Flex Manager
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Work Experience

Work Experience :

1996 – 2000 PricewaterhouseCoopers (formerly Price
Financial Management Services Amsterdam
As manager, wholly responsible for client
files, including budget and actualisation,
and supervision of twelve employees, as
well as acting as a member of the
management team. Acted as an interim
(financial) manager for numerous times, on
assignment with various clients (Dutch
entities, members of multinational, listed
companies). On behalf of other clients,
perform duties related to trusts, often in
close co-operation with members of the
fiscal and legal staff, on such tasks as
were completed during employment with CenE
Bankiers Private Banking en Equity Trust
Co. N.V. (see below). Further, implemented
and managed a financial systems consultancy
service. In that arena, aided in closing a
pair of partnerships between
PricewaterhouseCoopers and respectively
CODA Financials and Hyperion. The Financial
Management Services Department handles a
vast variety of administrative services.
This includes, amongst other things,
interim financial assignments and providing
support to various projects in the
Management Consultancy, Corporate Finance
and Audit Departments. In the last stage
employment I introduced Corporate
Secretarial Services as an additional
separate service towards clients.

1994 – 1996 CenE Bankiers N.V. (formerly Crediet- en
Effectenbank N.V.) Private Banking Utrecht
Trust Officer
Broadly defined, as the legal and
administrative manager, responsible for the
development of company structures for Dutch
and foreign clients. Maintained contact
with these clients, their advisors and
accountants. Established and gave direction
concerning establishment of Dutch and
foreign companies, as well as advised the
companies after establishment. Developed
products and structures in close co-
operation with the in-house commercial law
clerk. Supervised three employees and co-
ordinated their work assignments, which
included the administration and drafting of
the annual accounts for the aforementioned
companies, which varied in complexity from
simple to extremely complicated.
Preparation of corporate income tax returns.

1992 - 1994 Equity Trust Co N.V. Amsterdam
(Assistant) Account Manager
Responsible for management, in the broadest
sense of the word, of fiscal structures on
behalf of foreign clients. Maintained
contact with clients, their advisors and
accountants, as well as Dutch and foreign
banks. Managed and drafted the annual
accounts of these, mostly foreign
companies. These companies varied from
simple holding companies to highly complex
finance companies. Prepared the corporate
income, turnover and wage tax returns.
Arranged financial transactions and managed
liquidations which involved several foreign
currencies. Involved in arranging
negotiated bond loans on behalf of third

1990 - 1992 Van der Kroft Beheer B.V. The Hague
Trust Officer
For specific work assignments, please see
the description given above for Equity
Trust Co N.V. Amsterdam.

1988 - 1990 Van der Kroft Beheer B.V. The Hague
Groups Administrator / Controller
Responsible for the administration and
provision of information regarding
management of group companies
(participations). Work assignments included
nearly every type of administrative work,
from payroll to the preparation of annual
accounts (in co-operation with management).

1988 - 1992 Van der Kroft Beheer B.V. The Hague
Head of Information Technology (additional
System administrator of a network in a
Novell environment. Maintained a
bookkeeping system in an Exact environment.
Assisted in developing an information
system for managing and maintaining client
trusts. Established an automated system to
keep track of hours worked and management
information. Provided support to co-workers
in the use of various software packages.

1985 - 1987 Peat Marwick Nederland The Hague
Assistant Accountant


Education :

HEAO – Business Economics
Master of Business Administration – Executive Course NIMBAS Institute /
Bradforf University
(two years course, I attended
one year and stopped due to the
start up of my own firm,
consequently the graduation will
follow in the summer 200x)
Training :Financial Planning (C. Baard
Commercial Training School)
Active in Acquisitions (Alex van
Groningen Institute)
Business Valuation (Alex van
Groningen Institute)
Various kinds of management
training (PwC)

Information Technology :MS-DOS and Windows 98
Novell System administration
Microsoft Word / Word Perfect
Microsoft Outlook Express / Lotus
Supercalc / Lotus-123 / Microsoft
Excel (spreadsheets)
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Access


Exceptional \"talents/skills\":
people manager, having a helicopter view, loyal, stress-resistant, sportive, resourceful, accurate, a quick learner and I have a knack for finding a solution to any problem.


Languages :Dutch, native
English, good
French, reasonable
German, good
Italian, very moderate
Spanish, very moderate


Marital Status :living together – three children
Hobbies and interests :My children, F1 racing, (winter)
sports, good food and wine,
cars, travelling


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