

June 2004 - Nov. 2004 Hagemeyer NV
Hagemeyer is a value added business-to-business distribution services group focusing on the markets for electrical materials, safety and other MRO (Maintenance Repair and Operations) products in Europe, North America and Asia-Pacific. Hagemeyer is an Euronext listed company.
Function: Financial Specialist
Assignment details:
Update of the Finance Manual of Hagemeyer NV with a focus on the following aspects:
• IFRS-compliancy;
• Providing definitions for the chart of accounts;
• Inclusion of business cases;
• Describing of management reporting requirements such as cash flow reporting and key performance indicators;
• Reconciliation with the new control and reporting-tool Hyperion BM.

Apr 2003 - Apr. 2004 Essent Energie B.V. – Power Division
Essent is a Dutch power company with a large energy and cablecom product range. The Power Division concentrates on the production, purchase, trade and business-to business sale of energy.
Function: Manager Management Accounting
Assignment details:
• Restructuring/improvement of the planning & control cycle of the Division Energy;
• Restructuring/improvement of the process and the content of the monthly division report to the Board with a focus on timeliness, accuracy and transparency;
• Training of staff members to improve their reporting skills;
• Responsible for the planning, structuring and coordination of the consolidation of the monthly reporting packages, the preparation of the monthly division report and the related communication with the operating companies and Corporate;
• Responsible for preparation and analysis of management information;
• Coordination and preparation of the operational plan 2004/2005 & writing improvement plan budgetcycle 2005/2006;
• Responsible for the planning, structuring and coordination of the semi-annual and annual accounts 2003 of the Division Energy;
• Maintaining a network with the controllers of the operating companies, controllers of divisions, as well as with Corporate Control, Corporate Reporting and the external auditor;
• Training of my successor;
• Supervising seven staff members;
• Reporting tool: Hyperion.

Permanent assignments

1998-2002 CSM NV
An internationally operating company engaged in the development, production, sale and distribution of food ingredients and confectionery. CSM is listed on Euronext Amsterdam N.V. and is included in the AMX index.
Function: Manager Accounting & Reporting
• Responsible for the planning, structuring and coordination of the consolidation of the CSM quarterly reporting packages and the related communication with the operating companies;
• Responsible for the preparation, maintenance and application of the group accounting policies (accounting manual) within the framework determined by the Board of Management and the Corporate Controller;
• Responsible for the preparation of the statutory accounts of CSMnv and the semi-annual report;
• Maintaining an international network with the controllers of the divisions and the operating companies, as well as with the Corporate Internal Audit Services Department and the external auditor.
• Projectmanager implementation group reporting software;
• Responsible for the back-office, internal control procedures and financial accounting of CSM Corporate Treasury;
• Responsible for the financial accounting and quarterly reporting of several holding companies;
• Supervising four staff members;
• Reporting tool: Clime.

1996-1998 Intrum Justitia BV
European market leader in debt collection with an international network.
Function: Internal Compliance Manager
• Establishment and performance of internal compliance audits performed at the Intrum Justitia operating companies to assist management in the development of internal controls in line with the corporate business requirements and to cross share knowledge amongst the countries;
• Identification of the major business risks and controls which exist within the operating companies;
• Improvement of the financial procedures at the Head-office;
• Assistance to the development of an internal acquisition manual;
• Assistance during the semi-annual and annual closing of the books of Intrum Justitia which comprises review of the group consolidation, analysis of the group reporting packages from the operating companies and clean-up of the annual accounts;
• Responsible for the financial accounting and group reporting of several holding companies.

1989-1996 Coopers & Lybrand (“C&L”), Amsterdam, The Netherlands; International Audit division.
Function: Audit Manager
• External auditor serving a wide range of industries including insurance, manufacturing, advertising, trade etc;
• Performing and auditing large multi currency consolidation;
• Review and co-ordination of assignments for a European HQ, which involves co-ordination of the work of other offices within Europe;
• Quality control of each engagement;
• Working with different reporting standards, including the following: IAS, Dutch/UK/US GAAP;
• Performance of due diligence reviews of trade companies.


1984-1989 Free University, Amsterdam The Netherlands
Graduated in Business Administration Degree of doctorandus (MBA equivalent)

1989-1998 Free University, Amsterdam The Netherlands;
Post-graduate RA qualification (US CPA equivalent)

2001 Certificate IAS Course


- A pro-active result driven interm manager with a strong service attitude. Down to earth approch with a focus on improving financial processes and procedures. Can easily adapt herself to different circumstances and situations.


Dutch mother tongue
English fluent
German fluent
Spanish moderate


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