Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
21218 professionals


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Work Experience

BU Manager Mondi Merebank Responsible for the complete finishing process in South Africa. ( 320 people )
01.2007 - 07.2008
Optimisation of the complete process.
Quality / Quantity.
Personnel Management / Education
ISO 9001 en 14001
Technical ( preventive )maintenance
Dispatch and transportation
Stock control
Projects and automation
On contract base. After 1,5 year all foreign
contractors must leave. ( company policy )

Manager Mondi SCP Slovakia
Responsible for the complete finishing process. ( 210 people )
01.2006 -01.2007
Optimisation of the complete process.
Quality / Quantity
Staff management / Education
ISO 9001 en 14001
Technical ( preventive )maintenance
Stock control
Projects and automation
On contract base. After 1 year they asked me to come to Mondi South Africa.

Branche manager Jonkers
Responsible for the whole company.
Planning, maintenance, personnel management
Sewer- and street technique.
Daughter of the van Kesteren Holding.
Project job with a contract of 9 months.


Chemical engineer
HBO – Chemical Analyst
MBO – Chemical Analyst
Mavo-4 ( maths, physics, chemistry )
Windows / Word / Excel / Powerpoint / Acces
Security management
Security observation and techniques
Functional conversations
Auditing for ISO 14001
Management trainings ( o.a Reddin )
Auditing for ISO 9001
Logistics Management
Process Technology engineer
Staff Management
Affectivity control
Quality knowledge A and B
Effluent water technique
6 Sigma and 5S quality control


I have the knowledge of the German and English language in word and writing.


I am a passionate people manager who motivates people and knows how to realise the company objectives. I have perseverance, knowledge and the power to succeed. I know my responsibilities which I don’t go away from.
I have a lot of experience in optimisation projects and setting up systems. Also staff management systems are a known work area.


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