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Technical Writer

Technical Writer

Work Experience

01 Dec 1999 – now ASML Veldhoven
Technical Writer
At the moment I write applications notes for ASML. ASML makes production equipment, exposure tools, for the IC industry. Applications notes are short (10 to 80 pages) explanations of a certain aspect of ASML equipment, software or hardware. The purpose of such an applications note is to inform the users of ASML equipment about ways to get a better performance of that equipment. Applications Notes are written in USA English with Frame Maker and published as an Acrobat-file. To get the information I need I call upon applications specialists and development engineers.
Apart from writing applications notes I am involved in all kind of incidental documentation jobs. These can be writing or editing articles for different ASML-applications, or writing internal training manuals, or any other writing job that pops up.
Before I started writing applications notes, I wrote for a year software release notes, software interface documentation, and user guides. These are all manuals that are related to software releases. Although the products of ASML involve some very complicated hardware, the user and technical interfaces are almost fully software based.
I started with ASML working on repair and maintenance procedures. Primarily, my job was to write rather complicated conversion procedures. These were written in ASML Controlled English with Frame Maker and published in HTML, and later XML, format. All documentation at ASML is written in a Unix environment.

1994 – 1999 ELTA J. Claas Westerhoven
Technical Writer
ELTA J. Claas offers, as part of their business services, the creation of technical documentation. While I was employed by ELTA J. Claas, I have designed and written a number user and service manuals for a number of their customers. These customers were mainly different parts of Philips Electronics. These manuals were in general for professional products with a big software content. Major projects were for Philips DTS and Philips CFT. While being co-located at Philips DTS, I have led a project team of four people.
We used Microsoft Word for editing and lay-out. The final product was delivered in Acrobat-file format.

1986 – 1994 ODME Eindhoven
Service Product Specialist / Technical Writer
I started with ODME as a field service engineer for CD manufacturing equipment. As I went, I developed myself into a Service Product Specialist / Technical Writer. These two functions were intertwined at ODME.


1971 – 1977 Gemeentelijk Lyceum Dordrecht
-HAVO, diploma 1977.

1977 – 1983 Gemeentelijke HTS Utrecht
-HTS Electrical Engineering, focus: information technology, diploma 1983

Apart from a number of product-related trainings, I have recently done the following trainings:
-US English style (2001)
-Frame Maker (2000)
-Controlled English (2000)
-Word (1997)


Frame Maker
Pixel Editors (The Gimp, Ulead PhotoExpress, PaintShop Pro)




Member of the Dutch Technical Writer Association: STIC


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