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interim (executive) manager strategy & commerce

interim (executive) manager strategy & commerce

Work Experience

Personal information
Name : Best Strategic Marketeer / Director MBA, MMC
Date and place of birth : October 2, 1966 in Waalwijk, The Netherlands
Civil state : Married, 3 children
Current address :

University and : • Master of Management Consultancy (MMC, CMC),
postdoctoral Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam/ROA 1996-1997
• Master of Business Administration (MBA),
Emory Business School, Atlanta Georgia USA,
• Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA),
Nijenrode, the Netherlands University of Business
Administration 1985-1988

Management : Many courses and training a.o. such as strategy and organizational
development and training development courses (Porter, Prahalad, D’Aveni, Treacy & Wiersema) in depth marketing research (SRM A,B, C), advertising & communication (SRM B, C), alliance management (Harvard Business School, Gomes Casseres), business valuation management (Alex van Groningen), leadership & change management (Covey), management of professionals (Maister), Socratic interview techniques and many others

Educational scheme : For 2008 a.f. I wish to participate in programs focusing on the decision making process at Board level, such as a Board of Non-Executives program or Executive program at Nijenrode or the IoD.

Languages : Dutch : mother language
English : active and passive excellent
German : active and passive good
Spanish : passive good, active moderate
French : passive sufficient, active moderate

Working experience, professional activities
1988 - 1989 : Ministry of Defense. Projectmanager as a compulsory officer at the Reorganisationteam Restructurering Maintainance in the National Sector of The Directorate Materials of the Royal Dutch Landforces. Software development and process execution of material repair claims and policy development. Stock keeping process strategic ammunition.

1989 - 1990 : AT Kearney, Inc, Management Consultants. Associate consultant. Various projects in the area of logistics, management accounting & value based management/EVA, marketing & distribution management for De Perscombinatie, Sara Lee-Kortman Intradal-Grada.

1991 - 2000 : VODW, Marketing & Management Consultants. Career stages from consultant, senior consultant, managing consultant, member of the managementteam/board and invited partner (full equal share). Many different clients such as financial industry, automotive, telecom, healthcare, pharmaceutical industry. Focus on strategy, business planning, strategic marketing (positioning, branding, new products, distribution, sales), new business concepts, alliance strategies & -management.

2000 - : Management Consultants (). Co-founder and partner of a strategy consultancy with a focus on strategy, organizational development and marketing with an effective balance between content and process. Currently about 20 senior professionals are working with . Next to many different branches we work primarily for board and director levels in the financial, health insurance, biotechnology/ agricultural, professional services industry and SME with a focus on strategic renewal.

2006 - : Co-founder of Ekulesia, Spirit in Living Concepts. A real estate development, investment and management group with specific focus on senior living solutions with o.a. health care solutions. Based on extensive experience and research in various consulting assignments for the financial industry and own business proposition development. Advise to communities with regard to scenarios (WMO) and international comparative studies. Currently various real estate acquisitions are on the way.

2007 - : ‘Strategic Development & Investment Group, Creating Value’ (current working name)
Co-founder and partner of a group of professional services companies consisting of various specialized autonomous companies (a.o. ) that together share the passion for value creation. Scope of the vision entails consulting, interim management, board solutions, corporate finance, recruitment & selection, training & coaching, projectmanagement, participations. Currently we are working on the group development through acquisitions and network alliances.

2007 - : Chief x Officer Teams (CxOT)®
Co-founder of the CxOT formula where delivers interim Board of Director solutions with a core presence of selected associates who take full responsibility for a focused and smooth team effort. CxOT is perfectly suited to American or Asian companies or investment companies seeking to expand in Europe or create synergies within their business portfolios. CxOT has an result based compensation. is currently involved in a large CxOT effort targeted at a worldwide introduction of a plastic to petrol combustor (p to p) at full result based compensation. Another initiative is the development of a ‘Supermarket of the Future’ with participants from the value chain and . Currently we are working on various (large international) prospects for the CxOT formula. This is my personal focal point.

2008 - : ‘ Investment Book’, working name
The foundation of a register/fund for various investment cases around the group. Total assets of the book are intended to form a balance for independent financing of new initiatives/business opportunities. Appropriate personal investments of (=) network partners can be inscribed as chapters in the book.

Publications, : Various publications, interviews, congres presentations, lectures
presentations, and workshops about alliance strategies, network organization,
lectures, strategic marketing (a.o. multichannel, positioning and
main focus area branding) and growth strategies. ‘Above all I am a strategic marketeer by head and heart’

Sound boarding : Around issues as entrepreneurship at start-ups, acquisitions and alliances.

