Flex Manager
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Werkervaring interimmanager

· January 2002- presently Independent consultant, individual coach Coaching companies on priorities on training needs analysis & training. Implementing corrective actions in international companies & coaching their implementations programmes. Performing individual coaching sessions on management keypersons. Consulting work, diagnostic work. · June 2001- december 2001 Communication Center Int’l, Brussels. Senior consultantCoaching trainers & junior consultants on fieldstudies & training need analysis. Reporting towards International companies on the findings & increase business-training turnover via corrective actions and coaching their implementations programmes. Performing coaching on management keypersons via tailored individual sessions. · 1987- april 2001 Honda Motor Company, Europe Staff manager Special projects 1996-2001 Honda Europe Gent, Belgium.Electronic Parts Catalogue (=EPC) project leader: conversion of archaic parts catalogues into electronic device, with direct commercial benefit. Monthly European releases for 2100 motorcycle-dealers & bimonthly releases for 2000 car dealers, 7 languages. Yearly turnover of 33,5 mil BEF. (Initial turnover on the book catalogues was nothing, 5 years ago). Full implementation of EPC into the different car & motorcycle-dealer-network completed in 3.5 years. Much new business oriented features introduced into the EPC-tool, enhancing the parts lookup into a business tool for the dealers with lots of customer oriented benefits.ISO 14001 project parts project leader, co-ordinating the internal work into an authorised certificate on 3 consecutive years. Pan-Euro helpdesk projectleader on analysing the potential of a virtual call-centre, advising the managementgroup on which options to take: calculated savings on 36 employees, implementation impact 1,5 years, starting off in a phased approach. Pan-European training and development project leader for analysing training needs on parts associates at dealer level. This project was submitted towards the EEC community, resulting in 43 mil BEF subsidies in order to help out with countermeasures on the measured training needs. Tailored implementation was done towards a number of countries, addressing the needs found. Training results were measured year after year and improvements were measured in a numerical way, allowing further action. · Chief training and development 1993-1996 Honda Europe Gent, Belgium. Training & development responsible: from scratch, a training & development department was set up enabling development projects for the Honda Europe managementgroup, associates, and blue-collar workers. Co-ordinator of the organisational change H.R. project by building better & new communication lines for 700 associates + creating a new awareness on empowering issues. Analysis study of de-motivation symptoms on these internal 700 associates. The outcome triggered an organisational change HR project plan in order to build better and new communication lines. The plan focussed a new awareness on empowering issues, resulting in bottom up ideas in order to reach the wanted company objectives. Site communications: a monthly gathering of all employees & blue-collar workers on Global Honda -, Pan European -, Belgian -, Local Honda Europe news. Selection responsible counselling the selection department.
· Assistant manager Dealer Development European operations (sale -: service - parts) 1990–1993 Honda Motor Europe Reading, UK.Dealer Development European operations Setting up pan European dealer training programmes for the ‘parts’ ‘service’ & sales ‘ side of the car operations. Strategic view, planning, Selling the approach to country managers, measuring, implementing, co-ordinating, & coaching local trainers. Looking for consultants and budgets for long and short-term strategies. Controlling active implementation of the corrective actions based on a SWOT analysis of a systematic training need analysis system. Coaching of existing trainers and performing training jobs myself wherever needed.
· Training co-ordinator 1987–1990 Euro Honda Office Aalst, Belgium. European non-technical training responsible: starting up non-technical training on the ‘service’ side towards a European car dealer net. Planning & coaching training aspects for the 5 major subsidiaries. Developing training textbooks and educational support materials. Implementing training actions and controlling its progress through volunteers. Looking for non-technical training subjects and trying to find the necessary budgets to work out these programmes. In countries where there was no budget or manpower, I was doing the training sessions myself, sometimes with the help of local translators.· Dec 1986- May 87 Cegos Brussels, Belgium.Product manager Cegos Training and DevelopmentSupervising a group of trainers. Thinking out new training programs, providing these programs the necessary PR & marketing. Creative innovation on existing programs. · Feb. 85- May 86 Jouret Management Centre Brussels, Belgium. ConsultantFieldstudies & training need analysis responsible for reporting towards main Belgian & Dutch client companies and their retail business. Increase business-training turnover via these studies resulting in possibilities for corrective actions and its implementations. Performing executive trainings with its follow up activities. · May 83-Febr. 85 Metra Proudfoot International Brussels, Belgium.Junior management consultantReorganisation and lost time studies, in all kind of large companies all over Europe (lean organisation principle).· Oct. 82-May 83 Psycho Medical Centre Izegem, Belgium.Psychological and educational adviser Professional psychological & educational support to schools and parents of young adults.· Feb. 81-Oct 82 American Field Service Brussels Belgium.Program director/ educational consultant Dutch regionTarget group 60 foreign exchange students, their host families and their school environment. Coaching 100 Belgian returnees from abroad and their families in the reintegration process into the Belgian life. · Dec. 80-Febr. 81 Vandemoortele Izegem, Belgium.Temporary employee Assistant in the accounting department. Blue collar worker Working in the oil & butter production process in a 3-shift system.

