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Interim manager

Interim manager

Work Experience


April 2006-current
After leaving Cognos I decided to enjoy a part-time sabbatical and starting my own business, offering consultancy services and interim management on a part-time basis. My availability will be from early Q2 2007 onwards.

2003 – March 2006 Cognos

Sector : Software (CPM/BI)
Annual revenue : $850 M, avg. 3,500 employees
URL : cognos

Director Global/EMEA Alliances
Thru the Adaytum acquisition (see below) I was offered the role of Strategic SI director for EMEA, having 6 Alliance Managers reporting into me(target $19M). Starting FY05 (March 2004) appointed as global IBM/IGS director with the prime task to develop this relationship outside of Europe, having 3 regional Alliance Managers reporting into me. The 3rd FY I limited my responsibilities to EMEA but expanding it to all relevant IBM divisions. In addition Cognos asked me to start up relationships with EDS & NCR/TD for the region. I had a direct reporting line into the global VP for Strategic Alliances (US based) and dotted to the VP CPM/EMEA (UK based).

Major accomplishments:
Refocused the partner community and restructured the EMEA SI-team the first year ending 130% over target ($25M). Leveraging my Accenture & IBM relationship I put Strategic Alliances on Cognos’ European agenda. The 2nd year Cognos closed the largest (BI) deal ever (UK government) based on the IBM/BCS relationship, resulting in a personal over- achievement of over 200%. FY ending Feb.2006 relationships & business expanded to IBM’s SW-group and Lotus division. Also I laid a foundation for building a long term relationship with both EDS & NCR/TD in the EMEA region.


Sector : Software
Annual revenue : $62 M; 350 employees
URL : adaytum

Director Strategic Alliances Intl.
In this role I was responsible for business development through large SI’s for all geo’s outside of the US. The focus of the role was to develop and expand relationships and creating a pipeline based on business opportunities with named SI’s like Accenture, DT and PWC in Adaytum’s emerging markets like the UK, France, Germany and Italy. My reporting line was direct into the Sr.MD International and indirect into the VP global alliances (US based).
Major accomplishments:
Through these partnerships an incremental result of $5M was booked in the first year.
In 2002 Adaytum’s largest deal ever (>$7M) was realized in close cooperation with IBM.
From scratch a relationship was build with PWC-consulting in the UK resulting in $3M of incremental business that year.

1998 - 2001 PeopleSoft Benelux

Sector : Software
Annual revenue : EMEA $ 1,700M; 3,500 employees
URL : peoplesoft

Director Alliances Benelux/Europe
As a member of the Benelux MT I was responsible for business development and alliances in for that region. In addition I was asked to assume responsibility for the European PWC consulting relationship in 2001. Responsibilities included creating and executing a business development strategy for the region with partners like PWCc, CGEY, KPMG, Accenture & CMG.
Major accomplishments:
Creating a sales channel for PSFT’s HR business in the Higher Education market in the region.
Leading the sales organization in leveraging PSFT’s partner community and to become a partner focused engine resulting in high value business with the likes of ING-bank & ABNAMRO and others.

1992-1998 Baan Company

Sector : Software
Annual revenue : $ 1,200M, 6,000 employees

Project Director/Alliances Director Benelux.
At Baan I hold several positions during my employment.
1992-1995 - project manager ERP implementations for large accounts
1996 - start up and development of Baan Belgium
1997 - project director with focus on business development for professional services
1998 - director alliances for Baan Netherlands
In the last position I was responsible for creating the local Dutch partner policy and expanding relationships with Big V companies and reported to the Dutch GM.
Major accomplishments:
Restructuring Baan’s Dutch eco system of partners and channels.
Being instrumental in closing the largest deal ever for Baan Belgium (Levi’s) and Baan Netherlands (KPN). The KPN deal was closed with heavy influence from Logica/CMG. In the same period I closed one of the largest services engagements for Baan Netherlands with KSG (shipyards) for over $1M.


1973 – High school (MULO)
1974-1980 – accounting educations (PD/MBA/SPD)
1975 – Banking education (NIBE)


Project management training (DPM/Target)
International leadership training
Training Target Account Selling & “The Complex Sale”
Management and Motivation (Krauthammer International)
Business English (Ceran/Spa)
Change management/Enterprise modeling

Member of ASAP (Ass.of Strategic Alliances Professionals)

Bilingual, both spoken and written, in Dutch, English.
Conversation level in German and basic in French.
Strongly developed commercial feeling.
Creative, hands-on, self-starter and team player.
Broad IT-experience.


Sales management
Channel/partner management
Project management
Change management


Bilingual, both spoken and written, in Dutch, English.
Conversation level in German and basic in French


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