Flex Manager
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Program / Project Manager

Program / Project Manager

Work Experience


1) Swiss Life (Belgium)
Project manager
Implementation of aData conversion
Jan. 00 - Dec. 02

2) Emgo(Philips - Osram)
Development of Data-warehousing & Quality-control tools
Oct. 98 - Dec. 99

3) HDP(Hulp der Patroons)
Development of a HRM-application
Oct. 96 - Sept. 98

4) AXA (France, Switzerland)(Nordstern, Colonia, UAP)
Project manager
Implementation of a Insurance Business Management System
May 94 - Sept. 96

5) DaimlerChrysler (Belgium)(Mercedes-Benz)
Project manager
Customization & Distribution of a Car-dealer application
Nov. 92 - Apr. 94

6) Siemens Business Services(Siemens-Nixdorf)
Specific developments around standard Accounting & ERP applications
Jan. 87 - Oct. 92

7) Black & Decker (Belgium)
Development of an Export Management System
Oct. 84 - Dec. 86

8) Mc Kinsey & Company Inc.
General Researcher
Research as base for Corporate Strategy &Steel Industry Model
Oct.81 - Sept. 84


1) Swiss Life (Belgium)
Data conversion / Group insurance

The Belgian subsidiary launched a ambitious IT-program, redeveloping its main business applications :
the applications related to the group insurance, were part of these.

As project manager, my objective consisted in providing the tools to enable the migration of data from the existing mainframe-based and decentralized applications to the new client-server application.

A lot of issues had to be solved, mainly due to following reasons :
· the old and new data-models were completely different,
· the new application was still under construction,
· the migration-scenario was not defined, and could possibly vary from a big-bang to a phased migration.

I had the opportunity to set up a team of 5 FTE’s, including myself.
I reported directly to a program manager, who has been specially hired in, so as I was, as well as the other team-members.

My main contribution was the overall concept and analysis, as well as the team-management.

The conversion tool was built in PROGRESS 4GL.

2) Emgo (Philips - Osram)
Datawarehousing & Quality control / Industry

As an external consultant, I participated to the development of a quality control application, implemented on a set of 4 continuous production-lines, working 24 hours on 24, 7 days a week. The production of light-bulbs started at the glass-oven and ended with the conditioning of the glass-bulbs for shipment or storage.

My area of development in this project consisted merely in a data-warehousing system, enabling :
· the storage of the huge amount of continuous measurement results as data-sets,
· rapid data-retrieval for graphical views on any time scale, on any predefined statistical aggregation level.

The application was built in PROGRESS 4GL containing a lot of interaction with communication tools for data-caption and with graphical tools for visual data rendering.

3) AXA (France, Switzerland)
Insurance business management system / Art insurance

As supplier of the company, I acted as project manager to implement a complete tailored insurance business management system for the French and Swiss subsidiaries, specialized in art insurance.

We had to define the needs, to perform the analysis, the development and the implementation of the system, taking care of the overall change management.
An additional issue we had to solve, was the conversion of existing data from a midrange-based application to the new application.

Our team had 3,5 FTE’s, including myself.
I reported to a program manager, representing the AXA-group, as well as to the CEO’s of the local subsidiaries, who had contracted with me on a fixed price base.

My main contribution, besides building the application itself, was the general guideline in the IT-world, I provided to the local management to help them in their decision-making.

The application was built in PROGRESS 4GL, with several links to Microsoft products.


UFSIA (Universitaire Faculteiten St-Ignatius)
Licence in Applied Economicsspecialized in Information Technology
Sept. 77 - Sept. 81

OLVC (Onze-Lieve-Vrouw College s.j.)
Latin - Sciences
Sept. 71 - June 77


Progress 4GL/RDBMS v9.2
Microsoft Solutions Framework


Dutch, French, English, German


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