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Afdelingsmanager, projectmanager

Afdelingsmanager, projectmanager

Work Experience

2007/09 – 2011/01 Profit Consulting Apeldoorn B.V. (unit Amsterdam) Business Unit Manager

Profit Consulting is a contracting-, recruitment- and consultancy company, specialized in all areas of Software Development and has several subsidiaries in the Netherlands.

Responsibilities and tasks:
My job was to establish a new subsidiary from scratch within the region of the Randstad.
· Line Management (10-15 software engineers with a M.Sc. or B.Sc. degree.): appraisals, performance dialogues, career planning, coaching
· Sales and (‘cold’) acquisition; new set of customers varying in size (par example; TomTom, Stork, Wunderworks)
· Recruitment, selection, job interviews
· Making and offering quotations to acquire so-called in-house development projects
· Administration, contracts, etc

Major achievements within the 1st year of existence (2008):
· Realizing a turnover of appr. 300 K Euro
· Realizing a profit of appr. 10%
· Recruitment and selection of 7 software-developers out of 30 who where interviewed at a time when it was very difficult to attract software developers
· ‘Cold’ acquisition of 11 assignments from several new customers
· Acquisition in a very competitive market: new Customers like TomTom, NATO, FCS-Moog, CAP GEMINI (Dutch Railways), etc

Major achievements within the other years (2009, 2010)
In these years, which have been economically the worst since decades, I managed to find, attract and help out a large new set of customers by supplying them with engineering capacity, which to their satisfaction supported them in their product development activities. The reasons behind that satisfaction is that the supplied engineering capacity existed of a team of highly skilled people, who I managed to recruit, who I managed to coach and who I managed to match with the right assignments in a service oriented way, this all resulting in happy customers, happy colleagues and an annual profit in every year of existence!
· Realizing an annual turnover of more than 1.2 M Euro.
· Realizing a doubling in size and profit

2004/10 – 2007/08 Nucletron B.V. Product Development Manager

Nucletron is a multi-national radiotherapy company that develops and sells some of the world\'s most innovative products for cancer treatment.

General responsibilities and tasks:
As a product development manager (also known as R&D Manager) I was responsible for both the line management of 25 engineers with a M.Sc. or B.Sc. degree in various engineering disciplines like (Embedded) Software Engineering, Electronics, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, etc. and for the project management and – coordination of multiple projects running parallel
Among the line management tasks and responsibilities were:
· Appraisals, performance dialogues
· Career planning, coaching
· Recruitment, job interviews
· Resource planning
I managed during these years 3 large and numerous smaller multi-disciplinary development- and research projects and some (parts) of them I had to outsource to 3rd parties.
Finally, I was responsible for the technical roadmapping, R&D strategy and budget planning & management.

A brief outline of the 3 large projects:

Project: V3M
Period: September 2005 to 2009
Customer: replacement of the installed base of Nucletron (over 100 hospitals, clinics, etc)
Description: Due to problems resulting from obsolescence of electronic components and firmware (PLM!) the main product of Nucletron B.V., the afterloader system, needed a total redesign. · System Integration: different hard-and software modules had to be integrated and the whole project had to be released to Service, Marketing & Sales and Operations.· Software: Total redesign of TCS (OO, .NET, C#) pc-software (large application), its GUI, the interface to the database layer (MSDE SQL Server based) · Electronics: ~ 8 new complex PCBs, new wiring, motors, sensors etc.· Firmware: Redesign firmware (OO, C++/C/C#, WINDOWS CE, uCos) for every PCB and different subsystems.
Project Budget: ~ 7 M EURO of which ~ 2 M EURO for 3RD Party Development.
3rd party development and contracting agencies: Technolution, Chess, 3T, MicroKey, ICT, Ordina, Atos Origin, different hospitals, Emdes, E(mbedded) S(ystems) I(nstitute)
Internal team size: 30+ People
Disciplines: Soft- and Firmware, Mechanics, Electronics, Service, Marketing, Product Management, Operations, Clinical Support, Quality Assurance/Regulatory. Different Roles within engineering disciplines: Architects, Designers, Developers, Testers, Deployment, requirements engineering etc.
My responsibilities and tasks: In this role I was responsible for setting up the project, i.e. gathering information to define the scope and since this project was my initiative, gaining support for it was also part of the set-up. Making a WBD structure, B.C., project planning & strategy, daily management & organisation, scope management, risk management, budget management, people management (including recruitment of hires and regulars), tracking & tracing, regulatory (FDA, etc) & quality management, 3rd party / contract management etc. have been the other project management responsibilities for this project.
Tools, processes and methods: Nucletron Development Process (RUP and Prince2 based, CMM L2 Certified), MSProject, Rational tool set & other process supporting tools.
Major results:· Successful start-up of the project despite of initial lack of support and counter forces working against it· Passing Inception and Elaboration phase, and starting Construction phase according to planning despite of complexity of the project· 3rd party management; · Recruitment of new staff for project team, coaching of team members in their new roles and organising team and project

