Flex Manager
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Senior Project Manager

Senior Project Manager

Work Experience

Dec 2000 – Present Interim Management, Project Manager

Reporting to the Chief Executive of The Rent Service and responsible for the implementation of a major IT re-development based on a Workflow package. The project is following a rapid development approach involving a number of teams staffed by users and developers from the main supplier. The completed application will be used by 800 staff in England and will be the core business system of the organisation, which performs a statutory service and is publicly accountable. There are 35 people in the team and the budget for the development is circa £2.0 million.

Dec 1999 – Nov 2000 Interim Management, Change Programme Co-ordinator

Reporting to the Chief Executive of the Rent Service, a newly formed executive agency of the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions. The assignment involved the introduction of project management skills and disciplines and the co-ordination of a programme to implement the Corporate Plan approved by the Housing Minister. Also during the period, a framework for business continuity planning was put in place.

Oct 1998 – Nov 1999 Project Manager, British Gas Trading Ltd, Staines

Planned and co-ordinated the delivery of business based projects to meet business requirements within time, quality and cost targets. Project budgets ranged from £2.5m to £3.0m

Jul 1997 - Sep 1998 Programme Support Manager , British Gas Trading Ltd, Solihull

Co-ordinated the planning for a programme of four projects within a major programme of change including the establishment of a programme office and the provision of support for the programme board.

Aug 1996 - Jul 1997 Project Manager, British Gas Trading Ltd, Home Based

Worked to terms of reference issued by Director of Customer Operations and approved by Group Director of Finance with the aim of ensuring that principles of stewardship and control were built in to re-engineered systems and processes following a period of major change and turbulence.

Ju1 1994 - Aug 1996 Transition Manager, British Gas Trading Ltd, Newcastle

Full accountability for managing billing, credit management and customer service operations for 0.9m customers and for the implementation of plans to migrate processes in a managed sequence to new locations with a re-skilled workforce.

Jun 1991 - Jul 1994 Customer Accounting Manager, British Gas plc, Leeds

Full accountability for billing, credit management and call centre operations for 1.1m customers in consumer and industrial markets. Responsible for maintaining customer relationships and compliance with licence conditions agreed with Regulatory bodies.

1980 - 1991 Various Roles at Shell UK Oil Accounting Centre, Manchester

Responsibilities included Logistic Inventory, Accounts Receivable, Finance Systems Strategy Review , Project Management and Cash Accounting


Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (Fellow), 1991
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (Associate), 1977
HND Business Studies , 1971
"A" Level, 3 Subjects, 1968; "O" Level, 9 Subjects, 1966
Member of Association for Project Management (MAPM)
PRINCE 2 Certificate


Project Management

Implemented a predictive dialler and a debt management system resulting in improved customer contact and collection rates. These applications enabled up to 10,000 successful calls to customers with overdue accounts to be made daily and generated collections of £0.5m per week.

Developed a benefits management framework for projects under own control resulting in greater ownership of benefit delivery by the business and improved performance against claims made in business cases. The approach has subsequently been widely adopted in the business.

Conducted a feasibility study into a long-term replacement system for credit management leading to a formal Request for Information from suppliers and a short-listing panel. The potential project budget was £3.0m

Managed the implementation of plans to establish an in-house Debt Recovery Service in 4 months as a free standing business unit in premises re-furbished at minimum cost, leading to cost reductions of £1.5m per annum.

Co-ordinated the planning for a £11.0m programme of four projects within a major programme of change over a 15-month period. This included:

establishment of a programme office
provision of support for the programme board
creation of planning and monitoring systems
project budgets and forecasts
monitoring of project plans
ensuring that issues and risks were managed to a conclusion
Managed the implementation of a very large accounts receivable system including package selection, customisation and data migration.

Business Change

Designed and implemented a framework of managerial controls as part of the re-engineering of over 50 business processes at 8 sites during the introduction of competition within the gas and electricity markets. This work enabled action to be taken to protect brand image and drive out costs.
Closed an operational call-centre and its associated back office functions as part of a major re-organisation. Maintained standards of customer service agreed with the Regulator throughout by planned introduction of agency staff to replace permanent employees and by managing the migration of work to the receiving site.
Enabled reductions in operating costs estimated at £8.0m to be achieved as a result of site closure, staff reductions and elimination of duplicated systems.

Set up the office facilities, systems, procedures and initial staffing for AccuRead Ltd a joint venture company, participating in the due diligence studies prior to floating off from the parent company.

Finance and Credit Management
Managed a large department of over 300 staff responsible for metering, billing, customer service and collections for 1.1 million customers (industrial, commercial and domestic).
Established a professional Credit Management section within the department, leading to improved performance of flexible payment schemes, a reduction in working capital of £10m and a reduction in bad debt write-off of £2m p.a.
Led a review of credit policy of behalf of the board of directors, discussed proposals with Regulatory bodies and implemented a new Code of Practice at all UK offices (including a training programme for 4,000 call centre staff)
Conducted the Company's relationship with the Gas Consumers' Council at regional level and gave interviews in local radio programmes on consumer affairs. Represented the Company on an industry working group, which led to the establishment of a network for the prevention and detection of fraud by persistent absconders.
Outsourced low productivity peripheral activities saving 20 staff in 6 months. Introduced best in class approach to customer service and reduced customer complaints by 40%.
Introduced formal quality system leading to savings equivalent to 55 staff. Is conversant with the European Business Excellence model.


Some knowledge of French and German


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