Personal investments : Real estate for recreational purposes

Personal characteristics : Passionate strategic marketer (positioning as a starting point), all the same broad consulting & management competences, good fun in working together towards success and inspiring on individual interests & growth, very considerate about ‘a good solution’ not just ‘a good process’, ‘professional attitude’, special interest in and sometimes annoyed by the (lack of) ‘sustainability of developments and decisions’, smart and sometimes (very) hard working, conscious about quality of life and health for myself and people around me. Family and friends ‘man’ and burgundies’ enjoyment. (Outdoor) sportsman.

Other activities
Hobbies : Tennis, golf, biking, running, mountaineering, cross country and downhill skiing. Reading professional literature, travel, mountaineering and adventure literature.

Membership Member of the Dutch Institute of Board Members, member of
Representation the Council of Representatives of Nijenrode University. Invited member of the Institute of Directors (IoD)

Appendix: typical consulting assignments

1. Developing blueprint for new office policy private/business bank (1998-2000)
The development of a blueprint to set up new offices for a private/business bank. The elaboration of the strategy, the market development and the organizational business plan. Result: first new office operational in the first year and exceeds expectations. After 3 years 17 offices operational.

2. Developing business plan for banking activities of large financial service provider (1996-1998)
Developing a business plan in cooperation with management and the board that clarified the cohesion and synergy between 5 different business units. Result: improved decision-making in the board of directors regarding sizable investments.

3. Strategic renewal for a specialised mortgage company (1996-2000)
Developing a new strategy in cooperation with management and board of directors to optimise the current activities and initiate new activities. Result: agreement on implementation of 5 strategic elements: product development, sales support for intermediary channel, network strategy, client loyalty and multichannel organization. Now fastest growing mortgage company and important business unit of largest Dutch bank after a take-over.

4. Developing and implementing private banking-concept for a bank (1991-1994)
Translating market research results to visions/scenarios for a private banking concept on behalf of a well-known bank for corporate investors. Defining client profiles, product-market-combinations and competitor profiles. Translating the private banking concept (formulated in cooperation with the management) into products and services for different target customer groups. Designing organization- and product brochures and consulting on market development. Result: a viable organization because of a successful introduction of the private-banking concept. Nowadays a well-known private bank.

5. Developing new products and services for an insurer (1991 – 2007)
Contributing from idea until market introduction of 4 new healthcare insurances. Formulating clear product propositions. Guiding (b-t-c) and executing (b-t-b) market research. Result: a rise in sales of approximately 45% in the first post-introduction year. This insurance company is nowadays regarded as the very best market innovator and most admired business and alliance partner.

6. Strategic alliance between two insurers and others later on (1996 – 2006)
Establishing a strategic alliance between a specialised healthcare insurer and a multi-branch insurer. Furthermore the preparation of the health insurer's organization for an accelerated and extremely high sales/production of new insurances. Alliances have been broadened to a bank and five other insurers. In all cases I provided support in the strategic design.

7. Scenario development financial service provider, pension fund multinational (1999 – 2000)
Elaborating, in cooperation with management and board, 4 strategic scenario's including product-market-combinations and financial business case. New corporate governance model. Choice for a new shareholder and investment management company. First ‘newly governed’ company pension fund in The Netherlands.

8. Accelerated growth manufacturer bath- and shower tubs (1996 – 1997)
The development new strategic directions, in cooperation with management, board of directors and venture capital company, for a manufacturer of bath- and shower-tubs. Result: 4 strategic scenarios, including financial planning, for decision-making. The accelerated growth scenario was chosen, making re-financing necessary and possible.

9. New international brand policy for a grass seed manufacturer (1995)
The development of a new positioning and brand strategy, in cooperation with management teams from 15 different countries, in order to get a better grip on independent distribution channels. Executing an international market study, and setting up and guiding strategy sessions with country-management. Result: an increased market-share of the new private brand.

10. Portfolio- and multi-channel strategy agro-technological multinational (2000 – 2002)
Developing a blueprint for a portfolio- and multichannel strategy on behalf of an agro-technological multinational. The blueprint was then further elaborated towards the organizational development and a financial business case. Currently in progress. Implementation is running through various stages towards the ideal blueprint.

