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Board member, general manager, projectmanager

Board member, general manager, projectmanager

Work Experience



Chief Information Officer. (2002 - 2003)

For a fastly expanding midsize European company responsible for the strategic development of ICT. In six European countries the infrastructure was standardized and improved significantly.
For the support of the operational and financial aspects of the business a completely new integrated ERP package was made operational in all countries. The hardware and software infrastructure are designed in such a flexible way that no significant changes are required when the organization continues its change from a centrally controlled towards a decentralized structure.

CEO (2002)

I was CEO of a chain of 11 pharmacies. During this period the financial position was restruc-tured and brought on the safe side. The internal cooperation was improved significantly and the staff feelings of working for one company was re-established. Strategic choices for the future were made.
Simultaneously the procurement contracts were reviewed and much better conditions were obtained.

Director of operations (2001)

For a very big health insurance company (2.5 million insured, turnover € 3 billion) I was director of operations. During this period plans have been worked out to integrate the back-offices of three subsidiaries into one back-office. The first steps of the integration were made during this period. Special attention was given to a design of the back-office by which the unique image of each of the subsidiaries in the market was preserved.

Executive Board Health insurance company (2000)

For one of the big health insurance companies I was member of the Executive Board and responsible for Finance, ICT, Human Resources, Organization and Business Processes. I also was chairman of the Board of the largest subsidiary and responsible for all aspects of that subsidiary.
Within that subsidiary the internal communication was improved rapidly and the motivation of the staff increased strongly. Enormous backlogs were solved and the relationships with the healthcare providers were improved significantly.
A start has been made in changing the process oriented internal organization towards a more client oriented organization.

Interim manager ICT (1998 - 1999)

For one of the dutch provinces I was interim manager for ICT and information management and responsible for the improvement of all aspects of information management and ICT. Far reaching reorganizations have been carried through, among which a change from a technology oriented department towards a client oriented department.
Also a change in culture has been carried through by which managers of the various depart-ments have started to feel responsible for their ICT requirements and support. ICT budgets have been decentralized and internal billing is introduced.
The capacity and quality of the technical infrastructure has been improved strongly. Coordina-tion and planning of ICT projects has been started. Within a year more than 10 large projects have been realized.

Pensionfund (1997 - 1998)

For a large pensionfund I was interim manager operations. All business processes including all documents and letters have been strongly improved. The new business processes are implemented in combination with Work Flow Management and Electronic Archiving.
A method for the measurement of production and productivity was designed and implemented.
The improvement of the business processes reduced the throughput time with slightly more than 50%. An efficiency improvement of about 20% was realized.

Flower auction (1998)

For a big flower auction I was interim manager for the department for advise on and develop-ment of software. It concerned a period between the leave of one manager and the recruiting of his successor. During this period management reporting and project control were improved.

Interim manager social welfare (1997)

For a medium sized department for social welfare I was interim manager with the assignment to improve effectiveness and efficiency. Within half a year the business processes were stream-lined and a system for management reporting was designed and taken into prouction.
By the end of the period there were no more backlogs and planning of work was under control.
Throughput times have been reduced from an average of 3 months to 4 weeks.

Interim manager operations and ICT. (1996)

For a large department for social welfare I was responsible for the operations department (200 employees) and responsible for the implementation of a completely new ICT system, both hardware and software.
Within the department the business processes have been rationalized and a Work Flow Management System was implemented. Responsibilities have been decentralized to team managers and a change from procedure orientations towards customer orientation has been carried through.
The continuous growth in the number of staff has been changed into a moderate decrease in staff numbers. The backlog has been reduced from 3 months to about 1 month and an efficiency improvement of 30% was realized.


Projectmanager merger and construction (1985 - 1986)

As a project manager I was responsible for the merger and integration of three general hospitals.
At the same time I was responsible for the construction, the procurement of all medical and non-medical equipment for the new hospital and the removal of the three hospitals into the new building.
By creating a tight project planning, a highly effective consultation of end users and a clear structure for decision making it was possible to reduce delays in the construction process completely. Both construction and procurement have been realized within the budgetary limits and within the available timeframe.
Within a period of slightly more than a year three different organizations have been integrated into one new consistent organization without any major problem.

Project manager merger (1976 - 1983)

As I project manager I was, together with the director for construction, responsible for the total project of the merger and integration of two university hospitals, the implementation of a new organizational structure, the design of a new budgetary system (especially for staff budgets) and the removal in three phases.

The design of the new organizational structure and the design of the change process were made by me. They have led to an important strengthening of the management of the hospital.
The success and the image of the AMC find their roots in the way in which the project management has lead the process of design and change.
Project manager implementation information system (1982)

I was the project manager for the implementation of a completely new hospital information system.
The negotiations on software requirements, the testing of the systems, user training and the actual implementation were performed under my responsibility.
I was also responsible for the coordination between the organization and business processes and the new systems and was responsible for the realisation of the necessary organizational changes.


Technology Management, Technical University of Eindhoven
Organisational Development, Stichting De Baak
Computer sciences, Miscellaneous
Hospital Management, University of Amsterdam


strategic vision, inspring leadership, resolute, strong analytical skills, ecperienced in international projects


dutch, mothertongue
english, fluent
german, reading very good, writing reasonable, speech good
french, reading good, writing reasonable, speech reasonable



My clients can expect an objective and business-like approach, in which also sufficient attention is paid to the human resources and cultural aspects of the organization.
I can be characterized as result oriented, practical, consistent, resolute and with a high potential for problem solving.

As a client once wrote:
“He is used to show appreciation for people and make use of their self steering capabilities, but at the same time puts tough and clear criteria for them. Mr.is a person who comes across as a very friendly person. Behind this hides a strong personality who manages an organization stronlgy result oriented and with clear criteria. By his way of appearance he is capable of bridging opposing interests. His friendly appearance gives him a start in reaching agreement based on consensus with a variety of parties.”


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