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Interim manager marketing & ICT

Interim manager marketing & ICT

Work Experience

Interim project manager
Commissioned by SHV Holdings NV (Steenkool Handels Vereniging) as a project manager, community manager, functional designer and content manager.
Realization of an internal community platform plus an app for Android and iOS for all groups that fall under the holding company worldwide (55,000 employees). The platform is built in Drupal. Besides the above, I have done research into the possibilities to build a media library for all groups worldwide that fall under SHV. I've also helped determine a strategy and policy for the following topics:
Social Media Policy
BYOD policy
Cloud computing guidelines

Web design & development
SwiViOn focuses its Internet solutions to small and medium businesses and the private market. The reasoning behind SwiViON is to support the client with all activities concerning web development. We offer hosting, website development, online office and PC management. Central is the one to one relationship with the customer and the ability to grow with the customer.

- Commissioned by Stichting Netwerk Gerechtsdeurwaarders: market research conducted in the insurance market SNG, wants to expand its services into other industries. Within the scope of this project, we investigated the intersections and connectivity options between the IT services of SNG and the (evolving) insurance market. The results of this study was to assess whether and how SNG can respond to the needs, requirements and developments in the insurance world. Due to a confidentiality agreement, further details are to be omitted.

Commissioned by Madcap at Veilig Verkeer Nederland
Madcap is a medium-sized IT company that develops with open source software, Drupal. Madcap has grown as a technical specialist in IT and wants to work to improve customer loyalty by focusing on the Internet strategy of the customer. For this, they want to do more consultancy with clients and work with both internal and external consultants. De external consultants have thus a strong IT company behind them, and vice versa Madcap gets more in touch with the market and a wider playing field. I was asked to be the first external consultant to guide on of their customers (VVN) as a test. The objective here was to support and guide the company to be production ready with the new website (intranet and extranet).

Commissioned by CM Racing / Track Days.
CM Racing is an organization that focuses on the racing industry in Europe. Through a self-developed website, tickets are sold for car races in Europe. What makes these races special is that often the owners of special, original and / or classic cars also play an important role on or within the circuit. With a partner in Belgium CM Racing organizes the opportunity for individuals and businesses to go on the track with their own car.

Business consultant
Timbras is a specialized company dedicated to supply chain management in financial services. With products and services that enable participants in this market to realise the beneifits of process and supply chain integration easier, faster and less expensive. Colimbra develops and implements customized software for insurers, provides innovative ICT solutions for complex distribution problems in the financial sector and secondment of ICT specialists. June 26, 2008 - Colimbra takes over Timbras
- Realization extranet site
Comparison of immediate annuities serving financial planners. Project with the objectives; realization application that can compare different insurance companies; realization premium server that performs all calculations through linkages with local and remote webservices of insurers.
- Consultancy Functional Designer
Design of interactive dialogues for a new administration system for an insurer (frontend). Organize sessions with people from the business to get good specifications, translate this to a functional design, process feedback and distinguish generic and product specific dialogues and processes.
- Consultancy Project Process Employee Benefits
Analyze which webservices are suitable for electronic communication between front-end third-party applications and the backoffice of the insurers.
- Consultancy Project Certification SIVI
Commissioned by an insurance company I was given the task to monitor the GIM processes and templates and complete the certification of SIVI.
- Consultancy Project GIM-deployment insurer in the health care market
On the basis of GIM a shell was constructed around an existing extranet. By means of separate dialogues using GIM, it became possible to exchange transactions with the insurer. This makes it possible that an intermediary performs a transaction directly on the extranet of the insurer from its own application and the results are processed directly into his own application.