11. Strategy-, organization- marketing- and human-development contract research organization (2000 – 2002)
Developing an organization of 700 employees (in cooperation with management, board and employees) into a market-driven contract research organization. Approach via management development programmes and result-oriented projects. Crucial elements are vision, organization, business plans, performance management, marketing & market development, account management and personal development.

12. Improving competitive positioning and branding of a well-known brand of luxury cars (1991)
Determining the importance of purchasing factors (technical and emotional) that lead to a preference for a particular make of car in different segments of the market. Furthermore development of insight/knowledge of the influence of the various factors on the market share. Result: a very successful alteration of the product-price policy and positioning, causing a 30% sales-increase in the first post-introduction year in The Netherlands. The Dutch experiment was followed up by a successful worldwide introduction with similar results. Nowadays this branding strategy is copied by many other manufacturers.

13. Development of a retail strategy for a pharmaceutical wholesale company (1997 – 1999)
Developing a retail strategy (in cooperation with the management of the wholesaler) aimed at an improvement of the position of the collaborating pharmacists thereby improving the position of the wholesaler towards the sector. Result: a concept for the wholesaler to develop the market through various channels and forms of (franchise) cooperation.

14. Development of an e-commerce concept for a wholesaler in the graphic industry (1998 – 2001)
Developing an e-commerce concept (in cooperation with the management and employers of the wholesaler) matching the development of a complete e-commerce approach: from purchasing, logistics, sales and customer-service. A general orientation of various new business concepts preceded the choice of the concept. Result: a fully developed concept that will be executed in 2004 on an organizational and technical level.

15. Development of a marketing strategy for an e-commerce solution for an airline company (2001)
Developing a smart and targeted marketing approach for the sale of consumer products (duty free goods) through the internet on behalf of a large airline company. Philosophy: 'biggest bang for the buck' and 'continuous steering based on learning experiences through clever management reporting'.

16. Scenario and strategy development all finance company (bank-insurance company) for health and social security business development (2003)
Assignment won in heavy competition (a.o. McKinsey). Together with the board and directors of the divisions we explored and defined various possible outcomes for the next 5 years under uncertain conditions. In qualitative and quantitative refinements we made clear the best road to take, recognizing the still uncertain outcomes through political decision making. The chosen strategy has been worked out with major consequences for distribution, processes, alliances, investments, proposition building, branding and internal organization. Also shift in focus for the total of the company: withdrawal from major activities to build a ‘war wallet’. In progress.

17. New value propositions and strategies for various telecom companies (1997 – 2000)
Starting out developing new value propositions and new business concepts we assisted 4 different telecom companies to concretise their strategy and implement the new concepts: digital TV, 1 integrated number, new satellite telecom opportunities and alliance strategy.

18. Various interim marketing management / director assignments: fast, concrete and fundamental renewal and results (1991 – 2007)
• Change from moderate healthcare insurer to innovation leader through development and introduction of a new assortment of healthcare insurance products, new ways of distribution and a new brand positioning strategy and execution. Spectacular rise in sales.
• Development and implementation of new primary processes from a client perspective approach, new communications.
• Development of a new assortment and value propositions for a global hygiene rental services company. Breakthrough (technical) innovations have been translated into new attractive propositions and product branding. Training of sales organization and new marketing and sales approaches.
• Interim marketing manager at a biotechnology/contract research company improving marketing and sales effectiveness.
• Phase 2 financing of an e-commerce sales outsourcing service company through value proposition, businessplan and strategic sale contributions. Succesfully attracted a new investment partner and closed major clients.
• Management of an interim professional team as liaison to the Board for leading a structural change in the branch
• Coach and counsellor to an important strategic change by a fibre cable producer company carried out by an interim manager from . Formation of new strategic alliances.

19. Strategic assessments of investments, corporate revitalisation and recovery (2004 - )
As a strategic and multidisciplinary consulting practice put together a new consulting proposition focussing on (des)investment opportunities and/or actively steering investment/participations portfolios. Target groups are wholesale/business banks, investment/venture capital companies and (non) executive boards. Recently we have advised an investment company in one of their acquisitions and set the strategic agenda for the next 5 years, as well as we executed a more ‘traditional’ audit with regard to managing the short term risk. We will become this investment company’s strategic partner with regard to the assessment of investment opportunities, assessing current participations and preparing exit strategies. We also conducted a (re)financing assessment for a business bank and determined strategic and organizational conditions under which this operation could take place. Non-executive board positions are now under consideration.

