Flex Manager
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Business consultant

Business consultant

Work Experience

Worked with large (800 + engineers) engineering group to reduce cycle time for the average development project lead-time by 50%. Introduced Supply Chain Management techniques.
Defined and implemented numerous best practices in the preparation and delivery of products to numerous locations (from Europe to USA); improved average product development time with 35%; reduced average delay in start of production by 85%; improved overall business performance.
Reduced cycle time for ER's (Engineering Requests) from 350 days to 55 days.
Improved quality by 50% in one year's time for 1000 + person food production group. Developed and rolled out Project Management Processes. Measured the effectiveness of the Project Management Process. Had total P&L management responsibility for 3 plants located in Belgium, France and USA. Worked successfully on cycle time reduction and overall business improvement program for car manufacturer in China.
Led production of 3 plants with cost reduction redesign that resulted in 40% material cost savings for every production system.


Industrial Engineer in Electronics (1966)
Finance for non-financial managers (1999)


Electronic hardware design and manufacturing; Systems engineering; test system design; manufacturing system design; high volume manufacturing management. Taugt engineering, processes design; project management techniques and finances.
Computer: Word, Excell, Power Point, Lotus Notes, Internet


Fluent in Dutch, English, German, French; semi-fluent in Italian and Hungarian


Process-based skills: Total Cycle time, Cross-functional team management, Process-based metrics, Lean Manufacturing, Project Management, Earned-Value Methodology


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