E-Business consultant
AEGON is a large insurance company. They offer a wide range of different back offices applications to the intermediary with the aim to support electronic business. However, there is no coherence between the applications and the extranet consists of a collection of multiple sub extranet sites. The consequence is that effective deployment of electronic business is impossible and also because of the absence of a clear marketing and communication strategy for the extranet. My task was to come up with a commercial proposition for the deployment of all applications for electronic business (extranet / GIM). Other tasks where a strategic communication plan, in which creating more engagement was a important goal and educate the internal organization and translating the expectations of the intermediary to functionalities. I created a
functional design for a new extranet where the underlying extranets would disappear on the frontend and would be connected through the backend. In addition, I have prepared a strategic plan for the commercial roll-out of e-business and created more internal engagement by giving presentations and trainings about the technique and business.
Functional design and commercial proposition were approved at board level and carried out in project form.

Marketing manager
Nedasco is an insurance company. At this time the first steps have been set in the field of supply chain management. There are a number of applications launched successfully. However, internally the question arises which way the market is moving and what the needs and desires are of the intermediaries.
My assignment was to draw up a marketing plan and come up with a strategy for the short and long-term in which electronic business was the main focus. Based on sessions with the directors and managers and an analysis of the use of the applications a marketing plan was written for the short and long term. This also included the results of a customer satisfaction survey, frequency of use and customers experience with the applications and market developments. The marketing plan become part of the general business plan which was presented to the shareholders and included in the marketing activities of the Commercial Team.

Product manager Marketing & Web Services
Nedasco is an insurance company. In my previous job as a project manager I was responsible for the realization of a new extranet and internet site. The first insurance products became available on the extranet and the intermediary was able to sell these products from within his own administration system. The next step is the roll-out towards the intermediary. My assignment was to draw up a commercial roll-out plan towards the intermediary and the suppliers of administration systems. In cooperation with the suppliers I coordinated the rollout of GIM. Educating the office employees in the use of the GIM-application and the extranet where also part of the tasks next to promoting them. Also served as a 1st line helpdesk for
intermediaries. Giving workshops on the concept of GIM and the use of the extranet. I also gave presentations at events and large groups of intermediaries. The preparation and implementation of a communication and promotion plan regarding electronic business with Nedasco.

Project manager
Nedasco is an insurance company. At that time, the back office was accessible on the extranet. The information available on the extranet were data as policy data, coverages, claims. The interface, however, was developed from a technical perspective, and did not meet the needs and requirements of the intermediary. This was also the case with the Internet site. My assignment was to develop a new internet and extranet site that met current technology standards and would become a communication channel for and with the customer (intermediary). As project manager I was responsible for the development and deployment. The internet and extranet site are realized. Within two years the coverage of the extranet is 70%.

Marketeer (freelance)
Under the name Life Creators Group I did a job for a IT company, Selious BV. The Dutch domains were released for the private market and Selious BV had a license to be able to sell these domains. The aim was to come up with a marketing plan/concept for this as it was something totally new at that time.

Forecast employee
Making a correct monthly plan of Levi's and Dockers products for both wholesale and retail business.

Trainee: Internet marketeer
Cartoon Network Netherlands was responsible for building the brand in the Netherlands. However, the online strategy had not yet been determined, and for this I was hired as an intern. In this period I have had a lot of contact with the head office in London. Together with marketing, communication and sales managers we looked at how the Dutch site of Cartoon Network could be used to achieve the business objectives. In that period the UMTS licenses were also just released, and I have written a thesis on how Cartoon Network could deal with these new media in their online strategy.


Commercial Economics
Content management systems (joomla, wordpress, typo3, drupal)
Social Media
Cloud computing


New Business (development) +++ Coaching ++
New Business (sales) ++ Organizing ++
Relation management +++ Team building ++
Customer/Service focused ++++ Entrepreneurship +++
Numerical insight ++++ Creative ++++
Reporting +++ Awareness of your surroundings +++
Flexibility +++ Persuasion ++++
Problem analysis ++++ Solution focused +++
Planning ++ Prioritize ++
Analytic ++++ Strategic +++
Presenting +++ Marketing methods ++++
Prince II ++
Agile/Scrum +++




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