Project: TCS 3.0
Period: May 2005 to June 2006
Customer: replacement of the installed base of Nucletron (over 100 hospitals, clinics, etc)
Description: This project was started on the request of marketing and its aim was the reduction of the number of applications (products) by providing a single application, which incorporated the functionality of all. Multiple soft –and hardware features and system integration were part of the scope as well. This project was characterized by a lot of scope changes but was managed by Exception (within budget and agreed time).Software Development was major part of project followed by Mechanical Development.
Project Budget: ~ 1.4 M EURO
3rd party development and contracting agencies: ICT, Bergson, Profit, Emdes, different hospitals
Internal team size: 20+ People
Disciplines: Same disciplines as in V3M
My responsibilities and tasks: Same disciplines as in V3M
Tools, processes and methods: Nucletron Development Process (RUP and Prince2 based, CMM L2 Certified). MSProject, Rational & other process supporting tools.
Major results:· Successful management by Exception which was very helpful in dealing with multiple scope changes· Successfully managed project (within budget and agreed time and to the satisfaction of the stakeholders)· Coaching of team members in their new roles and organising team and project· Commitment of team members· Getting requirements clear, complete and consistent with each other. Getting the stakeholders to talk the same language.

Project: TCS 2.1
Period: October 2004 to April 2005
Customer: replacement of the installed base of Nucletron (over 100 hospitals, clinics, etc)
Description: This project was started on the request of marketing and its aim was to introduce multiple software features were part of the scope as well. This project was characterized by a lot of scope changes but was managed by Exception (within budget and agreed time).
Project Budget: ~ 1.2 M EURO
3rd party development and contracting agencies: ICT, Bergson, Profit, different hospitals
Internal team size: 20+ People
Disciplines: Same disciplines as in V3M
My responsibilities and tasks: Same disciplines as in V3M
Tools, processes and methods: Nucletron Development Process (RUP and Prince2 based, CMM L2 Certified). MSProject, Rational & other process supporting tools.
Major results:· Successful management by Exception which was very helpful in dealing with multiple scope changes· Successfully managed project (within budget and agreed time and to the satisfaction of the stakeholders)· Turning a motiveless team into a motivated team and gaining support from the other parts in the organisation for the project and the problems within the (development) organisation · Commitment of team members

2002/04 – 2004/04 FCS (Fokker Control Systems)Currently part of Moog Inc. Project Manager

FCS supplies the aircraft/automotive/maritime industry with high tech, state of the art products for motion and control simulation.

General responsibilities and tasks:
Project- and outsourcings management
· Development, production, assemblage, testing and delivery of the first generation custom made motion and control loading products.
· Team sizes varying from a few up to 12+ resources, involving resources from other departments as well.
· In-house development and outsourcing

A brief overview of the major projects, which I managed:

