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Human Resources Director

Human Resources Director

Work Experience

2000- Human Resources Director – Ltd
Creating improved productivity through proactive people management solutions on a consultancy basis
1997-2000 Human Resources Director – Vickers Defence Systems, Leeds based.
Land Systems design, manufacture and integration with 4 UK sites and one based in South Africa.
Annual turnover £350m with 1800 UK employees and 700 International.
Member of the Divisional Board of Directors with direct responsibility for all HR strategy and policy.
1990-1997 Head of Human Resources – British American Tobacco (UK), Southampton.
International, multisite operation including Head Office shared services, manufacturing, R&D Centre and computer ops.with 2000+ employees.
Member of UK Board of Management responsible for all Personnel Strategy within UK Operations.
1982-1990 Personnel & Commercial Manager - BAT (UK & Export), Liverpool
Large, unionised manufacturing site undergoing a period of restructuring and capital investment.
1978-1982 Personnel Manager - Scot Bowyer, Milton Keynes
Member of the management executive of this food manufacturer/distributor, with 3 factories and 8 distribution centres.
1972-1978 Industrial Relations Manager - IR Office, British Steel Corporation, Bilston W. Mids.

Accomplishments include on a consultancy basis:
¨ Employee Relations Strategy review and recommendations/implementation plan. (services sector)
¨ Organisational review following an acquisition (services organisation)
¨ Restructuring strategy and implementation (engineering/manufacturing)
¨ Pay strategy and negotiation; provision of ongoing HR advice. (automotive industry)
on a fulltime basis:
¨ Formulated an HR strategy to enable and drive radical change, including merger and acquisition.
¨ Negotiated major changes to terms and conditions, to allow the application of a rationalisation planning, saving £2m in the first year and reducing potential redundancy liability by £12m.
¨ Phased rundown of manufacturing to create the consolidation of Operations on one site, including the management of 700+ redundancies and selective retention.
¨ Transformed employee relations conduct in a traditional highly unionised manufacturing environment.
¨ Introduced management competencies and skills audit of top 200 staff, utilising internal Development Centres.
¨ Designed and implemented an innovative performance related reward system covering all Managers and staff.
¨ Implemented a management development structure, including competency based appraisal, succession and career planning.
¨ Formulated a progressive HR strategy for a £200m 'brown field' site development and negotiated organisational changes that underpinned a 400% increase in productivity with a 30% reduction in unit costs.
¨ Introduced Facilities Management and outsourced non-core activities taking account of TUPE, with savings of £1m.
¨ Merged three separate companies into one organisation establishing HR shared services.
¨ Introduced a comprehensive teamwork culture and organisational structure.


BA(hons)Business Studies


Areas of significant expertise include:
¨ HR Strategy and policy determination, best practice and culture change programmes.
¨ Organisational development and the transformation of employee relations.
¨ Reward systems, staff retention and effective recruitment.
¨ Effective, management development and training systems.
¨ Communication and consultation procedures.
¨ Rationalisation planning/implementation, including outplacement services.




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