Flex Manager
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Programme manager

Programme manager

Work Experience

1972 - 1985 worked for departments of Personnel and Organisational affairs at different municipalities
1985 - 1995 worked as management consultant/ project director/ temporary manager and manager consultancy firm.
1995 to dat active as fully self employed management consultant/temporary manager.

Examples of jobs carried out are:
1. acted as temporary manager of departments of commerce of several insurance companies
2. was a temporary manager for a department of customer relationship management
3. acted as programme manager for the E-business programme of a Pension insurance company
4. acted as temporary manager for the department of commerce of a general bank (private banking)
5. acted as programme manager for very large programmes of change within several different organisations (e.g. government, municipalities, insurance companies and bank)


Academy of advanced education in the area of Personnel and Organisational affairs (Bachelor HRM)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Marketing (Open University)
Operational management (Open University)
Organization expertise (Open University)
Train the trainer
Business strategy
Information Economics


Communication skills
ability to put things in perspective




passionate and purposiveness
immune to stress


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