Project: G-Seats
Period: April 2003 to January 2004
Customer: Thales
Description: The goal of this project was to develop a new motion simulation product(line), a modified seat for a jet able to give the pilot certain cues which would act on the body when he would be flying the jet for real. Since all development at FCS was directly paid by (a) customer(s), products were customized and during the project there was intense contact between the project team and (the) customer(s). In order to serve future customers as well with the outcome of the project the project team strived to apply generic principles where- and whenever possible during the development. Projects at FCS did not only incorporated product development, but also the production of particles, the assembly of the system, the testing of each single system and the delivery at the customer’s site and the maintenance afterwards.
Project Budget: ~ 1.5 M EURO (~ 3/4 M EURO for 3RD Party)
3rd party development and contracting agencies: Mogema, UMI, IMTECH, NLR, Halderen, Chess, System architect and Mechanical developers (freelance)
Internal team size: 12+ People
Disciplines: Soft- and Firmware, Mechanics, Electronics, Manufacturing & Assembly, Shipment, Sales, 3rd party/outsourcings management, procurement
My responsibilities and tasks: Project Manager; In this role I was responsible managing the project which started at the set-up of a sales contract and ‘ended’ at installation and acceptance at the customer’s site. Scope defining & management, requirements engineering, WBD structure, project planning & strategy, B.C., daily management & organisation, scope management, risk management, budget management, people management (including recruitment of hires), cost price calculation, tracking & tracing, regulatory & quality management, 3rd party / contract management etc. have been the other project management responsibilities for this project. Besides that I helped out with engineering in all disciplines, helped and managed manufacturing & assembly and installation & delivery and did all the purchasing myself.
Tools, processes and methods: MS Project
Major results:· Successfully managed project (within budget and agreed time and to the satisfaction of the customer) despite the complexity of the product· 3rd party management· Technical contribution (occasionally hands-on to get the job done)

Project: Generic Control Loading Frames
Period: September 2002 to April 2004
Customer: Elbit, Quality Research
Description: The goal of this project was to develop a generic control loading frame product(line), which could be used as the platform to support the control loading simulation of almost every thinkable helicopter type.
Project Budget: ~ 1 M EURO (~ 1/2 M EURO for 3RD Party)
3rd party development and contracting agencies: Mogema, UMI, IMTECH, NLR, Halderen, Chess, System architect and Mechanical developers (freelance)
Internal team size: 12+
Disciplines: Soft- and Firmware, Mechanics, Electronics, Manufacturing & Assembly, Shipment, Sales, 3rd party/outsourcings management, procurement
My responsibilities and tasks: Similar as to the role I had in the G-Seats project.
Tools, processes and methods: MS Project
Major results:· Successfully managed project (within budget and agreed time and to the satisfaction of the customer) despite that the customer was a very difficult one and the product complex· 3rd Party Management · Technical contribution (occasionally hands-on to get the job done)

Next to these projects, I was involved in several other projects during these years as well:

Project: Various big and smaller projects
Period: April 2002 to April 2004
Customer: Various like BMW, Daimler Chrysler, Dornier, Boeing, NLX, Airbus, Military University of Hamburg, Elco, Siemens, Frasca, Aselsan
Description, role and responsibilities: Besides the earlier mentioned projects, which I managed, I was involved in several other big and smaller projects as well. Sometimes in the role of designer, programmer, consultant or deployment manager.
Disciplines: Soft- and Firmware, Motion tuning
Tools, processes and methods: C/C++, VX Works, UML, StingRay, MFC, PC Application, Embedded, Realtime

2001/05 – 2002/04 ASM Europe via Cimsolutions Software Engineer

· Subcontracted by ASM Europe, a multi-national, developing and selling diffusion ovens in the semi-conductor industry
· Professional Software Development
· Part of a Software Development team of 10 engineers
· Techniques used JAVA, C++, UML, Design Patterns, STL, MSAccess
· Project Management of an internal software development project at Cimsolutions

2000/08 – 2001/05 IBM Global Services MQSeries Consultant

· Consulting international customers like Rabobank International, Media Ventures (Fortis) in the set-up of MQ Series (transaction/logistics software) in the Netherlands as well as abroad.
· Integrating MQSeries messaging software in an e-business environment, generally consisting of several databases (CRM system, Oracle), web applications / user interfaces.
· Coding of wrappers, adapters in Ansi C
· Part of a team of 10 consultants
· Techniques used: MQSeries, Network techniques, ansi C, databases

1998/09 – 1999/09 Delft University of Technology Teacher Systems and Control

Leader of a three months laboratory course in Control Theory for third year students specialising in Systems- and Control Engineering.