20. Strategic renewal, new business concepts, alliances, restructuring, re-financing and ‘at arms length board support’ for a cluster of companies (2004)
In 2004 we intensively worked on supporting an ‘executive-owner’ structured company with various activities. We helped out with the strategy formulation, the organizational (re)structuring, new business development, restructuring the commercial organization, defining business propositions and refinancing three clusters of companies. Special solution to an unexpected fraude case within the company and successful legal procedure.

21. Strategic process consultancy and interim professional team to help implement the new strategy for the basic health insurance of a specialised health insurance company (2005-2007)
As a strategic consultant I was attached to the Board of Directors in an independent role to help the company prepare for and execute the new basic health insurance policy in The Netherlands. Guidance as a process consultant in the decision making process as well as interventionist in several ongoing projects. Next to this working with a diversity of teams of internal people as well as some 12 interim managers / consultants from and other consultancies in marketing, new production / business development, sales, organisation, processes, strategic sourcing, IT and web-applications and organisational flexibility with regard to in- and outsourcing. Web marketing approach. Results: one of the fastest growing health insurers and regarded as best quality company in the branch by consumers and intermediaries.

22. Vision and organizational development for a diocese in South America (2000 - )
Working (in cooperation with large groups of persons involved) on a fundamentally renewing vision on the diocese. Key elements: vision and mission, organization and relation to various social fields and their organization, financial management and property development. Approach through workshopmodel in the field, projects and sounding boards from the Netherlands. Multi year (social) consulting assignment.

23. Strategy and commercial development of an international machine producer for the waste business (2004 – 2006)
Development of the long/middle term strategy and execution of the strategy. Elements: new propositions and portfolio, agent strategy, marketing & sales approach, internal cooperation and international sales meetings. Counsellor to the general manager of a subsidiary with regard to (non-executive) Board isssues. Spectaculair growth, but internal political problems. Start up of new business venture (2007 - ) and departure of a team of 2 best account managers together with the general manager and team.

24. ‘Supermarket of the Future’ and regional sustainable produced healthy and tasty food (2006 - )
Project as an initiative of InnovatieNetwerk to look at new ways of retail and organizing for the goal mentioned above. Currently the formation of a cluster of companies and initiatives is under way to bundle strengths and support execution of each individual effort. As well as the realisation of a ‘Supermarket of the Future’ with as the lead investor.

25. Value proposition for a take over and alliance (2007 - )
The (expert) development of a vision on market scenarios in income, health and health insurance branch. Choice of the best guess scenario and according new value propositions. This as a trigger to take over a subsidiary of a large insurance company, while at the same time form a strategic alliance for the new proposition. In progress.


University and : • Master of Management Consultancy (MMC, CMC),
postdoctoral Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam/ROA 1996-1997
• Master of Business Administration (MBA),
Emory Business School, Atlanta Georgia USA,
• Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA),
Nijenrode, the Netherlands University of Business
Administration 1985-1988

Management : Many courses and training a.o. such as strategy and organizational
development and training development courses (Porter, Prahalad, D’Aveni, Treacy & Wiersema) in depth marketing research (SRM A,B, C), advertising & communication (SRM B, C), alliance management (Harvard Business School, Gomes Casseres), business valuation management (Alex van Groningen), leadership & change management (Covey), management of professionals (Maister), Socratic interview techniques and many others

Educational scheme : For 2008 a.f. I wish to participate in programs focusing on the decision making process at Board level, such as a Board of Non-Executives program or Executive program at Nijenrode or the IoD.


Publications, : Various publications, interviews, congres presentations, lectures
presentations, and workshops about alliance strategies, network organization,
lectures, strategic marketing (a.o. multichannel, positioning and
main focus area branding) and growth strategies. ‘Above all I am a strategic marketeer by head and heart’

Sound boarding : Around issues as entrepreneurship at start-ups, acquisitions and alliances.

Personal investments : Real estate for recreational purposes

Personal characteristics : Passionate strategic marketer (positioning as a starting point)at board level, all the same broad consulting & management competences, good fun in working together towards success and inspiring on individual interests & growth, very considerate about ‘a good solution’ not just ‘a good process’, ‘professional attitude’, special interest in and sometimes annoyed by the (lack of) ‘sustainability of developments and decisions’, smart and sometimes (very) hard working, conscious about quality of life and health for myself and people around me. Family and friends ‘man’ and burgundies’ enjoyment. (Outdoor) sportsman.


Languages : Dutch : mother language
English : active and passive excellent
German : active and passive good
Spanish : passive good, active moderate
French : passive sufficient, active moderate


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