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IT Quality, Security, Test Manager

IT Quality, Security, Test Manager

Work Experience


Testing and Business Change Consultant

Currently implementing plan prepared for CEO to improve development, test and release processes
Conducted review of corporate development, test and security processes

Sept 2000 – Nov 2001 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS LTD. Tonbridge

Change Manager / Special Projects Manager
Re-structured and automated Change Management team processes to enable 33% increase in daily workload to be handled with existing headcount.
Initiated quarterly audits of company wide approval structure.
Developed automated web based ‘Executive Dashboard’ reporting process for two major projects and advised on third. This improved the delivery of key information and reduced former production overheads by over 80%.
Revised key corporate processes to eliminate costly mistakes
Established zero cost reporting capabilities for PACE system saving £700 per user.
Developed web based document management system to control key process information.

Sept 1999- Sept 2000 MUTUAL FUNDS TECHNOLOGIES LTD. Tonbridge
(Part of Fidelity Investments Ltd.)

IT Systems Assurance Manager
Established large system test team and introduced procedures / security controls.
Critical Y2K testing for MFTL clients successfully completed on schedule.
Test Automation tool introduced and used to reduce the critical production load time for Funds Network project data from 75 hours to less than 2 hours, with 100% accuracy.
Established Generic Data test bed to comply with Data Protection requirements.

Dec 1996 – Sept 1999 AXA SUN LIFE ASSURANCE PLC. Bristol

IS Quality and Security Manager
Established IS Security Policies for AXA Sun Life, which were adopted by Global AXA.
Founder member of AXA Security Exchange and Chairman of its Metrics Sub-Group.
Established company wide security training and awareness programme, based on BS7799, to enable AXA Sun Life to exceed Global AXA Group Security Standards.
Developed new test strategy for re-structured business.
Member of company business recovery and risk assessment programme.
Initiated and chaired 'Four Horseman' Group (sponsored by Company Secretary).
Data Protection Controller and external audit representative for Information Systems.
Maintained and extended ISO 9001 (TickIT) quality certification for re-structured company.
Introduced effective metrics and benchmarking programmes.
Worked in Paris HQ as UK representative on ITIL service delivery standards rollout.
Oct 1992 – Dec 1996 SUN LIFE PLC. Bristol

IT Systems Assurance Manager
Member of management team to drive a major IT cultural change programme.
Established independent acceptance test team for Critical Platform Migration project.
Managed system access security team for new IBM production environment.
Managed change and configuration team
Introduced enhanced code management and version control disciplines.
Established Quality Management System which lead to Sun Life achieving ISO 9001 (TickIT) certification at first attempt (only achieved by 30% of companies).
Member of management team responsible for the devolution of IT to the business and in major outsourcing project work.
Selected as ‘Fusion Project’ member responsible for producing and presenting to the senior directors, a business plan to merge AXA Equity & Law and Sun Life.
Reduced outstanding audit issues from over thirty to zero in 18 months

June 1990 – Oct 1992 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS LTD. Tonbridge

Systems Assurance Manager
Established and ran group responsible for quality assurance, security and acceptance testing of IT systems and associated equipment.
Tested major dealing systems and specified system set up required for launch of a range of new funds.
Introduced improved code management and version control disciplines.
Managed group responsible for maintenance support of all production systems.
Conducted security, risk assessment and audit projects with parent company in USA.

Sept 1968 – June 1990 BRITISH TELECOM PLC. London HQ

1983-90 Executive Engineer - Systems Assurance Department / External Consultancy Group
Monitored large computer system change projects.
1988-1989 Full time test consultant for Bankers Trust, Citicorp Savings Bank and BZW Plc in London, New York, Milan and Frankfurt.
1986-1988 Full time test consultant for Citicorp Investment Bank in London running a specialist team which conducted comprehensive acceptance tests for 'Big Bang' project (deregulation of Stock Exchange). These tests covered new dealing systems, real-time links, new dealing rooms, bit-pad trade entry systems, duplex file handling, environment etc. Responsible for making independent recommendations to the senior officers of the bank and to audit department.
1983-1985 Test consultancy work for Rank Xerox testing new PC products in London, Dallas, Brussels. Introduced a zero-defects programme with the vendor and was responsible for all acceptance testing activities with project recovery specialists in Dallas.

1978–83 Test Specialist Systems Assurance Department - GPO / Post Office Telephones

Acceptance tested security and safety checks for computer hardware and associated devices.
Selected as evaluation team member for the new on line Directory Enquiry System in USA. Testing of chosen system in USA, Italy and UK.
Specified and conducted first tests of Radio paging and Prestel installations in UK
Tested mainframe computer installations in UK and USA

1968–78 Clerk of Works and member of Technical Development Team -GPO

Co-inventor of patented lightning protection security device for telephone exchanges.
Specified and type tested a wide range of passive components such as keys and lamps.
Operated as Clerk of works for new electronic generation of Telephone exchanges.


BSc (electrical engineering)
Open University Degree Course - Computers and Computing
Open University Course - Finance for Managers
eadership Trust,
High Impact Training and Disaster Recovery team building
AXA Manager and Columbus courses
LRQA Audit course


Security (BS7799)
Quality (ISO9001)
Tesing & Test Management
Service Management (ITIL)


Basic French and German


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