1996/08 – 1997/12 Rijswijk School of Professional Technical Education (HTS) and the Hague School of Professional Education (HTS) via IUC Teacher Mathematics

· Giving education in mathematics to several classes of up to 30 technical students. Setting-up exams, giving them a


1993 – 1999 Delft University of Technology, Mechanical Engineering (M.Sc.)

· Specialisation: Measurement & Control. Average marks: 8.
· Thesis work: Multi-objective Control Design of an optical disc drive system (Project of Philips Research Laboratory in Eindhoven) Average marks: 8½.

1987-1993 Grammar school - Van Maerlantlyceum, Eindhoven

· Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics B, Latin, English, German, French, Dutch

Period Course / Secondary activity Institute / Company
2007 Management Development Programme De Baak
2006 Prince 2, Practitionar (certified) ICM
2006 Performance Management Course External
2005 Prince 2, Foundation (certified) ICM
2003 Flight and Ground Vehicle Simulation Update 2004 Binghampton University
2001 In-house training: Object Orientation and Visual C++ Cimsolutions
2001 Course in Java IBM Learning Services
2001 Course in C AT- Computing
2000 Course Portuguese Vrije Universiteit
2000 Fast education path MQSeries IBM Global Services
2000 IBS Networking Essentials – TCP/IP IBM Learning Services
2000 Project Management International IBM Training Centre
2000 Ansys 5.6 Mecal Applied Mechanics
2000 Paper about my thesis, which was published for the 39th IEEE conference CDC 2000, Sydney. University of Delft
1999 Esso-Exxon Benelux Business Course Esso-Exxon
1997 – 1998 Professional training and workshops in various disciplines related to my activities with Integrand. Integrand
1997 – 1998 President of Integrand Delft, which is an organisation, consisting of 12 persons, arranging traineeships for students in the industry. Integrand


Personal characteristics

Taken out of the report of a Belbin assessment by the external consultancy firm “INTER EXPERT”:

“You [] combine the ability to analyse and to reason with the drive and skills of a pragmatic organizer. You think, before you act; and your environment will see you as a wise and rational person, who strives for decisions, which at one hand are weighted and thought through, and at the other hand, decisions, which are swiftly realizable into specific tasks and activities; into action.”

“You [] are very capable to support and lead a team of specialists in a way which is appreciated by them.”

· Result driven, businesslike, reliable, responsible and efficient
· Good in motivating people, coaching people
· Good in organising, bringing structure into chaos, analyzing, improving
· Natural leader, authentic


· Being responsible for a project, program of projects, product, department, team;
· Setting-up a project, a department, an organisation (from scratch), structurizing, identifying and solving problems, creating, improving;
· Leading or coaching a team;
· Development of innovative software products

Skill set and expertise
Areas of expertise Project Management (Prince2 Practitionar Certified), Software Development, Multidisciplinary Development, Line Management, Process Improvement, Machine/Devices Development, 3rd party/Outsourcings Management
Methodologies Prince2 (Foundation and Practitionar), RUP, CMM(I)
Domain knowledge Medical Devices, Semi-conductor industry, Simulation, Automotive, Telecom, Robotics, Administrative, Financial, Logistics, iOS Apps
Tools, Packages, Techniques MsProject, Concerto, Ms-Office, UML, Design Patterns, OO-technology, Realtime, Embedded, Latex, Exact, MQSeries, Lotus Notes, ANSYS, AutoCad, WinRiver Tornado, WIN NT/2000/XP WIN 9*, MS-DOS, AIX, VXWorks, WIN CE, .NET, C, C++ (STL), C#, JAVA, MsAccess, Pascal, Mathlab, Simulink, TCP/IP/UDP, AUTOCAD, PRO-Engineer, Rational Tools (ReqPro, Clearquest, Clearcase, Rose), FDA/EMEA Approval
Languages Dutch, English, German, French, Portuguese


Dutch (native), English, German, French, Portuguese


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