Flex Manager
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Work Experience


15 years experience on business, operations and technology.

Has been involved in business development, consultancy and project management in complex and innovative trajectories. Creative with a preference for technology and how it interacts with people. Informal and a drive to deliver quality.

Date Company Position
2002 - managemnt b.v. CEO
2000 – 2002 WDS, dutch dynamic media design part of Cell Network A.B. COO / CTO
1999 – 2000 Internet Connect Centre / West Consulting Operations Manager / CTO
1996 – 1999 IBM Global Services / Data Sciences Principal Consultant
1993 – 1996 Getronics Manager / Consultant
1991 – 1993 Telenorma - Bosch Telecom Project manager
1986 – 1991 Philips Chief Designer / IT Manager

Relevant Education:

June 2002 until today.

After WDS I started a consultancy firm on operations and technology, aiming at the area between the operations (day-to-day management) and the supporting information technology. Furthermore I am active as account manager in IT related Projects. In these projects I act as intermediate between companies and IT Professionals. In portfolio are Customers like AKZO, Vodafone but also small companies for which I act as coach. I assist two small companies in defining and setting up several aspects of their business.Commercial activities and development of new opportunities are, in the market of today, my main activities and challenge.

September 2000 until 2002 WDS, dutch dynamic media design (part of Cell Network)

WDS was a company of approximately 50 people, a mix of technicians and designers aiming at new-media customers and their projects. When I joined WDS as COO / CTO it was just bought by an international company named Cell Network AB, . The first challenge of the job was to merge the local and international activities. Mostly as COO I acted as “interim CEO” and took care of business, whenever needed.Two other responsibilities, Finance and P&O Management, were added during the last quarter of 2000 due to a management team reorganisation. I directly implemented a management reporting procedure to have a day–to-day overview of the company’s health. Reporting contained financial items, pipeline and project and personnel status. It proved to be very helpful during the summer of 2001 when we were negotiating another merger with a major player in interactive media. I set-up a production control method which improved quality and efficiency, it resulted in a high level “ho-to-do things” manual which proved to be useful in several projects. Cost reduction was a day-to-day activity of me, which I enforced to just immediately say “no” to every investment request staff made. It reduced operational cost by 20%.As CTO I set-up a technical department starting with a loaned Norwegian technician who was a perfect intermediate between design an IT. After about 6 months the IT group was up and running working on content management and portal systems.At the end of the summer when results were down I prepared and executed a right-size operation, reducing cost and staff by nearly 30%. I coordinated the transformation of the organisation and involved the team leaders in the process. Thus resulting in a more flexible and market focussed organisation.

July 1999 Internet Connect Centre B.V. / West Consulting B.V.

In the summer of 1999 I started as Technical Manager of the Internet Connect Centre (ICC) in Amsterdam. The Technical Manager is responsible for the delivery side of the operation, pre-sales consultancy and the day-to-day management of the technical staff (approx. 15 persons) . ICC was set-up some 5 years ago as a joint venture between UUNET and West Consulting mainly for delivering hosting services to the Dutch (Business to Business) Internet Market. In September I managed to win a bid for development and hosting a free internet access provider set-up a special project team and went live after 8 weeks. Furthermore I had to manage an Y2k program, which I started from scratch, performed without any major problems. At the end of 1999 the portfolio value of ICC was around NLG 8.9 Million and at that time it was sold to UUNET. During the first two months of 2000, I integrated the technical operations and staff into the UUNET organisation. When the merger was finished, operations and staff were fit into the UUNET organisation I moved to the development side of the West Holding and became Technical Director / CTO of West Consulting.During this period I won a contract for maintaining the Albert Heijn Home shopping Internet Application. The contract was the final result of a long period of restructuring maintenance procedures and troubleshooting activities.
October 1996 Data Sciences B.V. – IBM Global Services IBM Global Services acquired Data Sciences during the spring of 1996. The dutch operation was able to continue until 1998 as an independent company. During the Data Sciences period, I acted as Principal Consultant in one of the Business Centre’s aiming at e-business opportunities. Starting with a quick-scan I managed to participate in several e-business activities. Furthermore, I acted as Bid Manager for several major Bids ranging from NLG 0.5 Million up to NLG 7 Million of which several were won.After the integration with IBM I was acting Principal in the Distribution and Public Business Unit. Depending on the customer I worked as a Consultant, Project Manager (Aero Groundservices, Martinair) and as sales supplying personnel to e-business projects.

October 1993 Getronics

Starting as Consultant for Videotex Nederland B.V. I worked several months on a feasibility study on electronic service delivery. Videotex Nederland was operator of the dutch videotex net a business-to-business predecessor of Internet and was looking for new services. I wrote a proposal for their new service delivery platform. Based on that study Videotex and Getronics set-up a joint venture on a 50-50-ownership basis. I started as Consultant and later as Manager of the Venture. In that period I participated in setting up the new ISP World access, which is today one of the leading ISPs in the Netherlands. The joint venture grew from 3 to 20 people. After that, I joined a group within Getronics called Interactive Media Services delivering Internet Services to the Getronics customers. I managed to develop and maintain the first Getronics Software and the main Getronics website. In may 1996 I was asked to join a major Getronics project as an architect concerning an electronic delivery channel for ABN-AMRO. Project value approx. NLG 50 Million. The final goal was to set-up a separate organisation to handle electronic payments through chip cards and credit cards. At some stage ABN-AMRO changed the scope of the project and finally cancelled the initiative.

1991 until 1993 Telenorma:

Project Manager responsible for the development of a software family called “The Integral Manager”. The product was released early 1992.

1986 until 1991 Philips:
Chief Designer and IT Manager in area of Industrial Automation.
1986 Graduated from TU Delft in the area of Control engineering (ir)


1986 Control engineering TU Delft Electronics
1990 Management Development Philips
1992 User Interfaces for Picture Systems (management overview)
1996 GBV - Getronics Management Development Program
1996 Creative Consulting
1998 IBM Supply Chain Management (Distribution and Public)
1999 Financial Management


Technical management, Delivery of Projects, Operational management, Project Management, Outsourcing, Crises Management, Capable of working under high pressure, Adaptive. Pragmatic and Result Driven.


Dutch, English and German. French only on vacation


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