Opleiding interimmanager

1974-1975 Quartz Hill High school graduate Antelope Valley, Ca. USA Certificate legalised by the Belgian consulate of Los Angeles.1975-1980 State University of Gent. BS Certificate: Clinical & Educational Psychologist. 1985-1986 Postgraduate Certificate: Group Psychotherapy & Psychodrama (2-year study with assignment practice R.U.G.).

Consultancy interimmanagement a.i. kerncompetenties

Intercultural experiences and its learning issues. Interest in going & living abroad with family in order to execute specific job roles and job assignments (cf. UK Honda assignment).Strong believer in people oriented empowering management style, resulting in an active participation, stressing dialogue and mutual agreement, working as a team towards a common business goal. Understanding and experience on how to deal with Japanese & American business culture. Multicultural environment enhances performance & individual skills. Likes leading project teams with multicultural members in an international business oriented approach, guiding & coaching the group towards mutual benefits & business objectives. Experience in organisational change projects with commitment from the top, guided by well planned diagnostic monitoring. Searcher for diagnostic tools & measurement systems which are able to monitor progress for organisational development, training skills, individual learning enhancement. Likes selective reading on theoretical models, but believes in a pragmatic approach & on the job coaching of associates. Motor-trade experience: dealers, zone managers, importers, distributors, joint ventures in Western & Eastern Europe. Some knowledge African, Middle Near East market. PC skills: Windows: Word/ excell/ PowerPoint/ Lotus Notes. Some mainframe skills. As projectleader I have often been the ‘negotiator & go between’ for user requirements- and system development groups. Video skills: making in house tailored educational training programmes in multi-languages. Experience in developing computer based interactive training (CBT), in multilanguage’s. Both of these skills are used to promote actively applications of best practice ideas throughout international operations.Technical curiosity and hands on experience restoring old furniture & old-timer vehicles: Citroën HP5 1923/ Alfa Coupe Bertone GTV 2000 1971/Giulia Spider Alfa Romeo 1963.

Talenkennis interimmanager

Dutch native languageEnglish second mothertongue (cf. USA & UK period)French good in reading/speaking/ writingGerman basics good understanding & reading okayItalian, Spanish basics


· Management position preferably in an international headquarter, building & coaching service driven keypeople & their teams by empowering associates to exceed their goals within the organisation. ‘Service driven’ seen in the sense of a commercial viewpoint, taking responsibility for the necessary turnover and profitability. This leadership role emphasises my ability of strong organisational leadership combined with the skills of influencing organisational direction. I love to work within a spirit of common agreement bringing new product ideas to life via a focussed approach of all involved. · Independent consultant, individual coach working together with other consultants on ‘projects’ in mutual agreement.


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