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Sales and Marketing Director

Sales and Marketing Director

Work Experience

Resume of Professional Experience

01/99-to date : Director
DeKie Communications

DeKie is the largest independent Advertising Agency in Belgium. Main responsibilities: introduce DeKie on the .com and international market; General Management, Client Services, Acquisitions and People Management. Direct, Consult and Support Staff and Clients. Introduced and develop the "DeKie Relationship Building Model"®.
Bottom Line responsibility.
Turnover: 20.000.000€. Main clients: Microsoft, Electrabel, Tinterio laminated interior solutions, Neckerman Mail Orders, Mexx Fashion, Proxis.com internet Book E-Tailer.

5/ 97 - 9/98 : Marketing Director Europe
Levi Strauss Europe - Brussels

Main responsibilities: To further develop Levi’s brand equity. To direct and manage the Marketing activities of a 55MM Unit /$1.700MM brand, which includes the development of all pan European ATL and digital advertising. The coordination of the marketing and media plans for 23 entities in Europe, Middle East and Africa. The management of the regional budgeting process and the supervision of the European Consumer Marketing, Retail and Research Departments.
- Optimized and re-invigorated the Original Levi’s Store franchise Network (from 700 to 350 stores)
- Redirected the Pan-European Levi’s advertising campaign, allowing the consumer to re-assess the Levi’s Brand
- Coordinated the implementation of the new Customer Intimacy (1:1 marketing) and Selling on the Internet strategies in the region

Jan to May 97: European Marketing Director, Special Projects
LS& Co - Brussels

Full-time representation on the corporate ‘1:1 Consumer Intimacy Steering Committee’, as director for the European Division. Represent the European region in the global decision-making forums and ensure fluent communication back and forth between the HQ and the subsidiaries.

June 94 – Dec 96 : Commercial Director Benelux
Levi Strauss Benelux – Amsterdam

Main responsibilities: To manage the commercial part of the Benelux organization in terms of Sales, Marketing and Merchandise (product development). To co-support the General Manager in his daily activities.
- Introduced the ‘New Business Approach’ (flexible booking) for the Benelux region, streamlined the organization in Marketing as well as in Sales, added a strategic focus to the department, resulting in a dramatic increase in both volume as well as Customer Satisfaction.
- Introduced and further developed the Customer Service philosophy by changing the bonus system for Sales from pure volume-driven to full quality-driven
- Created Service Teams consisting of Account Managers, Field Merchandisers and Desk Sales per customer group
- Discontinued all discounts and rebates with LS Benelux customers
- ’95 : 4MM units, $120 MM (90% pre-booked)
- ’96 : 4.8MM units, $145 MM (38% pre-booked, 62% ‘At Once’ and ‘Quick Response’))
- ’97 : 5.4MM units, $ 168 MM (less than 30% pre-booked)

Jan 92 – May 94: Country Manager Belgium
Levi Strauss Belgium - Brussels

Main responsibilities: To manage the Belgian team (Sales, Finance, Admin, Promotion), to develop the business and to contribute to the success of Levi’s in the whole of Benelux as a member of the Benelux Management Team.
- Grew the business from 950MM units to 1.400MM units
- Increased Margins from 42% to 49%.
- Reorganized the Sales Team
- Introduced Selective Distribution System and implemented it for the Benelux

May 90 – Dec 91: A&P (Advertising and Promotion) Manager Belgium
Levi Strauss Belgium - Brussels

Supported the brand image and the products on the Belgium and Luxembourg market. Rationalized the budget process, created the function of Field-Merchandiser in order to support the brand and educate shop staff. Introduced direct marketing.

Sep 87 – May 90 : Product Manager
CPC Monda – Antwerp

Responsible for margin management and marketing budgets for a line of food products (dehydrated and dry-frozen soups). Product development, Line management, new Product introductions, sales preparation, , Communication and promotion.

June 86- Dec 86 : Sales Representative
Roels Display

Sales and account management for Belgium's largest producer of promotional displays. Main responsibility: sales and business development in Holland.


1986: Bachelor in Marketing Management, SIVEHO - Antwerp
1984: Germanic philology at Gent State University, Dutch and English Literature.


Key Skills and Achievements

Experience in developing and implementing innovative strategies in brand image, marketing, merchandise and sales :
- 12 years experience in a variety of marketing and sales functions
- Chosen as the European representative on a corporate-wide taskforce to develop the strategy to sell on the Internet and assisted countries to implement this strategy
- During 5 months, participated full time in a corporate committee focused on improving Customer Intimacy
- Introduced new advertising campaigns, new business approaches and new organization structures to enhance brand image at Benelux as well as European levels.
Building and managing high performance teams
- Managed, coached and trained large teams of associates in times of continuous change and reorganization
- Facilitated associates’ performance by creating the right organization structure, changing compensation plans and creating new functions to fit new directions and strategies
Solid experience at both senior line and staff positions in Europe, Middle East and Africa
- Represented the Europe, Middle East and Africa region on a variety of corporate taskforces, steering committees, and project teams
- In 1997, received the Daniel E. Koshland Award by LS&Co CEO for outstanding contributions (as Project Leader) to the success of the New Business Approach (NBA) Project
- Managed marketing, sales, retail and research departments at national as well as European level
- Assisted in analyzing a major competitor’s structure, activities and strategic plans for Europe, allowing to anticipate the competitor’s future strategies and respond proactively
Reengineering and managing profit centers in rapidly changing environments while maintaining high levels of productivity and quality :
- Participated in the design phase of a re-engineering project which refocused the entire sales process and account management structure in Europe
- Responsible for successful implementation of reorganizations in different jobs and areas of responsibilities internally
- Responsible for re-invigorating the external Store Network


Dutch: mother tongue
English and French: fluent in speaking and writing
German: good in speaking, moderate in writing
Spanish: notions


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