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Work Experience

Jan-2002 - Feb-2003 - MIS Work stream/project manager for the Congestion Charging Scheme for London (United Kingdom)

Responsible for the development and delivery of the MIS solution to support the congestion charging scheme for the city of London which goes live on February 17th 2003. This scheme included the monitoring and reporting of service levels defined on the outsourced service by the government. On this project I was recognised as one of the key people on the project (consisting of about 200-300 people) by being listed in the final contract as a key person to the customer.

Nov-2001 Dec-2001 - Business Analyst / Solution Architect - Multi-Channel Contact Centre / Oracle CRM / Data warehousing project
for the UK Charity Commission

Description: Lead business analyst to define bid for outsourcing of UK charity commissions operations.

Jun-2001 - Oct-2001 - Multi-Channel Contact Centre - Oracle CRM Implementation (Bid Phase) - Lead CRM Business Analyst

Description: Lead business analyst on the implementation of a multi-channel contact centre for one of the largest boroughs of London. The purpose of this project was the outsourcing of the contact centre as well as ensuring compliance with the UK E-government strategy before 2005.

Sep-1999 - Mar-2001 - Synergy - worldwide Oracle CRM 11i Implementation - CRM Business Consultant

Description: Hired as a CRM consultant by Hewlett Packard worldwide to assist in the Oracle CRM 11i worldwide implementation. (References available).



2001 Data warehousing Academy – Data Intelligence
1997 – 1998 ‘Relational Development by Soft Confrontation‘; self-development/ (Project) management course – IMK Training
1997 Project Management of IT Projects – Management Solution Ltd. England
1991 – 1995 Higher Information Technology Degree – West Brabant Faculty of Higher Education


Business Analysis, CRM, datawarehousing, project management.


Dutch, English


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