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International Operations Troubleshooter

International Operations Troubleshooter

Work Experience

Operations executive with over twenty years international experience, specialized in enterprise performance management, with strong financial and technical skills. Columbia University MBA with particular expertise in:
• General Operations and HR Management
• Innovation and Product Development
• Process Improvement
• Org Development & Training
• Operations Technologies & Systems
• Manpower Planning

[Recent Project Roles]
2001-4 Dopp Consultores, Madrid (#1 National Mgmt Consultancy)
Acting VP e-Business Solutions. Directed LOB with P&L responsibility. Solutions architect for incorporating technology into this leading firm's practices. References available.

2000-2001 Meta4 Software (#1 Spanish ERP Provider)
Acting Divisional Director, KM Software. P&L responsibility. Turned around division performance by implementing substantial product changes in record 3 months time, introducing extreme programming methods; directly consulting and selling ($1,000,000 in first six months) to major accounts in petroleum (PEMEX) and Telecon (Vodafone) industries. Firm sold after this successful intervention.

1996-2000 Raytheon Professional Services, Paris (World leader in technical training outsourcing).
Full-time position with regional P&L responsability (EMEA). Brought in to implement key corporate expansion into a new market. Expanded training franchise system from 5 to 50 countries in Europe, Africa and Asia. Designed and implemented corporate marketing and business systems and developed operating manuals. Invented and led “selfish sharing” marketing network, creating international loyalty to systems and increased sales. References available.

Earlier work and project experience available on request.


1986. Columbia University Graduate School of Business, New York, NY
MBA, concentrations in Marketing and Organizational Development. Awarded top prize in class for academic contribution to the school. Elected Beta Gamma Sigma for academic excellence. Dean’s Honor List. Contributor, school paper.

1979. Georgetown University, Washington, DC
Masters Applied Linguistics
Straight “A” student (GPA 4.0). Named by assistant dean to task force for design of new masters curriculum.

1976. Georgetown University, Washington, DC
Bachelors Applied Linguistics
GPA 3.2. Major Linguistics, minor Economics. Full liberal arts degree. Trained as simultaneous interpreter in UN-approved program.


MS Office "wizard" level
PICK OS programming
Advanced graphical workflow
IT Asset mapping

Advanced R&D+i facilitation skills
Highly engaging public speaker. Have presented to audiences literally around the world.


English-Spanish bilingual.
Spoken Catalan.
Some French and Italian.


Truly international perspective. Have lived in 5 countries in last 20 years. Dedicated family man, with active interest in international affairs, cognitive psychology, history, and ethics.


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